YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Canadas Sikh Community

Essays 181 - 210

Canada's Economy and Film Industry Effects

In six pages the film industry's growth and anticipated leveling off is examined in terms of the need to slow growth and how the e...

Canada's Immigration Policies in Terms of Economic Costs and Social Benefits

In twelve pages the immigration policies of Canada are examined as they relate to economics and society, costs as well as benefits...

Comparative Analysis of Canada's Private and Public Education Systems

In six pages this paper compares private and public education systems in Canada in terms of the results each produces. There are ...

Canada's Unemployment Rate

either cut premiums or significantly improve benefits for the unemployed. There have been accusations of impropriety, that somehow...

Canada's Policy Problems and Solutions

In four pages this paper discusses Canadian policy problems such as aboriginal people treatment and abortion, how they can be addr...

Canada's Abortion Laws

This is a paper consisting of ten pages and discusses the topic of abortion as it relates to Canadian law and includes the 'Bubble...

Overview of Canada's Judicial System

In seven pages this paper examines the judiciary system of Canada in a consideration of demographics, how appointments are made, a...

Canada's Shaw Communications Inc.

In seven pages fiscal information, activities, acquisitions, interest, and its website critique are featured as they pertain to th...

Canada's Rogers Communications and High Speed Internet Connections

service charges. * Transfer of data is extremely fast on not dependent on phone lines, leaving customers phones free for use. * Ca...

Community's Citizens and Life Expectancy Estimation

In seven pages calculating the life expectancy of a citizens within a community is considered in an analysis of death records and ...

Community Threat Posed by Virtual Communities

This paper discusses the threat posed by virtual communities in terms of lack of real social interaction and the building of share...

Washington Community's Importance According to James Sterling Young

that is often referred to with awe and reverence. The framers are still held high in esteem. In fact, they are called "framers" wi...

Racism Experiences in Post World War II Great Britain and the Black Community's Responses

black people choosing to leave the country. Post-War Race Relations The post-war immigration in the late 1940s and 1950s in...

Multicultural Communities' Building

that culture can be considered interchangeable with subculture, and this is based in the belief that both allow for the commonaliz...

Community Nursing and the Concepts of Community and Aggregates

"population," which is then further defined as "a collection of individuals who share one or more personal or environmental charac...

My Community's Racial Overtones

live in a town overrun by religious zealots with little tolerance for anyone who is not of their ilk. Native Americans are more a...

Presentation on Setting up a Day Center for an Ethnic Minority

of the different stakeholders may need to be balanced. Where a day center has been setup with specific purpose of serving and ethn...

A Reaction to Sociological Descriptions of Rural Communities

in understanding at the local level (Luloff and Bridger). It is Luloff and Bridgers opinion, then, that local communities have to ...

Kenneth P. Wilkinson and the Idea of Community

is to try and come up with a working definition of community in rural America, which is not as easy as it sounds. He points out th...

Planning for a Pandemic Health Care Oversight in Western Kentucky

but society as a whole. Businesses, organizations, and even the government itself could flounder in the face of such a severe pro...

Establishing Community Partnerships

is pooled together with the expertise and experience of others (Mutsambi, 2009). For example, a community health program for preve...

Proposal for a Project to Tackle Obesity in Adolescents

need to be the skills, including cooking skills, the ability to design menus, and the approaches taught also need to be available ...

Puerto Rican Obituary and the Nuyorican Community

of the Puerto Rican dream to its death and the deaths of those who made up his poets society, but it is a stretch to say that it m...

African-American Youth Public Speaking And Community Relations

may lead to African-Americans and others dropping out at even higher rates. We know that the high school graduation rates for many...

Affordable Healthcare in Australia

can only be expected to escalate in the near future. Therefore, issues of affordability, in relation to equitable healthcare servi...

Solutions for Community Problems

addition to simply abiding the law and hoping for the best. Check points do help to resolve the situation. In White Plains, New Y...

Community Nursing Questions

self-knowledge (Simpson, 2004). While anecdotal evidence is not regarded as conclusive, the experience of individual nurses in reg...

EVE Online/Authority in an Online Community

travel through a universe made up of over five thousand solar systems. The developers of the game look to the player community for...

Community Nursing: Positive Impacts on Nutrition and Lifestyle

Social Services they have complained that that funding is insufficient to provide for even their most basic dietary needs. Part o...

Community and Sri Lankan, Hindu Heritage

from Muslims and Arabs and in the United Kingdom, Hindus and Sikhs have insisted that they should not be collectively referred to ...