Essays 1 - 30


report is that China is beginning to open up as a large power as far as economics is concerned. As the Chinese government continue...

Book Report on Tony Allesandra and Phil Hunsaker's Communicating At Work

skills, such as giving positive reinforcement and empathic listening (p. 46). The authors also point out that adapting ones commu...

Workforce and Effective Communications

communication means more errors can occur, meaning projects need to be started over. Ineffective communications means low morale a...

'Essay on Literature' or 'Wen Fu' by Lu Chi

In six pages this report examines this ancient Chinese literary essay....

Communication by Dove

Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty has been very successful. AS great deal of the success has been the ability of the fir to communi...

John Morton Blum's V Was for Victory Reviewed

the culture of the times. One way in which government and politics became involved in directing cultural mores was through ...

Communicating for Business in China

the arms across the chest (closing to the ideas being presented. One conducting a meeting can regulate the flow of conversa...

Ellen Lewin's Lesbian Mothers Accounts of Gender in American Culture

And, by presenting the reader with both sides, so to speak, a reader cannot immediately start stereotyping the results as they app...

Waldo E. Martin Jr's Brown v. Board of Education A Brief History with Documents

related to this trial. He states, "Indeed the legal cases that have influenced the status of the African Americans historically ha...

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

getting them to turn from God. Each letter essentially presents steps and information for Wormwood to use in tempting this young m...

Robert Cialdini's Influence The Psychology of Persuasion

the society has done well with this product and everyone will need one. Another term, scarcity seems to indicate that it is an app...

Hitler’s Army by Omer Bartov

reality of Germanys soldiers. By examining the attitudes of both the higher and the lower echelons of the army, this book will att...

Elizabeth I by Anne Somerset

Elizabeths father would come to see her now and then, for she lived outside his realm in a place where she knew she was princess, ...

Women and War by Jean Bethke Elshtain

underpinnings for decision and action, nonetheless real for being symbolic. It is my contention that such constellations of enshri...

Backwoods of Canada by Catharine Parr Traill

For example, she is intrigued when the ship passes islands that have herd of cattle grazing on them. The captain explained that lo...

Beach’s Run Silent, Run Deep

become the commander of the Walrus. At this point Bledsoe becomes the executive officer of the vessel. In relationship to adventur...


for employees means more days off for those same employees. As such, the communication could read as follows: "As you know,...

Artistic Expressiveness

ability to move on, or to move forward. I am suggesting that his preoccupation with death and decay, clouded or immobilized his ...

Communication's Importance

survival. When a Neanderthal youth threw a rock at his buddys head and then stomped up and down while screaming like a banshee, t...

Business Communication Skills

In eight pages this paper discusses the business importance of communicating effectively. There are over 12 sources cited in the ...

Marketing an Entertainment Service

the films have to be aired, there is a great demand for films and programs that have not yet seen the rights sold for television a...

Corporate Identity and Image

The corporate identity is an element that the company does have more direct control over. This is the way in which a company tells...

Strategies for Communicating to Stakeholders

segments of the companys stakeholder base, certain considerations must be made. The same approach cant be taken with the companys ...

Approaches to Communication for Firms with Bad News

is chosen. Each may be considered individually. Over the years a number of companies have had to pursue a strategy allowing...

Communication Across Cultural Gaps

The issue of cross cultural communications is discussed looking at how and why individuals from different cultures may find it dif...

Healthcare Communication

Asynchronous communication is that which does not require the simultaneous direct attention of all involved. It can take the form...

Effective Communication and Language Barrier

these people as humanitarian gestures. This signaled to these people that other nations, despite differences in culture and langua...

Communicating Effectively & Internal Publics

publics (CERP, 2007). According to the Confederation Europeenne des Relations Publique (CERP)(European Public Relations Confederat...

A Review of Communicate with Confidence by Dianna Booher

An 8 analsysis of the book Communicate with Confidence: Say it Right the First Time and Every Time. Written by Dianna Booher this...

Chinese Domination on the Open Seas During the Fifteenth Century

and offered the natives beads and strings of coral as items for trade, the Europeans were ridiculed. The natives had products tha...