YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Aspects of Morality and Ethical Rules

Essays 1 - 30

Aspects of Morality and Ethical Rules

that one believe in the Christian God, but that one assign him a uniquely existent role within ones theological framework. The fou...

Rule of Law and Morality

as the support of civilised and social community. He stated he did not believe that law should be based on any moral codes, in thi...

Two Articles on Ethics in Nursing Reviewed

ethics are a part of the concern. The hospital should not accept a patient load that it cannot handle. Another example of an issue...

Robert McNamara/An Ethical Analysis

film, McNamara discusses several of the primary lessons to be learned from wartime experience, which are covered in detail in his ...

LeBron James, Psychological and Ethical Moral Egoism

was receiving a congratulatory gift for his academic achievements, specifically, his 3.5 grade point average (Kansas City Star, 20...

Supreme Principle of Morality by Immanuel Kant

In six pages this research paper defines morality within the context of Kant's philosophy and also considers supreme morality's va...

Morality According to Immanuel Kant and David Hume

the considerations surrounding his concepts of the mind and he supports his contentions with direct demonstrations of the applicab...

A Discussion of Three Concepts

IQ and has long been a widely used method, particularly with regard to gifted or educationally-challenged children. The results o...

Plato and Confucius on the State and Society

In eleven pages this research paper contrasts and compares Plato's and Confucius's perceptions on the ruling state and society wit...

Political Rule and The Republic by Plato

In five pages this paper examines political rule in a consideration of knowledge, wisdom, and morality in Plato's The Republic. T...

Ethical Filtering

to fulfill this duty, "healthcare CFOs must be uncompromising in their adherence to the highest ethical standards" (Stango, 2006)....

Ethical Decisions - Case Study

their behaviors or lack thereof. Also, Georges wife, Mary, is not a decision maker but she no doubt has an influence on the decisi...

Habeas Corpus

to a hearing by a Combatant Status Review Tribunal. At such hearings, evidence is presented that the detainee should be considered...

Primary and Secondary Rules and Hart's 'Rule of Recognition'

This paper discusses the societal and legal system primary and secondary rules' functions in accordance with Hart's 'rule of recog...

1992 U.S. Supreme Court Case Jacobson v. United States

In one page this Court ruling is discussed. There are no other sources cited....

Confidentiality Issues

to protect and maintain the familys right to confidentiality. There were instances where the workers gathered merely to vent, or ...

Confidentiality, Disclosure, and Professional Behavior

In five pages this paper examines confidentiality and disclosure within the context of Rules 1.6, 3.3 (a) and 4.1 of professional ...

Summary of John Irving's Cider House Rules

him when Wally brings his girl friend, Candy, to the orphanage to get an abortion. Wally, Homer, and Candy all become very close f...

Chile During Pjnochet

him killed (Londregan, 2006). It is noted that he was responsible for the murder of more than 3,000 citizens (Londregan, 2006). ...

Stem Cell Research: Argument Against

of medical advancement that purports to save lives, the necessary research requires the taking of other lives, which presents a di...

Ethics and Copyright Infringement

In five pages the ethical implications of reproducing computer software without authorization are discussed with morality and ethi...

Choice Ethics and the Theories of Immanuel Kant

In five pages this paper examines the theories of Immanuel Kant as they relate to morality and making choices based upon ethical c...

Character Ethics and the Film 'L.A. Confidential'

cost, even when it calls for doing things against his or the departments ethical code. His golden boy status within the police fo...

Moral Philosophies of Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill

In five pages this essay compares and contrasts Immanuel Kant's 18th century moral philosophy with that of John Stuart Mill's 19th...

Objectivism v. Ethical Relativism

I want to do? Are there really any obligations which reach me from outside the realm of my own desire? To put it into a more pithy...

Dead Man Walking Film Ethical Analysis

In seven pages the film is discussed in an examination of a trio of ethical theories and the morality of capital punishment. Five...

Aristotle's Legal Defense of a Guilty Man

and then define the perfect solution to problems that might arise. Aristotle claimed that: "I have gained this from philosophy: I ...

Kant, Ethics, Drug Companies, and Drug Sales

as it impedes upon the fundamental tenets of social responsibility. Doctors who accept these gifts - which might include but is n...

Identifying Ethical Issues

Psychologists must live by the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct. They will be sanctioned if they violate these principle...

Place Of Religious Experience In Lawrence Kohlberg's Ideas Of Human Development

social order that refuses to acknowledge the elements of good and bad. Correspondingly, Fontana (2003) points out how the good "a...