YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Arthur Millers Play The Crucible and the Film Interpretation

Essays 1 - 30

Arthur Miller's Play The Crucible and the Film Interpretation

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares the 1950s' play with the 1990s' film version with McCarthyism among the topics of ...

Overview of the Play The Crucible by Arthur Miller

have adopted something of a double standard. They have expected her to behave in the modest and subservient way which is usual for...

Death of a Salesman South Coast Repertory Theatre Performing Arts Review

In four pages this version of Arthur Miller's play is reviewed in terms of Willy Loman's character development and simplistic sett...

John Proctor in "The Crucible": Moral Dilemma

strikingly beautiful girl, an orphan, with an endless capacity for dissembling" (Miller, 1959, p. 487). She is convinced that she ...

John Proctor in The Crucible: A Moral Dilemma

as a witch. As the play progresses, suspicion grows on all sides, until the only way to stop the madness is for John to tell the ...

Human Failing: Miller’s The Crucible

the whole town ultimately. Abigail is the main character and she is the one who instigates, or illuminates, the behaviors of all...

Senator Joseph McCarthy's Trials and The Crucible by Arthur Miller

society around the McCarthy trials. It should be understood that the information presented only reflects some of the possibilities...

Salem Witch Trials and The Crucible by Arthur Miller

century. It is about a town, after accusations from a few girls, which begins a mad hunt for witches that did not exist" (Anonymo...

Witch Hunts of Salem and During the McCarthy Era

In seven pages this research paper considers parallels between the witch trials in Salem and the 'witch hunts' during the McCarthy...

McCarthyism Rebuttal in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

In eight sources this paper discusses how McCarthyism is presented in Arthur Miller's play The Crucible. Six sources are cited in...

Themes in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

In 5 pages this paper discusses themes of personal integrity, bureaucracy strictures, and adolescent rebellion that are featured i...

American Mass Hysteria's Exacerbation of Class Struggles

In five pages this paper examines how mass hysteria contributes to U.S. class struggles in a consideration of the Communist 'witch...

Comparative Analysis of Arthur Miller's Characters Willy Loman and John Proctor

This paper consists of 5 pages and contrasts and compares the protagonists John Proctor and Willy Loman as featured in Arthur Mill...

John Proctor, a Tragic Hero

complete madness, until at last Elizabeth Proctor, who is completely innocent, is charged with being a witch (Miller, 1952). Not s...

Tragic Hero Willy Loman in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman

First, is that the play should be of serious magnitude, and have an impact on many, many people (McClelland, 2001). The second fac...

The Crucible and the Issue of Pride in the Play

to death. Proctor, who places his pride above his life, chooses to die rather than comprise his principles so Abigail, though she ...

Events in The Crucible and in Today's Headlines

Bush Administration and its continual claims that we were in immediate danger mirrors the climate Miller creates in his play. In t...

Abigail Williams' Trial in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

In five pages this paper discusses the witch trial of Abigail Williams as depicted by Arthur Miller in his play The Crucible. The...

Defiance of Authority in Life and in Literature

In six pages this creative essay examines an event in which a college student had to defend beliefs and this experience is related...

Honesty in “The Crucible”

conflict, if the truth were told more chaos would erupt and more confusion that would demand the townspeople look at honesty and t...

Corruption of Power: Hawthorne and Miller

hath an infant immortality, a being capable of eternal joy or sorrow, confided to her care-to be trained up by her to righteousnes...

Tragic Hero Assessment of John Proctor as Portrayed in the 1996 Film Version of Arthur Miller's The Crucible

In five pages this character analysis of John Proctor and whether or not he was portrayed as a tragic hero in Arthur Miller's 1996...

Analysis of the Death of a Salesman Film

He is someone who today would appear on the Jerry Springer Show. His life had always been dysfunctional and all he ever wanted was...

Miller’s Death of a Salesman/A Greek Tragedy

of the play supports the concept of Willy as someone who is "stuck" emotionally at an immature level. Conclusion : As this indica...

Willy Loman, Not a Tragic Hero

of Willys character shows him to be a highly flawed man, who makes innumerable mistakes and brings about his own tragic demise by ...

Death of a Salesman/Pursuit of Happyness

he has always valued charisma over actual skill or knowledge. This point is shown in a flashback in which Willy asks his oldest ...

The Crucible: Minority Opinion

and they are clearly the minority. In this story the majority is the ruling force, the political body which is essentially compr...

Mature Playwrights Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller

clearly tied to Puritan religious practice, it nevertheless also has a political dimension that was particularly apt to the era in...

Society's Cruelty in The Crucible by Arthur Miller

The Crucible The student requesting this particular paper notes (the source of this quote is unknown), "One is to believe that r...

The Difficult Questions Asked in Arthur Miller's 'The Crucible'

perceives as her "rival." Rather they listen to the girl, and in the case of all good villains she switches the blame, "She is b...