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Case Management, Leininger's Theory

This case management paper pertains to a Hispanic man with type 2 diabetes and draws upon Madeleine Leininger's Cultural Care Dive...

Practice Application by NPs, Leininger's Theory

This paper discusses Leininger's theory, which outlines the parameters of transcultural nursing. Five pages in length, six sources...

Nursing Paradigm Concepts and Leininger's Theory

life needs to change in response to the patients health care needs, then the nurse needs to be sensitive to that factor as well. ...

Leininger’s Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory

174). Slide 3 - Leiningers Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory ? Madeline Leininger agrees: ? Nursing is synonymous w...

Leininger's Culture Care Nursing Theory

caring; 2. every human culture has lay (generic, folk or indigenous) care knowledge and practices and usually some professional ca...

Implementing Care Following Leininger’s Theory

meals to all Orthodox Jewish patients should be investigated by hospital administrators if they are not already in place. Furtherm...

Transcultural Model of Nursing

the attitudes, behaviors, values, etc. that are accepted and not accepted. Culture is historical with all aspects of life being ta...

Analyzing Universality and the Cultural Care Diversity Theories of Madeleine Leininger

patients life needs to change in response to the patients health care needs, then the nurse needs to be sensitive to that factor a...

Nursing, Cultural Understanding, and the Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory of Madeleine Leininger

19th and early 20th centuries. Hughes and Romeo (1999) question the usefulness of education that does not address the growing div...

Madeleine Leininger's Contribution To The Field of Nursing

This paper examines Madeleine Leininger's theories of human care as well as her trans-cultural nursing model. This seven page pap...

Metaparadigm of Nursing, Parse's Totality and Simultaneity, and Madeleine Leininger's Cultural Care Diversity

today, but health care delivery appears to be more of a team project than the responsibility of one doctor. In earlier days, a nu...

Transcultural Nursing

This essay presents and discusses the highlights of Leininger's transcultural nursing model. A case study is included. There are f...

Culturally Competent Nursing

This paper is divided into related sections and includes a case scenario to which Leininger's transcultural nursing theory is appl...

Hispanics and Diabetes Management

Have you had any experience in helping a friend or family member manage diabetes? The patient replied that she was not aware of...

Culture Care Theory

There are dozens of nursing theories that have been developed over decades. Each has its own value and each is beneficial for nurs...


shy violet, took charge in Williams absence and made decisions that department heads and the supervisors should have made. She was...


empowerment and the taking of responsibility. Though it might seem as though these two are at the opposite end of the spectrum, le...

Confidentiality and Three Nursing Models

nurse seeks to preserve any culture-specific aspect of the patients life everywhere possible. When some culturally-linked aspect ...

Nursing Theory Selection and Implementation

are, meaning that their immediate physical conditions affect the likelihood of success of the procedures they are about to undergo...

Diabetes Self-Management - Hispanic Patients

has always been about the development of autonomy, equality, social justice and democracy" (Mezirow, 1999). The transformative app...

Culturally Sensitive Nursing

basic knowledge of other cultures in Leiningers theory are: culture is about norms and values within a specific group and that are...

Do Management Theories Develop As Management Problems Arise?

were broken down into the smallest components which would acquire the issues give or training. John Childs describes this as the t...

Human Resource Management and the Case of AXEON

be effective motivators, but they may help to prevent dissatisfaction, and the higher order needs, which start with the need for r...

Four Nursing Theorists

explain Watsons Caring Theory, including "Caring Science Ten Caritas Processes," "definitions," "Ten Caritas Processes" and more. ...

Nursing and the Interaction Between Theory, Research, and Practice

authors state that research "and theory are key underpinnings that guide safe, effective, and comprehensive" (p. 35) practice. As...

Self-Management Theories of Dorothea Orem

This paper examines how health care levels are affected by the self management theories of Dorothea Orem in 10 pages....

Transcultural Assessment - Arab-Americans

(Maier-Lorentz, 2008). Male doctors, for instance, may not be allowed to touch female Arab patients in certain parts of the body a...

Business Decision Making and Account Uses

sales are still falling short on the budgeted figures, This may lead the individual to believe that the long term nature of Septem...

The Functions of the Executive by Barnard

internal problems within organizations. The focus is on the employee, his or her goals and feelings and how employees should be tr...

Student Supplied Lamp Management Accounting Calculations Cse Study

Cost Fixed Overhead 250,000.0000000 $ 525,000.00 {4.10} (normal capacity of __25,000__ lamps @ _10_ )...