YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Biblical Counseling

Essays 1 - 30

Sufficiency Of Scripture And Biblical Counseling

gain our training to know how to live a righteous life (Grudem, 1994). We can find everything God wants us to know in the Bible (G...

Biblical Counseling

seek professional psychological help from trained professionals. Tossed Salad approach advocates believe Scripture and psycholog...

Ideas From Jeffrey Watson on Counseling

needs of the counselor or to support and affirm that counselors own personal beliefs. It is extremely difficult to practice Bibl...

Biblical verses Christian Variations in Mental Health Counseling

This five page paper broaches the subtle yet important differences between these counseling approaches, differences that can be so...

4 Approaches to Counseling

In eight pages the pastoral counseling of Charles Gerkin, the cognitive counseling of Frances Egan, the affective counseling of Ca...

Esther and Ruth Biblical Analysis

In four pages this essay contrasts and compares these biblical books and the women that are featured in them....

Comparative Analysis of the Book of Esther and the Book of Ruth

and find a life that surely offered more wealth and more stability. In light of such realities we must argue that Ruth was more th...

Mental Illness and Demons

In five pages mental illness and demons are discussed from a biblical perspective with other issues such as mental illness counsel...

Counseling Across Cultural Lines

In the world of the 21st, counselors must take the culture of the person being counseled into consideration when deciding what cou...

Counselors' Codes of Ethics

that introduces concerns that differ somewhat from the client bases and environments found in other organizations....

The Use of Counseling and Career Support

24 pages and 15 sources used. This paper provides an overview of a survey of counseling professionals with a specific focus on ca...

Personal Counseling Reflections

counselor. Counselors not only have their own set of personal values, they hold a set of professional values. Confidentiality is o...

Ethics and Choice of Therapy

Masson and Harvill, 2009) While group therapy encompasses some tremendous advantages, it is also important to acknowledge that t...

Native American Clients, Counseling

This essay pertains to counseling Native American clients. Four pages in length, four sources are cited. ...

School Counseling

with "relatively well-adjusted" individuals (Hood and Johnson 213). It measures "everyday characteristics," such as "soci-ability,...

Multicultural Issues in Group Counseling

from scripture and refers to an ancient Jewish ritual in which a goat was sacrificed in order to atone for the sins of the people ...

Multicultural Issues in Group Counseling

A 3 page research paper that discusses multicultural issues in group counseling. Bibliography lists 2 sources....

A Counseling Individualized Theory

nature. In essence, Rogers believed that man is fundamentally good and that this goodness could be manifested through his actions...

Counseling From Various Theological Points of View

from Hebrews? If not, perhaps then we need to start mentally constructing how that "Christian" counselor will look, or what they ...

Counseling and Values

This essay consists of two pages and discusses value systems in terms of education and counseling....

George A. Reker's Counseling Families

parents hold down full-time jobs are the rule rather than the exception, and as Rekers has observed, this creates problems among b...

Human and Natural Science and Christian Counseling

In five pages Christian counseling is considered in its relationship to natural and human sciences....

Christianity and Jesus of Nazareth

Christs work on earth, His incarnation, His passion and death and His resurrection. At least two Apostles, John and Paul, perceive...

Do Metaphysical Spiritual Healers Have The Same Faith As Christ

healers could be executed (Healing Rays, 2007). In 1951, the Church made spiritual healing legal again but it is still tarnished w...

Theology of Biblical Leadership

I chose you" (Willmon 7). Harold Quinley conducted a study in the 1970s that explored what factors contributed to making pastors...

Crisis Intervention: A Biblical Perspective

where therapy can be critical. The first criteria that must be met in order to effectively counsel another individual is that the...

Spirituality & Religion in Counseling

to focus on the therapeutic relationship. Counselor C, who is a biblical counselor, rejects all secular approaches and turns to Sc...

Personal Philosophy for Counseling

to achieve real and positive change in their lives. When writing a personal essay based on this guide, the student should adapt ...

An Overview of Grief Counseling

future ability to function. Their spouse, other family members and their friends will feel the same anxiety. A patient in intensiv...

Pastoral Counseling From The Pulpit

remain - the concern or issue is determined and that issue may be categorized or dissected to assure clarity. The issue must be in...