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Book Report on Showdown by John H. Lenihan

of personal self-determination and responsible freedom that the realities of modern life and institutions seem to deny" (11). In t...

John Morton Blum's V Was for Victory Reviewed

the culture of the times. One way in which government and politics became involved in directing cultural mores was through ...

Book Report on 3 Books

Jewish. The student could also state they did not know he was German. What were the weaknesses, failures, or disappointments for t...

Book Report on 3 Books

one down. It is a story of hope in a world where there is hunger and darkness. It is an uplifting book because Oliver goes through...

Christianity, Social Tolerance & Homosexuality

society, actually many shifts, that led to the current attitudes held by Christians today. For example, there was a time when peop...

Paradise Lost

all, all part of the threat that Adam and Eve are intricately involved in but yet know nothing about. It is a very interesting and...


on product leadership. Stanley is in very good shape, in many ways. Stanley is a brand that many people recognize. Weve been aroun...

Elizabeth I by Anne Somerset

Elizabeths father would come to see her now and then, for she lived outside his realm in a place where she knew she was princess, ...

Women and War by Jean Bethke Elshtain

underpinnings for decision and action, nonetheless real for being symbolic. It is my contention that such constellations of enshri...

Backwoods of Canada by Catharine Parr Traill

For example, she is intrigued when the ship passes islands that have herd of cattle grazing on them. The captain explained that lo...

Beach’s Run Silent, Run Deep

become the commander of the Walrus. At this point Bledsoe becomes the executive officer of the vessel. In relationship to adventur...

Hitler’s Army by Omer Bartov

reality of Germanys soldiers. By examining the attitudes of both the higher and the lower echelons of the army, this book will att...

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

getting them to turn from God. Each letter essentially presents steps and information for Wormwood to use in tempting this young m...

Waldo E. Martin Jr's Brown v. Board of Education A Brief History with Documents

related to this trial. He states, "Indeed the legal cases that have influenced the status of the African Americans historically ha...

Ellen Lewin's Lesbian Mothers Accounts of Gender in American Culture

And, by presenting the reader with both sides, so to speak, a reader cannot immediately start stereotyping the results as they app...

Robert Cialdini's Influence The Psychology of Persuasion

the society has done well with this product and everyone will need one. Another term, scarcity seems to indicate that it is an app...

Explanation Each of the Ten Commandments

This essay reports the explanations of each of the Ten Commandments are interpreted by one scholar in a book. Other topics include...

Gunther/Death Be Not Proud

A 3 page book review of John Gunther's memoir of his son's illness and death. The title of this book is drawn from John Donne's Me...

Dower's Embracing Defeat

noted that the emperor had announced defeat, which meant surrender (Dower, 2001). Yet, the woman who Dower notes on the first pag...

The Ghost Map

Johnson described the people who lived within the city as a group of somewhat organized scavengers. "The scavengers...lived in a ...

It's Your Ship by Capt. D. Michael Abrashoff

This book report focuses on D. Michael Abrashoff's test It's Your Ship, which relates the leadership strategies and techniques tha...

The Craft of Investing

recommending two techniques he believes investors can use with reasonable success (3). First, he recommends buying "growth stocks...

My Moral Odyssey by Samuel Proctor

This book report presents an overview of Proctor's text, as this paper consists of one-page summaries of each chapter in the book....

Searching for Urban Theology

This paper presents a book review of City of God, City of Satan by Linthicum. The main ideas in the book are reported as are the r...

Kremlin Capitalism (Book Report)

capitalism in Russia, but it was very weak (Blasi, Kroumova & Kruse, 1996). It is no wonder then that the Russian Revolution would...

St. John The Baptist

in their fathers footsteps. Like Jesus, John began preaching at the age of 30 (Catholic Online, 2007). His location was the banks...

Analysis: “The Coming Darkness”

white supremacist."4 De Hoyos charges that Ankerberg uses misdirection, subterfuge and innuendo to make his points, which are larg...

Midnight Rising, Tony Horwitz

This book reviews pertains to Tony Horwitz's text "Midnight Rising, John Brown and the raid that sparked the Civil War," which des...

John's Messianic Ideas

John was familiar with Jewish ideas regarding the Messiah. He incorporated those ideas into his Gospel. He gently brings about the...