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Essays 1 - 30

Capital Punishment Argument

In five pages this paper defends the practice of capital punishment for certain instances and discusses it as a serious crime dete...

Arguing in Favor of Capital Punishment

This paper consists of five pages and discusses how the death penalty can serve as a crime deterrent as illustrated by large city ...

Argumentative Death Penalty Paper

the study results that support their position and ignore other research. Studies that compare homicide trends in states and countr...

Three Arguments Regarding Capital Punishment

In seven pages this paper considers capital punishment and three arguments such as retribution, intolerable capital offenses, and ...

Letter to the Editor and Utilitarian Philosophy

In two pages this paper is structured as a letter to the editor and considers capital punishment form a utilitarian philosophical ...

Sophism and Apology by Plato

In five pages this paper examines Socrates' arguments regarding capital punishment and the sophist foundation that cements them....

The Case Against Capital Punishment

applied, was arbitrary and capricious" (67). While it seemed as if the death penalty was beginning to become less popular, this ca...

Ethics of Crime and Punishment

theory (which considers social factors, disorganization, control and the learning process)and the rational choice theory (which co...

In Favor of Capital Punishment

In six pages this paper assesses the debate from both sides before arguing in favor of the morality and effectiveness of capital p...

U.S. Immigration Limiting

on any further immigration. If this is not implemented and adhered to, he projects the United States population will top three hu...

In Support of U.S. Health Care That is Universal

go without. They avoid doctors and the system entirely and they know that one accident or serious event could wipe them out. In ...

Democracy and Public Administration

in fact, last summer when the governor of New Jersey appointed a "friend" to the position of state homeland security. The "friend"...

Same Sex Marriages

of grandparents, aunts or uncles, brothers or sisters, adoptive parents, single parents and almost any sort of family one could im...

In Favor of Same Sex Marriage

In truth, this is an argument that really does not have much of a foundation. It is vague and does not do anything but essentially...

In Favor of Zero Tolerance Drug Policy in High School

in which "many public schools have adopted a policy of zero tolerance toward drug use, weapon possession and sexual harassment on ...

Utilitarianism and Kantian Ethics Compared

be serious diseases amongst the populace. By mandating it for the greater good, as it is something that will help the greatest num...

The Case for Physician Assisted Suicide

in such cases, and no one is the wiser. Euthanasia is then practiced routinely in a clandestine fashion. Why? It is not as if thes...

Capital Punishment: Morally Acceptable And Effective Crime Deterrent

far less heinous than murder, so how is it that the Bible can be mistaken for harboring judgmental opinion against capital punishm...

Capital Punishment and Endemic Racism

penalty was much more likely to be imposed. While Texas and California do not share the same frequency in use of capital pu...

Why Capital Punishment is Necessary

is, if someone commits a heinous crime, they deserve a similar fate. The death penalty is sometimes not nearly as harsh as the cri...

Capital Punishment and Donald P. Roper v. Christopher Simmons

death (2004). While evidentiary rules are not pertinent here in terms of the guilt of the defendant, evidence is pertinent in resp...

Support for the Death Penalty

topic has led noted criminologists to conclude that "...executions have no discernible effect on homicide rates" (Goertzel). There...

'Cruel and Unusual Punishment' and the 8th Amendment

punishment.iv It was a close vote of 4 to 3, which means that not all justices on that court believed electrocution to be cruel an...

Victorian Era Writing

This paper considers 2 Victorian Age writings, essayist John Stuart Mill's 'Speech in Favor of Capital Punishment' and John Henry ...

Gender and the Death Penalty

In a paper that contains seven pages the capital punishment issue are examined in terms of gender differences with a consideration...

Arguing Against Capital Punishment

also recognized that the "overburdened public defense attorneys" who often represent the poor may be a part of the problem that ha...

Arguing Against Capital Punishment

the loss of a life, even if that life is at the hands of the justice system. Introduction: Consider this: As long as the death...

Arguing Against Capital Punishment

In six pages this paper argues that the high probability of error is sufficient to abolish capital punishment in the United States...

Ultimate Punishment by Scott Turow

of "real-world effects" anyway . In other words, the penalty will not act as a deterrent if in fact murderers are oblivious to the...

Capital Punishment and the Philosophy of Thurgood Marshall

This 3 page paper gives a detailed analysis of Justice Thurgood Marshall's philosophical rejection of capital punishment,w hich he...