YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Arguments on Gun Control
Essays 1 - 30
bloodshed and terror of such despicable crimes comes the most obvious of questions: Why are kids killing each other? In an ideal ...
This is based not only on sociocultural factors such as crime rates, but also on different perspectives on the 2nd Amendment. ...
There are currently more than 20,000 gun laws on the books in this country as of 1994. (Cottrol 11) Simultaneously 40 states assur...
In five pages this paper examines the NRA's website and assesses gun control's pros and cons. One source is cited in the bibliogr...
In six pages the gun control issue is examined from both sides in an argument that ultimately opposes it. Four sources are cited ...
have also pointed out that those who are involved in a gun fatality are also involved in alcohol, drug abuse and domestic violence...
statistics which show how many people have avoided or saved their own lives aided by the owning of a gun (Polsby 1994). In other w...
It is a very small price to pay in order to fortify the level of safety that is so quickly plummeting in todays society (Anonymous...
were needed, and with that, the Second Amendment guaranteed the right of individuals to bear arms in service of that militia, so t...
Discusses pros and cons of gun control in the U.S. while pointing out that the current solutions aren't particularly effective...
Some politicians are clamoring for greater restrictions on guns. They include licensing that is mandatory, and a maximum number o...
is so irresponsible as to use firearms in violent assaults, being that there is no such connection with the average Americans abil...
do so in Florida without having to meet state permit requirements, according to the Miami Herald" (Anonymous NA). The tourist tha...
In nine pages gun control's pros and cons are evaluated based argument fallacies and strengths, opposition, and considers various ...
reiterates this fact time and time again. Gun control attempts through legislation have been a miserable failure in their e...
In twenty three pages this research paper compares the laws of 10 countries regarding gun control in a consideration of whether or...
logic of those for gun control and illustrate how they cling to smallest details, attempting to manipulate them to their own ends....
gun control is that the existence, or presence, of guns in a private citizens home leads to more violence. Statistics have often i...
of State John R. Bolton, who led the US delegation to the 2001 conference, asserted that, given a choice between following the wil...
weapons in such crimes as drive-by shootings, minor altercations and myriad other random acts of violence. With the ongoing gun c...
teachers for nothing more than the thrill of the act has parents and administrators up in arms (Problem 2). Out from all the bloo...
In five pages this paper assesses both sides of the gun control argument before supporting such a measure. Four sources are cited...
In five pages this paper cites several statistics and cases in this argument which opposes gun control legislation for the state o...
In three pages the explosive arguments for and against gun control are examined in a consideration of advocacy and a protection of...
would indeed reduce the number of deaths due to guns and would eliminate much of the violence in this country. In order to fully ...
to blame for crimes involving guns, the number of crimes committed would have increased at the same rate. Mathematical calculatio...
This research paper offers a persuasive argument that the more restrictive gun control is a vital reform measure that the US gover...
This essay discusses and offers an argument in favor of gun control. Three pages in length, four sources are cited. ...
This paper explores the inverse relationship that exist between gun control and gun violence. Something is turning our children i...
states scored more than 50 percent of the 100 available points ("Gun control," 2000). The study also illustrated the extreme varie...