YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Carpe Diem Poems by Herrick and Donne

Essays 121 - 150

William Wordsworth's Poetry and the Themes of Grieving and Death

the first place, and what do his "fond regrets" concern? He does not tell us, but merely goes on describing his walk with...

Poem Analysis: Convergence of the Twain by Thomas Hardy

This 4 page paper is a detailed explication of Thomas Hardy's poem Convergence of the Twain, which describes the Titanic sinking....

'Cherrylog Road' by James Dickey

In five pages an explication of this poem is presented. There are no other sources listed....

Guidance of the Angel Raphael in Paradise Lost by John Milton

In ten pages this paper analyzes the guide role of the angel Raphael in the epic poem Paradise Lost by John Milton....

Analyzing the Epic Poem 'Beowulf'

In four pages the classic Medieval poem is analyzed. There is no bibliography included....

A Comparison of To Virgins, To Make Much of Time and To His Coy Mistress

Love and death as found in these works by Herrick and Marvell are discussed. Both poets display ideas about time and living in the...

'Biographia Literaria' of Samuel Taylor Coleridge

In four pages the conformity or nonconformity of Coleridge's prose in this poem is compared with the sonnet's and epic poem's trad...

Analyzing the 1863 Poem 'My Life Had Stood - A Loaded Gun' by Emily Dickinson

In five pages the symbolism of master and slave is applied to the destructive marital relationship described in the poem....

Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett

In five pages this novel is analyzed in terms of intertextuality and the uses of satire and parody. Eleven sources are cited in t...

Dante’s Inferno & Humanism

must take a stand against evil and live according to ideals rather than simply from a myopic focus on personal needs. In Canto 2...

Sexual Imagery/Depression in 3 Poems By Robert Frost

what might be causing the narrators shame. Shame is generally associated with sexual urges. During Frosts lifetime, i.e., the fi...

Perillo/Dangerous Life

beginning of this stanza creates an image that says to the reader that the nature is hard; it "mows" you down. Society tries to im...

Lovers Messages in Sonnets

love as the narrator addresses his (?) beloved and asks if he should compare her to a summers day but knows that he cannot because...

Romantic Poetry of John Donne

In six pages the romanticism featured in the evocative love poetry of John Donne is examined. Nine sources are cited in the biblio...

Poets and Poetry of the Renaissance

In ten pages this paper examines the poetic style that emerged during the Renaissance in a consideration of the works by John Donn...

Classic Literature's Portrayal of Male Characters

In five pages this paper evaluates the realistic depiction of male characters in literature past and present in a consideration of...

Love Poetically Approached by John Donne

for a spiritual thinker, body and soul. In "The Good Morrow," Donne immediately established what critic Susannah B. Mintz refers ...

Development of English Literature from 'Beowulf' to Alexander Pope

very clear division between those who followed Christianity in the genuine way, and those who used it merely for their own advance...

Comparison of John Donne and Christopher Marlowe

this?...(Marlowe 7). As this illustrates, Faustus is rationalizing his desire to elevate himself, to live as a god himself. Rat...

'The Ecstasy' by John Donne

of the coming together of souls in the joint union that will create one soul. One of the things that makes the poem interesting ...

Love in the Poetry of Katherine Philips and John Donne

context changes and it seems more logical given the tone of the rest of the poem. Thus, the word as is reflective of the way that ...

Poets Philip Larkin and Robert Frost

In ten pages this research essay compares and contrasts Philip Larkin's poem 'Church Going' and Robert Frost's poem 'The Wood pile...

'The Road Not Taken' and 'Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening' by Robert Frost

line assures us that we are in this world" (Ogilvie et al.). There is a very relaxed, yet very introspective, tone to the lines as...

'Infant Joy' and 'Infant Sorrow' Poems by William Blake

on. The illustration serves to emphasize the overall theme of complete joy, which Blake implies is something that can be experienc...

Meaning of 'Daddy' by Sylvia Plath

gangrenous toe that her father had to have amputated and which, later, led directly to his death (127). The image of the "Frisco s...

Analysis of Poems by Wilfred Owen and Robert Browning

at the same time the calmness of it all makes it quite dramatic. The narrator does not see the action as dramatic, however, and si...

Edward Taylor and Anne Bradstreet Poetic Comparision

God and religion for answers to life struggles in a sense. Bradstreets poem begins as she slowly comes to sink into the fact that ...

Phyllis Wheatley and Edward Taylor

Wheatleys poem begins, "Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land,/ Taught my benighted soul to understand/ That theres a God, that...

Gender in Beowulf

readers know that despite her monstrousness, Grendels mother is considered to be human (Porter). When Grendel enters the mead-ha...

William Wordsworth and John Keats

envision more positive feelings) a human being can better come into contact with their nature, their creative side, their truths w...