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Article Review on Education and the Involvement of Parents

In two pages a 1995 article on children's education and the parental role is reviewed....

Review of Journal Articles on Education and the Involvement of Parents

In sixteen pages this report reviews journal articles featuring research regarding children's education and the importance of pare...

Portfolio Process and Involvement of Parents

In two pages this paper considers an assessment regarding parental involvement in education as addressed by Donna J. Weldin and Sa...

Special Education - Case Study

a diverse classroom as well as students with learning disabilities. Parent involvement was another issue mentioned. 2. Speak wit...

School Counselor Education Programs - Accountability

before one can measure effectiveness, it is crucial to know what it is you want to know (Brott, 2006). In other words, you cannot ...

Education and the Impact of Parental Involvement

It is not adequate to approach parental involvement from only one of these components. Some parents may be very active but they ar...

Bilingual Education Evaluations and the Influence of Parents' Involvement and Poverty

In eleven pages this paper discusses the effects of poverty on a bilingual child's education along with an assessment of the posit...

Relationships with Parents and Effects of Divorce

In seven pages two journal articles are applied to an examination of how divorce affects relationships with parents....

Reviews of Articles about Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language (ESL)

believe that acquiring English skills is the more important than teaching the children in Spanish (Porter, 1999). Porters article...

An Article Review on Human Resources and the Workplace

this study is the process of acculturation. This study, then, is analytical and considers the way in which acculturation has beco...

A Workplace and Human Resource Article Reviewed as One of a Series of Eight

author outlines the specific nature of an organization and the impacts of organizational imperialism on the interactions in this o...

Articles on Marketing and Business Reviewed

In twenty four pages articles pertaining to marketing and business are reviewed with citations for each article included....

Article on Allocation of Costs

by the project, use of department that are using those resources. In the case of all costs being allocated to a single project or ...

Effective Education and the Involvement of Parents

In eleven pages this paper considers case studies regarding early childhood education and the involvement of parents as an effecti...

Early Childhood Education and Parental Involvement Enhancement

This paper consists of ten pages and discusses how childhood education can enhance the involvement of parents with beneficial chil...

Child Education and the Involvement of Parents

there other concerned adults who may substitute, or add to the parental role. Changing nature of parental involvement Anyone who ...

Nursing: Article Reviews

some determining the study was inconclusive, others saying certain interventions should be made universal and still others stating...

Multicultural Education and the Involvement of Parents

distinguish between problems arising from emotional disorders and LD. Efforts to classify children so that they can be taug...

Special Education Issues

to keep inclusion as a goal, but make sure that all teachers are trained to consider each and every students unique abilities. Alt...

Children's Scholastic Success and the Involvement of Parents

finishes with a section on parental involvement and its affect on school success through attendance as well as improved performanc...

Parents of Special Education Children

November 25, 2004 from Parental Involvement in Special Education. (n.d.). Natio...

Expansion of a Paper on Multicultural Education and the Involvement of Parents

as subjects some of the children at the Chicago Child Parent Center and Expansion Program for his study of 1,106 low-income Black ...

Article Critique/Moral Leadership

the schools life-world will draw out "the unique potential inherent with each individual" (Quick and Normore, 2004, p. 336). The a...

8th Grade Achievement and Parental Involvement Effects

In five pages a research article that discusses the correlations between SES correlations, achievement of eight grade students, an...

Education and Involvement of Parents

In eight pages this paper examines the impact of community and parental involvement as they relate to child education. Five sourc...

Special Education Children and Early Involvement of Parents

It is at this point that parental involvement must be implemented if the child is going to be redirected toward the proper learnin...

Paul Kennedy's Preparing for the Twenty First Century

general. Kennedy does an admirable job of demonstrating how the population explosion that the world is currently experiencing is i...

Issues in Parental Involvement in Schools

In five pages this paper examines school involvement by parents and the issues associated with such involvement. Ten sources are ...

Academic Achievement and Parental Involvement Impact

In six pages a hypothetical study is presented that considers how parent involvement affects student scholastic achievement with s...

Research Proposal Entitled Parent Support and Educational Success

kinds of activities constitute "parental involvement"? This investigator does not believe a parent needs to volunteer at the schoo...