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Case Study on Cognitive Behavior Therapy

I feel like everything is closing in on me. My palms get sweaty and I cant think straight. I am struggling to sleep at night and I...

Evaluation of a CBT session

on too long, she says things that do not need to be said, like the comment about not wanting to overwhelm him and they will go thr...

Person Centered Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy

processes (Friedrich, 2006). Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) combines the cognitive and behavioral models of therapy (Grazebrook...

TwoTypes of Therapeutic Interventions

There is confusion when someone talks about cognitive therapy or behavioral therapy alone because since the 1960s, these have give...

Cognitive Therapy : Addiction & Trauma

specifically the division of artificial intelligence (Boeree, 2000). Some of the major players are Tolman, Piaget, Bandura, Chomsk...

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

could impede therapeutic progress (Martin, 2007). Beck decided it was essential to be able to identify and discuss these automati...

Cognitive Therapy and Personality Disorder

hopelessness; he feels he is not good enough and not worthy. (2) affectivity (i.e., the range, intensity, liability, and appropri...

Aspects of Cognitive Psychology

strong enough, people will seek and generate information that will help them prepare for a future social setting. They also spend ...

Case Study: Depression & CBT

patients did not respond to the same antidepressant drug. Individuals taking desipramine were successfully switched to amitriptyli...

Counseling: Exploring the Therapeutic Value

therapeutic value primarily because it is built upon a foundation of solid psychological premises and ideas. It is these ideas whi...

Substance Abuse and Therapy

(Bromwell, n.d.). This approach would also try to have the patient develop different patterns of thinking (Bromwell, n.d.). For ex...

CBT & Drug Addiction/A Case Scenario

in which he or she is most vulnerable to drug use, avoid those high-risk situations whenever possible, and use a range of behavior...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Used in the Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

a result, more diagnoses have been made (Grinage, 2003). It is now something that is also associated with trauma stemming from chi...

Behavior Therapy Article Reviews

In sixteen pages psychology articles related to the issue of behavior therapy are reviewed....

Drug Abuse Among Adolescents and Behavior Therapy

reported that behavior therapy follows "a format of therapist modeling, behavior rehearsal, specific therapy assignments, self-rec...

Efficacy of CBT with Bulimia

could impede progress in therapy (Martin, 2011). Beck coined the term cognitive therapy. As the theory evolved, it was soon appa...

Effectiveness of CBT With Schizophrenia

that precedes the first episode of psychosis in schizophrenia is referred to as the "preprodromal period...and the prodrome" and i...

Treatment and Adolescent Depression

2006). Marcotte and colleagues (2002) note that a great deal of progress has been made in this field over the last two decades but...

Psychological Theories

2003). Since the Gestalt therapist limits this sort of interpretation, this facilitates meeting the needs of clients who have cult...

Nailbiting and CBT

most pragmatic and meaningful of treatments in terms of how it shows where and how a person may have distorted thoughts regarding ...

Brief Psychological Therapy

In six pages brief therapy methods are examined and include psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and strategic sol...

Cognitive Therapy Case Study

emotions in terms of their intensity is also valuable to the therapeutic process, especially in reducing the impact of his automat...

'Juan' Case Study and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

why Juan seeks the physical affection of adults, even to the point of seeming younger than he is. At the same time, that kind of ...

Comparing Psychotherapeutic Interventions

The therapist used progressive relaxation, desensitization, psycho-education, and cognitive restructuring (Chaudhury et al., 2009)...

A Depression Case Study

Inventory (BDI) 27, Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) 15, and Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS 15). The student has sought out thera...

Nursing Interventions for Clients Suffering from Depression

frequently use mental health nurses as a means for expanding services (Winefield and Chur-Hansen, 2004). The following examination...

William Glasser's Cognitive-Behavioral Approach, A Case Study

out various psychological situations. No longer is such treatment considered taboo in a world where mental imbalance is quite pre...

Personality Disorders: Case Study Analyses

2008). He saw both his mother and his fianc?e as weak and lacking their own lives (Mendelowitz, 2008). The use of this case study ...

The Case of Phineas Cage

it also has an effect on a persons personality. The posterior or back of the lobe is comprised of pre-motor and motor areas (Johns...

Observation and Self Definition in Women's Studies

that "ladder of success," or does that mean that they are not on the rung that they would like to be. Since they are the ones who...