Essays 1 - 30

Art Questions

page. The use of negative space to enhance the darkness of the central image is important to creating a tone for the site, and th...

Art for the Sake of Art in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

of community theaters and high-school drama clubs). On the complete opposite end of the spectrum from his drawing-room comedies, h...

Virtual Art Museum Tour: African Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

the author also, properly, offers the website of the Metropolitan Museum of Art so that the visitor to this site can go directly t...

The Differences Between Art for Life's Sake and for Art's Sake

In seven pages this essay considers differences between art simply for the sake of art and as a representation of life and discuss...

Los Angeles County Museum of Art's Madina Islamic Art Collection

Greater Iran. This cup is "Silver, gilded, chased and punched" and measures "3 7/8 x 4 5/8 in. (9.84 x 11.75 cm)" (Los Angeles Cou...

Questions on Art History

narratives can take on many themes for many different reasons. Perhaps there is a very exciting artwork around which one wants to...

Art History Questions

content, concept and style of art used during another chosen time in history. Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) was one of the...

Art History Questions

about Egyptian life. Discuss how an artist may express his or her point of view by explaining the content, concept and style of a...

Van Der Weyden/Art

connection between the three central figures. St. Luke, while he is painting the Virgin and child, does not appear to be looking ...

Defining Pop Art

is making a political statement. Other times, the artists are merely expressing an aesthetic point of view. Rosenberg remarks that...

Barbara Novak/American 19th Century Art

"Death on the Pale Horse (1802), oil sketch on canvas, Allstons analysis relates something of his own romantic vision. He writes t...

Paint and Art

one author that Hubert is "Credited with inventing oil painting" and "was so idolizes for his discovery that his right arm was pre...

The Stone Carvers by Jane Urquhart

"a perfect bell, with a perfect pitch" calling worshipers to mass (11). On arriving in Canada, Father Gstir simply changes the loc...

Art Therapy And ADHD - Research Proposal

environments? Bias Question that will be generated: If an ADHD child can focus for 1 hour of art therapy, does that provide suffi...

Aspects of Modern and Postmodern Art

from representational meaning and locating the meaning of the art within the work itself (Fleming 364). On the other hand, abstrac...

Urban Art as a Reflection of Urban Culture

This 5 page paper examines the concept of urban art. The writer argues that the term is ambiguous, but is usually understood to me...

Art of China Featured at LACMA

their writing was essential pictorial, but did allow for the expression of abstract ideas. Warfare with neighboring areas was a w...

The Influence of Cultural Developments on Visual Art, from the Mid-19th to the Mid-20th Century

early twentieth centuries established themselves. What this means in terms of how those great philosophers looked at the broader ...

Art of Slavery

Their purpose was to have Parliament abolish slave trade, rather than declare slavery to be illegal. As an incremental play, this ...

Renaissance Art

during this period that Europe began to recover from the repercussions of the Black Death, as well as rampant political disorder a...

How is "Good" Art Determined?

by art historians and critics. However, it is also true that a works intrinsic economic value, that is, how much it will sell for...

Six Statistical Essay Questions

would first explore the geographic location collecting the data through interviews and observation, and then generate a hypothesis...

Art and Music A Reflection of and an Impact to American Culture

This paper examines art like a diversity of art to discern its impact on our culture. World War II's Rosie the Riveter is explore...

Adolescents and Art Therapy

This research paper examines literature that discusses the utilization of art therapy in regards to meeting the counseling needs o...

Artist Pieter Aertsen According to Charlotte Houghton

the foreground. While the sight of a butcher shop would be quite familiar to Antwerp citizens, Houghton points out that prior to "...

Roots and Styles of Romanesque Art

In eight pages this paper makes reference to Medieval Art by Marilyn Stokstad in a consideration of Romanesque art's roots and var...

Art of Native America

In five pages the art of Native America is examined in an overview that includes the Pacific Northwest Indian art and pottery, wea...

Aegean Art in Greece

In this paper consisting of four pages the Aegean art that existed before the emergence of the Classical Greek art period is explo...

Life and Works of Artist Toulouse Lautrec

Toulouse Lautrec's life and art are explored in a paper consisting of 15 pages that includes his fin de siecle social involvement ...

Pop Art: Art and Popular Culture

includes paintings," which contrasts sharply with the fact that considerable critical "attention has been given to popular music a...