Essays 91 - 120

Gregg Toland's Contributions the Film Citizen Kane

a woman from his past perhaps. But, those familiar with the film know better. This opening scene is also one, instilled by the w...

Parr, Sutherland, and Bullen Article Analysis on Urban and Rural Children's Labor and Economic Responsibilities

or wages in order to sustain the family lifestyle. In all cases, middle and upper class children who do not have the same labor ob...

Theater Design of Gordon Craig

in the nineteenth century traditional ideas of scenic design were rejected by artists such as Craig, who felt that scenery should ...

Miriam Haskell's Designs of American Costume Jewelry

This paper consisting of fourteen pages examines the pioneering American costume jewelry designs of Miriam Haskell between the yea...

Life and Contributions of American Gossip Journalist Walter Winchell

In seven pages this paper examines the contributions gossip pioneer Walter Winchell made to US society from the 1920s through the ...

The People's Banker A.P. Giannini

A discussion of U.S. modern banking pioneer Amadeo Peter Giannini is presented in this report consisting of five pages and include...

Wireless Communications and New Technology

In ten pages this paper examines wireless communications in a new technology consideration that includes email, problems, pioneeri...

A Biography of Alessandro Volta

In five pages this paper discusses the life and scientific contributions of electrical energy pioneer Alessandro Volta. There are...

Hannah Foster's The Coquette

Eliza was unable to decide between her two suitors, the attractive but...

Hunter 'Patch' Adams

as an opposing force rather than one that works for all living beings. Based upon his functionalist theory, Durkheim would not be...

Comparing Kate Chopin Tales 'The Story of an Hour' and 'Desiree's Baby'

felt a sense of liberation she had never known before. She could support herself and write about the subjects she felt passionate...

Treatment Modalities of Virginia Satir, Salvador Minuchin, and Jay Haley

treated. He believed treatment should now set out to address the complex set of relationships and family structures in which the ...

Refugee Camps and the Application of Florence Nightingale's Environmental Theory

was well educated (Le Vasseur, 1998), from a family of wealth and yet held an unusual compassion for those less fortunate. She wa...

Education in the The Picture of Dorian Gray

own soul," which causes the influenced person not to have his "natural thoughts, or burn with his natural passions," (Wilde 18). T...

Bruner's Constructivist Theory

stage. This is when knowledge is presented in visual images. When new information is presented, it is useful to provide a visual i...

Wagner's Rienzi

both the music and the libretto for his stage works. This may have emerged from his of literature (Everett, 2004). He loved Greek ...

Maria W. Stewart, Early Abolitionist

as well as several of Stewarts essays. Stewarts connection with Garrison began when she brought him a religious-political treatise...

Hysteria and Free Assocation

This paper is based on the book, Pioneers of Psychology by Francher and Rutherford. The paper discuses different issues about free...

Ethnobotany in Belize

patients with locally grown trees, roots, plants, and shrubs for more than 2,000 years with more than 950 species from which to dr...

Thinking Sociologically

nervous breakdown following the death of his father, thereafter Weber became a hospital administrator, which obviously further inf...

Psychoanalyzing Children with Melanie Klein and D.H Winnicott

infant" (Robbins 1999a). In short, the mother does not need to be perfect, just good enough to answer the inherent needs and dema...

Early American Film Director D.W Griffith

his five years at Biograph, Griffith took the raw elements of moviemaking as they had evolved up to that time -- lighting, continu...

1930s' Radio Broadcasting

waves, like light waves, could be projected into space (Chester et al, 1971). This set the audio stage for Italian inventor Gugli...

Choreographers Charles Weidman and Alvin Ailey

which included Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman (Beginnings of Modern Dance, 2004). By the end of the 1920s, th...

Personal View of Constructivism

time and then arrives at the place where it all "clicks" and makes sense to him in a form that did not earlier exist within him....

A History of Special Education in the US

children and this is also addressed before moving on to the recent history of special education in the US. Early beginnings In ...

History of Women in Aviation

record of 512 miles, from Chicago, Illinois to Hornell, New York (Bilstein, 2001; House, 2006). When America entered the First Wo...

The Little Rock Nine

Linda Brown who had to walk a great distance to arrive at the black school to which she was assigned. What came from the Supreme C...

Ignatius Loyola and John Calvin

full implications of Calvins transformation it is necessary to recognize that prior to the 1500s most of northern Europe had been ...

Evolution Of Gospel Music In America

anthem music spread more rapidly in the South (Tanner, 2006). It was the minstrel shows that were most responsible for this musics...