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Case Information About Specific Crimes

can detain and frisk suspects if they have a reasonable suspicion that criminal behaviors have or will occur. The case found that...


The writer discusses the crime of neonaticide (killing of infants) with specific reference to the case of Amy Grossberg and Brian ...

Case Study Diagnosis

2010). In addition, Moniques behaviors, including drinking to the point where she blacks out and being unable to participate in w...

Student Supplied Case Study on Probability

will give us a 1 in 12 million chance. However we need to look at this in order to consider how correct it is. Here we can look at...

Crime and U.S. Soldiers in Korea

In five pages this paper discusses the crimes that U.S. soldiers committed while stationed in Korea from the 1950s' war crimes to ...

Primary Crime Data Sources: Compare/Contrast

rural, urban, gender, culture and age (Bureau of Justice, 2001). NCVS modified its methodology in the late 1980s to improve upon ...

Problems in Case Management and Scheduling

and judges are able to conclude the cases more quickly when there are fewer continuances. Though a case may be continued for othe...

Tracking Juvenile Crime

adult arrests, which was only 33 percent for this period (Snyder, 2003). The juvenile population of the US in 2001 was 78 percen...

Food Related Illnesses and California Law

contact surfaces or equipment and code 12275 provides specific examples of acts which are to be prevented in regard to employee ha...

The Murder of Cara Knott by California Highway Patrol Officer Craig Peyer and its Impacts

order to pull them over and harass them, and the general public is left with little about which to feel safe. This rising contemp...

Crime and Hate

the curtailment of hate speech would be beneficial to such a goal. And indeed, such a solution sounds simple enough : Point an ac...

A Case Study of the Application of California Penal Code

placed wooden horses and other toys around the still to disguise it. These elements contributed to the criminal act, but they als...

Nursing Practice/Texas

(BNE:NPA, 2006). To investigate for heart disease was clearly indicated by physicians orders and, furthermore, Eddie failed to not...

Navy/Union Arbitrated Dispute

concerning any dispute between labor and contractor management, but rather abide by the decision of third party arbitration (FAR-P...

Sensationalism vs Factual Reporting of White Collar Crime

The way that we regard crime in our society can be affected tremendously by the media. Laws are written and enforced,...

Detailed Examination of Serial Killing

This paper consists of fifteen pages and consider 5 criteria including public crime perspective, crime data, crime as treated acad...

Statistical Reflections of Property Crime

While we fear violent crimes the most, property crimes concern us as well. Indeed, property crimes take a tremendous...

Analysis of Conference Hotel

This paper reports a specific case of a hotel that wants to increase their Thursday night corporate guests. Research revealed the ...

Defenses in Criminal Liability Cases

Short essays totalling three pages respond to and analyze specific criminal justice textbook cases concerning criminal liability d...

Case Study: A Menopausal Woman

yet with the preservation of subjective sexual excitement from non-genital sexual stimuli (Basson and Schultz, 2007, p. 409). Es...

The History of Black America as a Component of American History

5 pages and 3 sources. This paper outlines the different elements of Black American history, with a focus on the significant role...

The Career of an Administrative Assistant

5 pages. This paper relates the specific career information that a person applying for a job might need if they were applying to ...

Psychiatric/Mental Health Web Site Analysis

many other disorders. Given the prevalence of both ADD/ADHD and Depression, this user linked to each of these disorders. The ADD/A...

Are Expensive Information Systems Worth It?

A case study analysis of Stratex is presented in twelve pages as the company struggles with deciding whether or not investing in e...

One of the Negatives of Advanced Technology: Identity Theft

his or her social security number written on various documents, someone that throws all mail into the trash without securing vital...

The Field of Forensic Entomology

the skin. The field of urban entomology can be of importance because the forensic entomologist can be a crucial part of civil jud...

Crime Investigations and the Media's Role

has also led to accusations of copycat crimes. Overall, it has been determined that the best balance of this relationship is too m...

Overview of Crime

aggressively approach them, was no surprise. This particular writer also understood that there was a difference between mass murde...

Information Needs Of Doctors And Nurses

it comes to orders, medications, tests, transfers and so on. Another problem for both physicians and nurses is identifying all p...

Hitler and the Holocaust

and so there had been a religious bias after the advent of Christianity. Social animosity would grow as these two religious groups...