YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Carpe Diem Poems by Herrick and Donne

Essays 211 - 240

W.B. Yeats/An Irish Airman Foresees His Death

people of Kiltaran, there is not likely end to the war that will affect them deeply one way or the other. Furthermore, it was not ...

Researching the Poem ‘Ars Poetica’ by Archibald MacLeish on the Internet

scanned text files, featured a scanned version Frank St. Vincents important exposition of the poem that was first published in Exp...

Blake and Wordsworth

narrative voice relates how his mother died when he was quite young and his father sold him before he could cry "weep." In the Nor...

Reactions to Various Poems

break all the rules and express his artistic vision in his own highly original way. This leads him to fame, fortune and freedom, w...

Wordsworth/A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

the deceased woman no longer has voluntary motion or sensory perception, but she is part of nature, which has sweeping grandeur in...

Maya Angelou/Phenomenal Woman

half=way through the stanza, Angelou prefaces giving her reaction with the line "I say," which is followed by her lyrical descript...

Death/Injury in Poetry

narrator is perhaps confused, perhaps trying to share an image and what that image, or group of images, may mean. The characters w...

Analysis of Beowulf

monstrous creature Grendel, Grendels mother, and the dragon - it considers the impact of social obligations (loyalty to God and co...

‘Requiem’ by Anna Akhmatova

was assassinated, probably by Stalin himself (Vartavarian). Stalin used the death as a pretext to begin purging those he thought w...

Teaching and Learning in Poetry

school. The narrator also takes the reader through settings that involve past schools, and then the narrators path from school to...

"I'm Nobody! Who Are You?": An Analysis of a Poem by Emily Dickinson

To an admiring Bog! (846). The subject matter features a person who feels inwardly lonely who does not wish to advertise h...

Lord Byron, We'll Go No More A-Roving

was staying in Venice. It was published by Moore in 1830, after Byrons death, in a text he edited, Letters and Journals of Lord By...

Two Poems by Robert Frost

or how one human engages another. Frost is merely using nature as a setting, a natural setting, that emphasizes choices that human...

Explication of 2 poems by Martin Espada

mention that the catch, which is that his throat will be so sore that he will want ice cream. The lies are then contrasted against...

The Happy Fault in Paradise Lost

more joyful than creation itself. Then he adds: "Light out of darkness! full of doubt I stand, / Whether I should repent me now of...

Analysis of When Death Comes by Mary Oliver

and be a part of it, she feels her connection with "everything" (line 11), which means she perceives the world in terms of connec...

Travelled,gladly beyond by e.e. cummings

somewhere hes never gone before and that the woman (lets assume for this exercise that the beloved is his wife) is able to enclose...

Gabriela Mistral

kind. It is, or can be, a far more positive thought than the thought which is fear. When reading the poems, however,...

Heaney and Hayden: Views of Isolation and Sacrifice

poetry is to use an economy of language to express ideas that are more complex than the concrete images and words that convey them...

Poetry and Politics

cannot hear the falconer;/ Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold" (Yeats 1-3). The narrator then speaks of how anarchy has bee...

Robert Frost: Ambiguity and Meaning

optimistic poet beyond this interpretation of his most famous work, which causes the work to stand out in a questionable way. Inde...

Bradstreet and Taylor: The Poetical Expression of Puritanical Values

the very antithesis of natural ("fleshly" or "bodily") love. Similarly, Taylor reframes the natural death of a wasp in the cold as...

Humor and Irony in the poems of Robert Frost

This essay focuses on the humor and Irony in Robert Frost's poems. The poems discussed are "Mending Wall," "Stopping by Woods on a...

Robert Frost's The Road not Taken: Oral Presentation

This 4 page paper gives an overview of the element within the poem The Road not Taken. This paper includes irony, symbolism, repre...

“To his Excellency General Washington” and American Liberty

This 4 page paper gives an overview of the poem “To his Excellency General Washington”, by Phillis Wheatley. This paper includes h...

The Raven, 1963 Film and Poe's Poem

of its first publication in 1845, Edgar Allan Poes poem "The Raven" has been an element in American cultural influencing the publi...

Nature Poems

lingers, then erased, Wisdom grasped and then replaced With new wisdoms, no time for decay. Where is permanence? Useless Next to ...

"Boy at the Window" by Richard Wilbur

This essay offers analysis of "Boy at the Window" by Richard Wilbur. The writer focuses on the compelling nature of the poem's ima...

"The ABC of Aerobics" by Peter Meinke

This essay presents a character sketch of the narrator in "The ABC of Aerobics," a poem by Peter Meinke. Three pages in length, th...

"Locked Ward, Newtown, Connecticut by Rachel Loden

This essay is an explication of "Locked Ward: Newtown, Connecticut" by Rachel Loden. The writer bases this discussion on the assum...