YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Campaign 2000 Issues

Essays 1 - 30

Campaign 2000 Issues

In nine pages this paper examines the U.S. election process in a consideration of presidential campaign strategies and issues from...

Presidential Campaign of 2000 and Campaign Finance

In five pages this report considers the presidential campaign of 2000 in terms of various issues and examines how record amounts t...

2002 Senate Campaign of Lamar Alexander and Campaign Financing

Alexander campaign other than the fact that this once governor is tied to that particular institution. It is good publicity for th...

Primaries and the 2000 Election Campaign

family is an asset. In the United Stats, when somebody wants to run, there is a process they must follow. First, they must gain ...

The Campaign Strategy of Al Gore in 2000

A report consisting of five pages discusses from the perspective of a political consultant how Gore could register a significant v...

Last Weeks of Presidential Campaign of 2000 and Integrated Marketing Communication

In fifteen pages this paper examines Al Gore's presidential campaign of 2000 in terms of IMC. Ten sources are cited in the biblio...

George W. Bush and Last Days of Presidential Campaign 2000

In ten pages this paper examines the changes that transpired during G.W. Bush's campaign for the presidency in 2000 and discusses ...

Hillary Clinton 2000 Campaign Commercial Evaluation

In two pages a definition of Rank's model is provided and then applied to an evaluation of a campaign commercial for Hillary Clint...

Hypothetical 2000 Advertising and Marketing Plan for Budweiser

In fourteen pages a hypothetical Anheuser Busch marketing and advertising campaign is presented in terms of company challenges, an...

2000 U.S. Presidential Campaign and Elaboration Likelihood Theory

In twelve pages this theory's concepts are examined within the context of the 2000 U.S. presidential election with attitude paths ...

2000 Presidential Campaigning

In six pages Robert Khayac's 2000 presidential campaign strategy is considered in this hypothetical essay sample that examines mar...

Elizabeth Dole 2000 US Presidential Campaign

In seven pages this paper examines all aspects of Elizabeth Dole's presidential campaign back in 2000. Eight sources are cited in...

Windows Systems and Disaster Recovery

be trying to use a 486 or even a Pentium I computer today, but nonprofit organizations dependent on donations or public entities w...

Political Campaigns and the Media

mudslinging is certainly a good strategy, but not over the long haul (Brodgeforth, 1996). This is a somewhat relevant article to...

Democracy and Negative Political Campaigning's Impact

In seventeen pages this paper examines the destructive effects of negative political campaigns upon democracy in a consideration o...

Al Gore, George W. Bush, and Campaign Finance Reform

In five pages this research paper considers both presidential nominees' positions regarding the campaign finance reform issues and...

Overview of Election Campaigns

the emphasis in this paper the student will want to put on the Mayoral race in Houston on November 6, 2001. A comparison of sever...

Presidential Campaigning, the Toulmin Argument, Jeremy Bentham, and David Hume

In five pages this report contrasts and compares the conservative Bentham with the liberal Hume and then applies their concepts to...

News as Influenced by Journalists

include "the extent and nature of news editing, framing of news stories, news value, newsworthiness, watchdog journalism, and trus...

A John Kerry Presidential Campaign Assessment

speech. Of course, the American military involvement in Iraq remains a lightning rod of controversy and conflicting opinions. Al...

Senate Candidacy and What is Required

run for the state that they already live in. Thus, residency should not be problematic. However, a potential candidate must meet o...

The Influence of Tobacco Money in U.S. Politics

gave more than $32.6 million in PAC and soft money contributions to politicians of both parties (Tobacco Interests, 2002). The rea...


the 2000 election saw the diminishing of PASOKs power, while the 2004 election put the final nail of that power in the coffin. OVE...

Summaries of DSM IV Disorders

Communication Disorder, Not Specified. Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Autism-lists of symptoms are presented in 3 separate ca...

Fictional Gubernatorial Campaign

This essay discusses various campaign issues for a fictional character who is running for the governorship of Texas. The paper bui...

Income Inequality News Analysis

In seven pages income equality is considered in an examination of post September 2000 Business Week and Fortune business journals....

Continuing Problem of Shortages of Nurses

divert status at least three times a week for the last year, with the exception of the only level one trauma center in Nevada, whi...

Political Marketing in Greece

the voters are in the position of consumers, making a purchase decision based on the available information (Lilleker and Lees-Mars...

Foodborne Illness Health Campaigns, Application

This paper pertains to health campaigns that address foodborne illness, and focuses on the USDA's "Be Food Safe" campaign. The wri...

The Marketing of New Zealand

campaign has been focused, even during the global recession when international tourism tends to stagnate or decline. For example, ...