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Essays 301 - 330

Anxiety Disorders

the many different ways in which the disorder can manifest. For instance, it is possible for the disorder to manifest bodily, such...

Alzheimer's Disease

("Three stages," 2011, p. 1465). Mild cognitive impairment characterizes the second stage of AD ("Three stages," 2011). The thre...

Cancer Care: An Economic Analysis

is an important part of healthcare that is focused on the economic principles of the industry. This branch of economics is used by...

Using Evidence Based Practice to Explore the Effectiveness of Constraint Induced Language Therapy

non-intense application produces better results, while others claim that intensity is the key to results. This paper will explore ...

Effectiveness of CBT With Schizophrenia

that precedes the first episode of psychosis in schizophrenia is referred to as the "preprodromal period...and the prodrome" and i...

Case Management, Sample Case on Structured Therapy

This 4 page paper offers a sample structured therapy case with assessment/evaluation, background, and treatment plan for a boy suf...

Comprison of Four Interventions for Substance Abuse

Mental Health Services Administration: one out of every eight people in this country currently has a significant problem with alco...

Drug Use, Abuse and Treatment in a Social Interactive Approach

difference plays a part in substance use and abuse. In other words, females are more inclined to be judged by their peers and pare...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Cognitive Therapy

or a loved one; these fears often present themselves as disturbing thoughts (Definition of obsessive-compulsive disorder, 2002). T...

Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome And The Counting Method

upon as wholly overwhelming. II. SUMMARY The individual conjures up a traumatic memory while the therapist counts from ...

Massage Therapy as Alternative Pain Management

benefits that massage therapy provides for CF patients includes "pain relief, relaxation, improved pulmonary function, decreased a...

Guillain Barre/Physical Therapy

stress ad fearful concerning what is happening to them. Reassurance and description of the phases of the illness and the positive...

Personality Disorders: Case Study Analyses

2008). He saw both his mother and his fianc?e as weak and lacking their own lives (Mendelowitz, 2008). The use of this case study ...

Cognitive Behavior Therapy Overview

In a paper of three pages, the writer looks at the use of cognitive behavior therapy. Effective treatment applications are examine...

A Research Proposal on Social Phobia

approaches: medications and psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy has shown the greatest promise. Among other elements, this...

Treatments for Lung Cancer

they offer much hope. As such the arrival of Iressa seemed incredibly promising: "Adriane Riddle, had traveled from San Bernardin...

Complementary Medicine and Psychology

impact (Kinrys, Coleman and Rothstein, 2009). Passionflower is another plant that has been used since ancient time because of its...

Diagnostic Approaches to Mental Illness

clinicians rely on the DSM to diagnose their patients. It is credible insofar as it is published by the American Psychiatric Assoc...

Reducing Recidivism, Lancaster, et al (2011)

fails to perform the mandated service (Barkan and Bryjak, 2011). Other strategies include house arrest, with electronic monitoring...

First Line Therapy for 7 Diseases

Tabatabaee, 2009). Additionally, first-line therapy includes using triple sulfa vaginal cream, as this agent has broad-spectrum an...

DSM IV Diagnostic Criteria and Treatment of PTSD

after the exposure to the initiating traumatic event (Stein, 2002). If PTSD-like symptoms become evidence and are intense prior to...


bodily fluids such as semen and blood, usually through sexual contact or the use of dirty needles for injecting drugs, and is not ...

Asthma and the Human Respiratory System

Many diverse conditions can affect the lung. Asthma is one such condition. Unfortunately, asthma is too often dismissed as an in...

Theoretical, Social, and Physiological Overview of Epilepsy

milder cases, a moderate amount of shaking may occur while the individual experiences a varied degree of disorientation and confus...

Overview of Heroin

by one study as 16.3 percent but by 1992 this figure purportedly had dropped to 5.3 percent (McCaffrey, 1998). Markon and...

Drug Ecstasy

to medical science (Ecstasy, 2004). It wasnt until the 1980s that it was first introduced to the "streets" as an illicit drug (Ec...

Juvenile Delinquency Assessment

In four pages the use of government funds in the treatment and prevention of juvenile delinquency is assessed in order to determin...

Overview of Children Of Alcoholics

In eight pages COAs or Children of Alcoholics are discussed in terms of various characteristics and available treatment alternativ...

Children and Primary Care Treatment of Otitis Media

In twelve pages this paper examines children with otitis media in an overview that includes its definition, diagnosis, related iss...

Infants and Chronic Otitis Media

In nine pages this research paper discusses the chronic middle ear inflammation known as otitis media that often afflicts infants ...