YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Causative Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Organism

Essays 31 - 60

Spinal Tuberculosis Management and Prevention Literature Review

is actually a form of tuberculosis. The story of Alexander Pope is just an anecdote and by no means signifies its origin. Skeleton...

Poe/Annabel Lee

a child and she was a child/In this kingdom by the sea" (lines 7-8). These lines, as do the opening lines of the poem, establish a...

Response to Tuberculosis Outbreak

In a paper of three pages, the writer looks at disaster response efforts. A 2012 response to a Colorado tuberculosis outbreak is e...

Syphilis and Public Health

This research paper describes Treponema pallidum, a spirochete bacterium that is known to be the causative agent for syphilis. The...

Argentina and the Radical Social Divide that Has Emerged

OUTLINE I. Introduction A. 2001 Financial Collapse...

Definition, Causes and Treatment of PTSD

p. 120). DSM-IV-TR diagnostic symptom criteria include nightmares, intrusive memories, avoidance and arousal (Dyer, et al, 2009). ...

Child Abuse

as Community Health personnel and teachers to report suspected abuse. Children continue to be abused and to suffer the impacts of...

Reevaluation of Heart Disease's Causative Factors

In eight pages this paper examines current research pertaining to heart disease in a consideration of molecular, bacterial, and vu...

Tuberculosis and New Mexico

threatened almost everyone, regardless of social status. The disease ultimately led to many states implementing what was called ...

Lyme Disease A Tick Born Disease

all of which are known commonly as deer ticks. The bacterias common reservoir is rodents. Immature ticks in particular are commo...

Slavery A Precipitating Factor in the Civil War

While it certainly wasnt the only reason, slavery...

Tuberculosis, An Overview

This research paper presents an overview of the problem of tuberculosis (TB) in the US. Causes and transmission, at-risk groups, s...

How Plants and Animals Differ in What they Eat and How that Affects Us

Organisms can vary tremendously in the way they procure food. Plants, for example produce their own food using only sunlight, carb...

Marine and Freshwater Habitats

Great blue herons and osprey are a common site in both types of marshes as is a large variety of small songbirds (Burt, 2007). ...

Body Cavities and Their Function

of particular benefit (Smith, 2010). Typically animals with a body cavity are larger than those that have only a gut cavity (Smit...

The Law as Compared to Living Organisms

example lies in the laws that we have that relate to due process. The laws relating to due process are specialized laws that dir...

Ohio's Ecology

30 to 60 inches" (Deciduous forest, 2004). There are some evergreens here, but most trees lose their leaves in the winter, provid...

Environmental Influence in Organism Body Plan

The fact that the environment influences the body plans of organisms has been widely accepted for decades....

Utilizing Microbial Terminology in Communications Involving Bioterrorism

This paper discusses key terminology used in classifying microbial organisms and discussing disease epidemiology. There are five s...

Overview of Dinoflagellates

interesting because it members are polyphyletic (Eukaryota: Systematics, 2005). In other words they can be closer related to eith...

From Benign to Deadly, Cryptococcus Neoformans

no proof of infection close to pigeon colonies (Pickles, 2005). In Australia and other southern hemisphere sub tropical regions ...

Hand Washing Hygiene in Disease Control

asked to touch the groin area of a patient as though they were taking a femoral pulse for a duration of fifteen seconds. The work...

Brewer's Yeast Species Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

In six pages this paper discusses how this organism grows and reproduces both in the laboratory as well as within its native envir...

Literature Overview of Microbial Organism Adhesion

In five pages this literature overview focuses upon microbe molecular configuration and curvature in terms of the influential fact...

5 Questions in Biology

Plant organisms and how they relate to various issues in genetics are considered in this paper consisting of 6 pages. There are 5...

Enzyme Catalase

In six pages the function of the catalase enzyme as an isolated form in commercial applications and as a living organism are exami...

Philosophies and Democracy

In five pages the statement 'Democracy is not a mechanical device, it is, rather, a living organism that can only flourish in cert...

Overview of Haemophilus influenzae

In five pages an epidemiological and taxonomic overview of the organism Haemophilus influenzae is presented along with effective c...

Disease Causing Organism Bacillus cereus

In nine pages B. cereus is examined in terms of its characteristics and its disease causing ability. Eight sources are cited in t...

Natural Environment Contribution of Legionella pneumophilia to its Pathogenesis

In six pages the pathogenesis of this organism is examined in order to better understand its natural survival. Eight sources are ...