YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw

Essays 1 - 30

George Bernard Shaw's Arms and the Man and R.C. Sherriff's Journey's End

In five pages these plays are compared and analyzed in a consideration of irony and expectation as well as appearance versus reali...

George Bernard Shaw's Arms and the Man and Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House

many women who watched this play and related well to Nora, though they were perhaps in a position where they would never speak out...

Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw and Journey's End by R.C. Sherriff

In five pages this paper discusses reality and appearance as each clashes in these literary works. There are no other sources lis...

Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw

In five pages this paper examines this example of 'Plays Pleasant' as defined by George Bernard Shaw in terms of its presentation ...

Comparative Analysis of Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea and George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion

In five pages this paper compares the similarities of the turning points in each of these stories. Four sources are cited in the ...

Transformation of Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

all along to transform Eliza into a respectable society lady with no remnants of her lower class lifestyle anywhere in sight; inde...

George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion

she must attend an ambassadors party and again pass as part of Englands elite. These hurdles seem small in comparison to the hurdl...

Saint Joan by George Bernard Shaw

theater is a reflection of the way people think and behave. It is also a precursor to where the society is going because it invol...

Passive Women in Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea and George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion

deems necessary to improve her speech and position. We gain a very powerful understanding of what Shaw presents in his work thro...

Lone Defense of Ideals in St. Joan by George Bernard Shaw and An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen

But the community corporate sector, represented by Peter; Hovstad, who is editor of the Peoples Messenger newspaper that is intere...

Class Differences and George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion

In five pages the 'Pygmalion effect' is among the topics considered in this discussion of the treatment of class differences in Ge...

Women's Roles in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House and George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion

In seven pages this paper compares protagonists in each play in a consideration of what they reveal about women's roles. Two sour...

George Bernard Shaw's 'Mrs. Warren's Profession'

poverty and very dependant and aware of the dangers associated with honest work such as the dangers of lung disease and premature ...

Individuality Concept and Capitalism

In a paper consisting of six pages the individuality concept and its conflict with capitalism are considered through such works as...

Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

In eight pages this essay analyzes the text's complexity in terms of Bunyan's uses of setting, allegory, and characterization with...

Play and Film Comparisons of Pygmalion

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares the similarities and differences between George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion and ...

Character Transformation in Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

the play, for example, as Eliza becomes more independent and rebellious as she gains her polish and veneer, Higgins becomes more b...

Pygmalion's Liza Doolittle in the Context of Early Twentieth Century Britain

panacea when it came to womens rights. Liza was caught in this time period where she wanted to strike out on her own but was held ...

Shaw’s Pygmalion, Euripides’ Medea

expert, Henry Higgins, makes a wager with a friend that he can masquerade a lower-class girl, Eliza, as a member of the upper clas...

Portrayal of Women in Two Play by G.B. Shaw

that there is little, if any, true relationship or familial feeling between the two women, as Vivie tells Mr. Praed, "I hardly kno...

T.S. Eliot, Robert Bolt, and George Bernard Shaw on Martyrdom

In seven pages this paper examines how martyrdom manifests itself in 'Murder in the Cathedral' by T.S. Eliot, A Man for All Season...

Challenging Society's Values and the Works of George Bernard Shaw

In twelve pages this paper discusses how Shaw challenged prevailing social values in his comedies Man and Superman, Pygmalion, The...

War and its Compelling Literary Themes

In nine pages this paper examines how war's compelling themes are depicted in the literary works the Bhagavad Gita and the writing...

Melodrama as Both Tragedy and Comedy

retelling of the Faust legend; the story of the man who sells his soul to the devil in return for success and love in this world. ...

Candida and Arms and the Man and Romantic versus Real Love

business without impertinence" (Shaw). He has never exhausted his store of "spiritual enthusiasm and sympathetic emotion," qualiti...

Mother and Daughter Relationships in Mrs. Warren's Profession by George Bernard Shaw

is further demonstrated when Vivie tries to talk to her mother about her life and how her "way of life" may not suit her mother. V...

Comparison of Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys and Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

the womens circumstances and the move to change those circumstances. Rochesters dismissal of Antoinette, her family and her commun...

'Free' Women in Saint Joan by George Bernard Shaw and A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

he looked at the possibility that a woman, finding herself in a loveless marriage and living a life as an overprotected wife, was ...

Fantasy and Realism in Heartbreak House by George Bernard Shaw

In five pages this paper discusses the fantasy and realism imagery of Heartbreak House by G.B. Shaw. Six sources are cited in the...

Social Satire by George Bernard Shaw in Pygmalion and Geoffrey Chaucer in The Canterbury Tales

Tales" Numerous examples of satire exist throughout The Canterbury Tales. In fact, each of the tales and each of the characters o...