Essays 1 - 30


Focuses on various models of business communication. The three examples of appropriate types of business communication involve lay...


2004), we end up with people, who create and receive the messages, and the method of communication (via talking, e-mail or anythin...

Communication Models; Information Transfer, Transactional Process, Strategic Control, and As a Balance of Creativity and Constraint

another person (Eisenberg and Goodall, 2004). In this model communication is a tool which is utilized by individuals in order to a...

Communication and the Construction Industry in Saudi Arabia; Literature Review

organizational culture and other potential environmental factors all of which can have small, or potentially large influences the ...

Identifying a Suitable Organizational Diagnosis Model

assessed in the context of Microsofts acquisition of Skype. The first model to be assessed is the Force field Analysis of Kurt L...

Expectancy Violation Theory

actor, that individuals evaluation of the behavior of the person conducting the interview are also likely to be positive according...

Cultural Differences and Business Communications

They may all rely on email, fax transmission, and other forms of immediate and electronic communication but they are still steeped...

Bureaucratic Structures in the Modern Business Environment

However, it we look at the ideas of Weber, he argued that this was an structure that sought to find an efficient way of...

Communication; Groups And Teams, Negotiation, Decision Making And Performance Measurement

way interaction takes place and how others perceive each other and feel about the interaction. When considering communication in...

IT and Business Models

practical outcomes (Thompson, 2007; Wiseman, 1988). The concept of IT as a key part of strategy and the need for models to recogn...

Models for eBusiness

purchase also includes a range of added extras, such as extended warranties and on site maintenance agreements as well as training...

Communication in Organizations

promoting the businesss products or services, negotiations, preparing documents for a business transaction, the actual business tr...

Importance Of Multicultural Skills In Business

an ingrained attitude and behavior among Americans but in many other cultures, there is a far greater emphasis on collaboration an...

Comparing Porter with the Resource Based View

The Five Forces model may be argued as a tool that helps a firm to understand the way that it needs to compete and how to develop ...

Business Environment Communication and Human Resource Management

going to become and remain an outstanding contribution to the company. One particularly important component of the literatu...

The Hewlett-Packard Acquisition of Compaq

put together provide a full range of consulting and product support, including the commercial server market. In addition to this t...

Comparing and Contrasting TQM and BPR

result in improvements (Mintzberg et al, 2008; Reed et al, 1996). Defining TQM is difficult, there is no standard definiti...

The Marketing Information System

customers are buying, and what they are buying together, at the same time. Associates speak freely with customers, and the inform...

Jordan Business and Joint Ventures

6 pages, 6 sources. This paper considers the nature of Jordanian business and the impacts of joint ventures with American compani...

Business Process Management and the Importance of Interdepartmental Communication

utilized by todays companies in an effort to improve their project management capabilities, reduce cost, and in general, meet more...

Technology, Skills, and Corporate Structure

In 13 pages this paper discusses the corporate structure in a consideration of ecological web and cobweb models in a consideration...

Managerial Capitalism

the railroads (Chandler, 1977). The development of the industry and the scope and scale necessitated new styles of management stru...

K Mart and Alternative Business Model Uses

In seven pages the uses of such alternative business models as Likerts Profiles, the Contingency Theory of Lawrence and Lorsch, th...

Environmental Business for Virotech

This facilitates an approach where there can be a damaging of the environment, but where there are measures in place to clear up t...

B2C and B2B Model Differences

to be given good information, but when it comes to B to B, there are things that the business owners are expected to know. There i...

Job Satisfaction And Communication

On the other hand, an employee was given a promotion that included a salary increase but did not include a different desk; hers wa...

The Communication Process

is being communicated, and encoding is the way in which the information would be communicated. Encoding needs to take into conside...

Effective Teamwork

transition to storming and norming stages, they will begin to listen more carefully to the other members, and in the performing st...

Difficulties in Communication

or one to many, or a bilateral manner where there is communication between parties rather than one way communication. Different ty...

Evolution of the Business Organization

of the colonies and increasing standards of living were attributed in part to the increased ability to produce more than ever befo...