YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Carpe Diem Poems by Herrick and Donne

Essays 181 - 210

'The Lotos Eaters' by Alfred Tennyson

This analysis consists of ten pages and considers the poem's relationship to the Romantic period and also compares and contasts th...

'Patterns' by Amy Lowell

This paper consists of four pages and discusses the characterization of the speaker and the poem's connotation, rhythm, diction, a...

Comparative Analysis of 'Shooting an Elephant' by George Orwell and 'From a Correct Address in a Suburb of a Major City' by Helen Sorrell

In a paper consists of five pages this poem contrasts and compares Orwell's essay and Sorrell's poem. There are no sources listed...

Is the Poetry of Anne Bradstreet's Poetry Metaphysical or Neoclassical?

In three pages Bradstreet's poems are evaluated by metaphysical and neoclassical criteria to determine that her poems are predomin...

'Dreams' by Nikki Giovanni

In five pages this poetic explicaton considers the poem's meaning and examines the usage of tone, wording, images, and also discus...

Poem Explication: Convergence of the Twain by Thomas Hardy

This 5 page paper is a line-by-line explication of the poem The Convergence of the Twain, by Thomas Hardy. The writer explores the...

Gerard Manley Hopkins and William Wordsworth on Nature

In 5 pages this paper discusses how Wordsworth and Hopkins perceived nature as God-like and powerful in beauty with a consideratio...

Social Commentary's Dark Side

In six pages this paper discusses the dark side of social commentary and how the writers reflect their respective societies in Tom...

'Annabel Lee' by Edgar Allan Poe

In six pages an explication of 'Annabel Lee' considers how the rhythm of the rhyme, word repetition, and setting/imagery articulat...

Analysis of 2 Poems Written by Women

read into the poem a bit more and might surmise that this boy is rather insecure and needs his girl to be seen by others in a posi...

Nature and the Poems of Emily Dickinson

This paper looks at Dickinson's views about and relationship with nature through a reading of several of her poems. The author lo...

Ideology and 'Englishness'

values within, England holds itself it is in less than positive light. Indeed, it can readily be argued that this is his right an...

Birds in Literature

In three pages this paper examines the symbolic meaning of birds in Walt Whitman's poem 'Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking' and ...

A Comparison of the Song of Roland and Beowulf

The writer compares and analyzes the Song of Roland and Beowulf, two epic poems. The main focus of the paper is the death of the r...

Resistance and Stereotypes in the Poems of Grace Nichols

In five pages Grace Nichol's poetry is examined in terms of the images of resistance and stereotypes they employ with a discussion...

Interpreting 'Sailing to Byzantium' by William Butler Yeats

of life in our worldly form, of the power of the many mystical forces of our universe, and the concepts of reincarnation and life ...

Song's Chinatown

3 pages and 1 source used. This paper provides an overview of Cathy Song's poem Chinatown. This paper outlines the viewpoint of ...

Rap and the Rap Culture

The writer discusses the connection between the Old English epic poem Beowulf and today's rap culture. The writer argues that alth...

Poetic Analysis of 'If We Must Die' by Claude McKay

exploded out of me" (McKay on "If We Must Die"). Somewhat surprisingly, McKay elected to structure his impassioned contemporary p...

Nature in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson

"After Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes," "This is My Letter to the World," "I Had Been Hungry," and "They Shut Me Up in Prose,"...

A Review of The Road Not Taken

A 5 page esay reviewing the Robert Frost poem. This paper comments on both the strengths and the weaknesses of the poem. 1 sourc...

The Un-Human Enemies of Beowulf

The writer discusses the fact that in Beowulf, which is the oldest poem in English, many of Beowulf's enemies are non-humans. Thes...

A Reading of Emily Dickinson's Short Poem #1755

apt description of reverie being that which is made up of a few simple things; and if those things are not available, well, reveri...

Christianity in Beowulf

has received a considerable amount of attention. Eighteenth century critics argued in favor of viewing the poem as fundamentally p...

Langston Hughes/Critical Response to 2 Poems

opening, Hughes moves on to create a "crescendo of horror," which entails moving through a series of neutral questions. The questi...

'The Battle of Frogs and Mice' An Ancient Greek Poetic Analysis

until a water snake slithered by. Panicked and briefly forgetting about the traveler on his back, Puff-jaw dove, which threw the ...

Wordsworth/Solitary Reaper

on the beauty of the scene. The Romantics tended to be introspective, while also placing emphasis on beauty of everyday life, rath...

Mallarme, Baudelaire and Goethe

faun, so that he participates in the creation of the work (Betz, 1996). The faun cannot decide if he has been dreaming or not, but...

Women: The Other

the point of their clothing which was powerfully restrictive. In this poem the narrator states, "Aunt Jennifers tigers prance ac...

Pablo Neruda: 4 Poems

object and made it extraordinary: "the tomato offers/ its gift/ of fiery color/ and cool completeness" (82-85). Ode to a Storm: T...