Essays 1 - 30

Book of Judges and Life During Biblical Times

231). This is quite interesting as today, women are told not to drink at all during pregnancy, and this is a rather new sentiment....

Book of Judges

was dictated by the author or that every word is a word of God directed to human for their salvation," as many of the words in the...

Readings of the Old Testament Books of Genesis, Samuel, Ruth, and Judges

was not of Gods people. This, along with other social expectations, brought about a clear division of the people and set the stage...

Antitrust Case of Microsoft and a Supreme Court Judge's Opinion

God-like, Bill Gates stands on the top of the highest monetary mountain. However, the Microsoft Chairman and Chief Executive Offi...

Judge's Role in US Plea Bargaining Process

This paper examines the diminishing role of the judge in the American plea bargaining process in 5 pages. Two sources are cited i...

Scriptural Analysis of 'Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged'

In fifteen pages an exegesis of this passage from the gospels of Matthew and Luke is presented. Thirteen sources are cited in the...

System of Criminal Justice and the Judge's Role

make it more likely that he or she will be convicted. If in fact the person is wrongly arrested due to the color of his skin or so...

A Fable

before. When she was 17 and he was 20, he asked her to marry him. Thrilled, she said yes. But there was another man in the househ...

Judges in the Bible

through weak judges" (Malick, 2009). Clearly, in light of this, they were only men, for the most part, and they attempted to creat...

Judicial Appeal for a Minimum Municipal Court Light Sentence

at the wrong time"), it would be counterproductive both to my brother and to the community to remove him completely from any oppor...

An Analysis of Harold J. Rothwax Critique of the Criminal Justice System

This paper analyzes Judge Rothwax's book Guilty, The Collapse of Criminal Justice. The author concludes that Rothwax's arguments a...

The Case of Campagnola V. Mulholland, Minion & Roe and Its’ Relevance Within The Legal System

included the presence of the contingency fee; that the firm would receive one third of any money recovered to compensate her for h...

Problems in Case Management and Scheduling

and judges are able to conclude the cases more quickly when there are fewer continuances. Though a case may be continued for othe...

Sentencing for Identity Theft

sentencing, they generally provide a range within which the judge must remain when imposing sentence. Also, legal issues can affe...

Case of Commonwealth vs. Tracy L. Prashaw

that had cocaine residue was confiscated (2004). It was found in her pocket, and she was arrested (2004). Another warrant was then...

Cultural Climate of the Period and the Dred Scott Decision

even if the federal government could buy the slaves, the freed slaves could not be turned into citizens without an amendment to th...

Labor Case Study of Employer HCL, Inc. a/k/a A. B. Inc. and Union Laborers International Union of America, AFL-CIO, Local 576A

jurisdiction over such matters. The unions position is that an agreement was reached when the agreement was extended to 2005 as i...

NY Times Article Critique, Sulzberger (2011)

This essay is a critique of an article pertaining to the restriction that anyone who failed to pass a drug test cannot receive pub...

God and Sin

God says, "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil" and then "sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to til...

An Analysis of Harold Rothwax's Book, Guilty...

This paper analyzes Judge Rothwax's book, Guilty: The Collapse of Criminal Justice. This seven page paper has nine sources listed...

The Supreme Court: Role Played In The American Political Process

physician assisted suicide and affirmative action most certainly involves heated discussions in the courtroom, however, it is not ...

Bennett: "The Book of Virtues"

responsibility; friendship; work; courage; perseverance; honesty; loyalty; and faith" (Muehlenberg, 1999). Bennett uses a number o...

John Morton Blum's V Was for Victory Reviewed

the culture of the times. One way in which government and politics became involved in directing cultural mores was through ...

The Alchemist by Coehlo

kill him; but most of all he fears that he will not find his treasure-this might all be for nothing (Coehlo, 1995, p. 130). The A...

The Forensic Casebook by N.E. Genge

This book review is on "The Forensic Casebook" by N.E. Genge. The writer first summarizes the book's contents and then discusses i...

Let's Do Theology by Laurie Green

This book review pertains to Laurie Green's "Let's Do Theology." The author's main argument is described, and a summation of the b...

Book Review; the Fundamentals of Production Planning and Control by Stephen Chapman

book states that it focuses on the part of operations which are needed, without distracting the reader with unimportant or relevan...

Robert D. Hare on Psychopaths

offer some explanation for the egocentric and aggressive behavior of psychopathic individuals. As Hare locates deviant behavior ...

The Weeping Prophet

The Book of Jeremiah is the longest book in the Bible containing more words than any other book. The greatest majority of the Book...

Picture Book on Autism

This book review is on Amanda D. Tourville's My Friend Has Autism, which is illustrated by Kristin Sorra. An informative, sensit...