Essays 1 - 30
In five pages this paper discusses the political implications of a federal budget surplus. Five sources are cited in the bibliogr...
The budget making process is the way a budget is planned and out together. When any business set goals for achievements and strate...
discounted by a defined rate of return (for example 10%) so the cash flow is 190 in current terms rather than the actual 200 total...
new software, or does it the old fashioned way, capital budgeting is quite important in the scheme of things. While all of the m...
has been given as a single figure as $1,000,000. 5. The decrease in productivity is as having a cost of $35 per hour, with the ne...
compromising organizational goals. The first thing one should look at is revenue. The 2009 revenue for the hospital is reflected...
higher salary would increase job satisfaction, the ability to raise nurses salaries in light of successful budget performance woul...
of hedging and how the airline will fare will depend partly on the type of instrument they use (Flottau & Wall, 2008). This is a g...
are some areas where the budget is increasing rather than decreasing, such as the social security administration where the total o...
The paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper examines the role of IT underway can support an organization. The ...
The writer looks at the outline budget for a clinic where $94,000 needs to be cut from the budget. The writer considers how and w...
In a paper of three pages, the writer looks at budgeting in public organizations. The role of performance is assessed. Paper uses ...
This paper considers the cost inherent in having just one extra agency in the sixteen agencies that comprise our national intellig...
This paper continues on in the quit smoking program in a mental health hospital. The paper reports a simple revenue and expense bu...
This paper provides a proposal for a statewide quit smoking campaign. The paper discusses how the program will be funded, a detail...
This paper is basically about nurse leadership. A scenario was presented in which a nurse director needed to present a new annual ...
Using the case of budgeting for a non-profit making organization, the budgeting process is discussed, including the stages and th...
This essay focuses on a case study entitled, "The new normal: Senior student affairs officers speak out about budget cutting." The...
This paper considers the Centers for Disease Control from the perspective of a mid level manager. Problems include salary discrep...
A research paper/essay that pertains to the function of forecasting within the nursing budgeting process. Three pages in length, f...
Offers an example of a summary budget, and explanation, for a fictitious financial literacy program. There are 2 sources listed in...
Examines an in-depth budget for a non-profit financial literacy program. Topics discussed include salaries and fringe expenses, OT...
Presents a detailed budget for a fictitious financial literacy program. There are 3 sources listed in the bibliography of this 5-p...
there is the potential to increase the level of motivation and management in each department undertake a more active role within t...
be noted that the 15% is of a relatively small amount, so the monetary value is not a particularly large increase. However, when l...
The basic process begins with forecasts for sales on the part of most divisions, which are then used to assess the associated cost...
The writer uses data provided by the student concerning the operations of investment plans by a company to prepare a budget, calcu...
in a single transaction, in this instance we will assume it takes place in December. This gives us the following IT budget followi...
a group of workers who were placed in marginally improved working condition, this group of people demonstrated an increase in prod...
claims for reimbursement; coordinating and processing workers compensation claims; maintaining an occupational health and safety e...