YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Attitudes Seen in Faulkners A Rose for Emily
Essays 61 - 90
her to take. It is interesting to note that the onlookers do not realize that they might have driven Emily to insanity. Wallace ...
of her father and her eventual release from her house, little is known of the first thirty years of her life in addition to the li...
are similar to Emilys. The characters discussed are Carrie, from the film "Carrie," Norman Bates from the film "Psycho," Eleanor f...
In five pages this paper discusses these themes presented in William Faulkner's short story with also literary elements including ...
In five pages the viewpoint's functions in these respective stories are contrasted and compared. There are no other sources liste...
In 5 pages this paper discusses the North and South oppositional relationship as depicted in these stories by Bierce and Faulkner....
The ways in which female protagonists are controlled by men are discussed in a comparative analysis of these literary works consis...
he recognizes the inconsistencies between the social representation of men and women, and is bold enough to comment upon them. Th...
lives, and all this really comes out as people and their relationships to the place that formed them (Smith ppg). Duality shown i...
In five pages this paper examines the gender relationships featured in 'A Rose for Emily' by William Faulkner, 'Ligeia' by Edgar A...
In five pages this paper examines how perspectives on the past manifest themselves in the storytelling of 'How to Tell a True War ...
This paper examines how women in America, particularly in the South, were treated as represented in 'A Rose for Emily,' a classic ...
In three pages this essay examines how women are treated in the symbolic portrayal of Emily as being a rose in this short story by...
In five pages this paper discusses how the past is revived in 'Babylon Revisited' by F. Scott Fitzgerald and in 'A Rose for Emily'...
In eight pages this paper discusses how Southern life, history and geography are depicted in the short stories 'A Rose for Emily,'...
(without excluding the importance of the past), where everything is not spelled out neatly for the reader. The reader must interp...
In nine pages this paper examines how insanity is thematically and symbolically portrayed the short stories 'The Lottery' by Shirl...
to admit for three days that he was dead. The narrator says, "We did not say she was crazy then. We believed she had to do that. W...
this story that Dees mother has always secretly longed for acceptance from Dee. Mrs. Johnson was always amazed by her daughters "...
a lady....
no one save an old manservant -- a combined gardener and cook -- had seen in at least ten years" (Faulkner). To the outside wor...
This essay looks at "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner and presents the argument that this story presents a critique of Southe...
men, and it was known that he drank with the younger men in the Elks Club--that he was not a marrying man" (Faulkner). This can be...
of the story escalates the tension that is associated with this part of the narrative. There is considerable irony in the attitu...
they sneak away; here the reference is to an angry and implacable god who is ready to strike down those who disobey. The second r...
Each story is quite solidly set in their culture. In Hawthornes the narrator states, "Young Goodman Brown came forth at sunset int...
This paper presents discussion of "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker, "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan, "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner, ...
so strongly rooted in the collective consciousness that respect for a lady takes precedence over legality, common sense and ethica...
reader with an insiders view on the Southern culture of the era because narrator frequently describes the reactions of the townspe...
the community as an oddity, "a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town" (Faulkner 433). She ...