YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Autobiography of Helen Keller

Essays 1 - 30

Autobiography of Helen Keller

This paper concerns the autobiography of Helen Keller, which recounts her struggle to overcome being blind and deaf. Three pages i...

The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

childs experiences in her own fantasy. A few impressions stand out vividly from the first years of my life; but "the shadows of th...

Helen Keller

with than if she had been without those senses from the start. She knew exactly what she was missing and was distraught with the ...

Inspirational Helen Keller

In six pages this research paper examines Helen Keller's life and the global inspiration it provided. Five sources are cited in t...

College Production Review of the Play The Miracle Worker

In three pages a review of this college production of the relationship between teacher Anne Sullivan and student Helen Keller is p...

Helen Burns' Fictional Journal Entry about Jane Eyre

In five pages Charlotte Bronte's book is considered in terms of a fictional entry made by Jane's school chum Helen Burns in her jo...

Helen L. Bee's The Journey Into Adulthood

In five pages this paper examines the three adulthood stages as defined by Helen L. Bee's text....

Foreign Policies of Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan: Fighting Communism at the Expense of Freedom

us against them mentality that usually enabled the President to secure public support for any military action presented as promoti...

Did Slavery and Slave Expansion Dominate the U.S. Presidency from 1830 to 1865?

slavery expand westward, which began to challenge "the territorial limits of slavery, the limits of federal power, and the limits ...

Comfort Woman by Nora Okja Keller and the Significance of Water Imagery

This paper examines how water imagery is used in Nora Okja Keller's debut novel in 4 pages. The bibliography cites 1 source....

Reviewing Mary Ann Keller's Collision

In three pages this book review focuses on the auto industry and recent US migration. There are no other sources listed in the bi...

Book Review of M. Keller's Rude Awakening

In five pages this book review considers how lack of employee training was the result of computer technology implementation at the...

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Evelyn Fox Keller's Reflections on Gender and Science

In five pages this paper compares these two works in consideration of gender empiricism and how science directs its own study fiel...

Booker T. Washington's Autobiography Up from Slavery

Booker T. Washington's autobiography is analyzed in five pages. There are no other sources listed....

Overview of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

In five pages Douglass's autobiography is analyzed. There are no other sources listed....

Biography and Arguments of Saint Augustine of Hippo

In four pages this paper presents an autobiography of Saint Augustine and also considers his arguments on the existence of God....

Thirty Second US President Teddy Roosevelt

The autobiography of Theodore Roosevelt is the focus of this paper consisting of five pages....

Source Comparisons on the Subject of Malcolm X

In eight pages this paper compares Malcolm X's autobiography with William Strickland's Malcolm X Make It Plain in terms of simila...

Malcolm X's Autobiography

At first, Malcolm X viewed the living conditions in Roxbury as favorable, and perceived a shift in the social order towards more e...

My Life by Golda Meir

In eight pages the autobiography of Golda Meir is discussed. There are no other sources listed....

Writing Exercise: Autobiography

like an angel because she was so caring and helpful, and I couldnt get her, or nursing, out of my mind. I soon realized that nursi...

A Review of An Hour Before Daylight

and gather a crop. "Good or bad fortune for owners of smaller farms would inevitably be shared by their tenants," Carter noted....

Helen and The Iliad

no power and they were possessions. So in that respect with Paris of Troy stealing something from Athens was cause enough for batt...

Washington State's Mt. St. Helens' Eruptions

In six pages this overview of Washington State's Mt. St. Helens' region includes history, eruption in 1980 and its effects, and fu...

Mt. Etna and Mt. St. Helens' Physical Features

In six pages this report presents a physical comparision of Sicily's Mt. Etna and Washington State's Mt. St. Helens. Seven source...

Autobiographies of Theresa Hak Kyung, Mab Segrest, Elaine Brown, Piri Thomas, and the Struggles for Civil Rights

In six pages this report examines how subjectivity was achieved by these autobiographies' narrative strategies. Five sources are ...

Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Moderation. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve. 10. Cleanliness. Tolerate no uncleanline...

Learning and Utilizing Language

the language acquisition device" (p. 255). Others say that language development is a reaction to environment. This writer/tutor ...

Aggression in Teens

animals "suggest the existence of distinct forms of reactive (hostile) and proactive (instrumental) aggression" (Crick and Dodge, ...

Femininity and Psychoanalysis

with masculinity. The fact that the scientific population is, even now, a population that is overwhelmingly male, is itself a cons...