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Business Management and Effective Leadership

In fourteen pages this paper considers the business sector and what constitutes an effective manager or leader. Five sources are ...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...

Ethics and Leadership

Ethics are interdependent with values and values are the basis and driver of ethical leadership (Renner & Renner, 2006). Values de...

Environmental Management

companies specialising in cleaning pollution and manufacturing of clean up equipment (Chyssides and Kaler, 1998). An inter...

Leadership in Healthcare

be appropriate for healthcare. Individuals have knowledge and expertise regardless of their level of certification and need to be...

Leadership and Management in Nursing

management, in recent years, has been quite extensive. This body of empirical evidence and commentary largely supports the concept...

The Character And Leadership Style Of Jack Welch

Union and instead of trying to soothe things with the EU Commissioner, Welch was aggressive in his approach.8 The approach did not...

Leadership And Management

leaders must be able to understand what is changing in the market and in the global economy (American Library Association, 2007). ...

Matching Leadership Development and Compensation

no longer met the demands of the business environment" (Lawler and Worley, 2006; p. 1). They had failed to change at a time when ...

Book Review: "The Nature Of Leadership" By Antonakis Et Al

overview of varying aspects associated with leadership, concepts that include defining/assessing, transforming, developing and gen...


to believe. Successful organizations, however, have people that are both. They have leaders who know how to manage and managers wh...

Change Process

questioning is strongly discouraged (Brennan n.d.). Employee behavior is monitored and controlled, often through the use of punis...

21st Century Leadership For Health Care Organizations

and they want guidance to improve their conditions and diseases Canton (2007) reminds the reader that technology has changed eve...

Leadership Traits And Characteristics

person must be well-adjusted, self-confident, enthusiastic, ambitious, is willing to take risks after careful analysis, is honest ...

Value of Leadership

century, and now in the early twenty-first, there is a tendency to treat human resources as more valuable than ever before. Each a...

Effective Management versus Effective Time Management

effective management, and to believe so would certainly spell ruin for any involved company. Effective management, as mentioned...

Leadership v. Management

facilitates long-term thinking and goals while inspiring others to follow that vision, whereas a more mundane manager is associate...

Issues Concerning Leadership

managers and leaders, which are sometimes hard to discern, one thing that is certain is that leaders manage and mangers lead. Each...

Final - Organizational Leadership

change and how it is going to affect them. They need to know whats in it for them? Bolognese (2008) noted that people fear the unk...

Leadership of BMW

supervisory board (aufsichtsrat), and the management board (vorstand). This has a strong historic presence and has mandatory since...

Decisions, Strategy and Leadership

but only in "parts." The authors relate the story of a favorite illustration of inventor Buckminster Fuller who would hold up his...

Leading a Public Organization

Public leadership is very different than leadership in the private sector. This is one of the topics discussed. Other topics inclu...

Higher Education, Empowerment, and Leadership

a better match between what students learn and what industry needs, in other words, a better transfer of knowledge from college/un...

Leadership at Top Specialty Coffee Company

quality, accountability, providing an excellent working environment, embracing diversity, social responsibility, and fair trade wi...

Organizational Effectiveness and Theories of Leadership

was evil and President Clinton was insular (Randall, 2004). Clinton was so identified because "he did nothing to stop the massacr...

Federal Express and Human Resources

In four pages Federal Express's human resource management is examined in a consideration of how well it conforms to three strateg...

Management Science Journal Articles Reviewed

In seven pages this paper reviews 7 articles on business management as they relate to the insurance industry....

Virtual Team Best Practices

concern for [team members] individual needs and feelings" (Nemiro, 2004; p. 113), and by extension expecting individual team membe...

Sir Richard Branson Leadership Approaches And Practices

Virgin Atlantic Airways (Woopidoo, 2005). In 1999, he founded Virgin Mobile and in that same year, published his book entitled, "L...

Managing International Diversity

Organizational Structure In Singers heyday it was not necessary to operate at the greatest level of efficiency that was pos...