YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Character of Rochester in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre and Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea

Essays 1 - 30

Women of Edward Rochester in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea

the two female characters who interacted in literature with Edward Rochester, one notices differences - and similarities - in thei...

Character of Rochester in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea

purity of Jane, as a potential, "better" wife for Rochester (267). It also allows Rochester to vindicate himself at Berthas expens...

“Jane Eyre” and “Wide Sargasso Sea”: Rebellion Against Patriarchy

is "large and stout for his age," meaning of course that hes much larger than the girl (Bront?, 2007). He is a glutton as well and...

Madness Theme in Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys

servants. She physically attacks him and bites his arm. Convinced of her madness, he takes her back to England where she is locked...

Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys and Social Alienation

were outcasts from the beginning largely due to her mother Annettes social displacement as a native of Martinique. The memories o...

A Woman's Novel 'Awakening' in the Struggle for Identity

In three pages Maryse Conde's 'Heremakhonon - a Novel' and Jean Rhys' 'Wide Sargasso Sea' are discussed. There are no other sourc...

Ethnic and Racial Construction Of 'Caribbeanness'

In ten pages the texts I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem by Maryse Conde and Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys are referred to in a disc...

Literature and Male Cruelty

on love, but rather an arrangement. This book sheds light on the cruelty of arranged marriages, but things get worse. It is not me...

Feminist Readings of Twentieth Century Novels

mock romance, a post-modernist parody of a familiar genre" (Oates carter-wise.html). Interestingly enough, even with little, or no...

Comparing a Child's Viewpoint from an Adult's in A Caribbean Childhood

To children, the game is a simplistic as is their perception of the world around them, which they view with innocence, truth and i...

Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea and Orientalism

those forces and elements in the Eastern culture which are familiar entities in regards to Western society. In order to contain ...

Passive Women in Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea and George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion

deems necessary to improve her speech and position. We gain a very powerful understanding of what Shaw presents in his work thro...

Wide Sargasso Sea and Don Juan

himself, the increasing dissatisfaction of his amorous affairs, the chaos of his increasingly fevered pursuit of women, and his ev...

Jane Eyre's Relationship with Rochester: Freud's Unconscious

be reciprocated. In spite of the fact that she fully understands the unlikely nature of such a relationship, this does not deter ...

Analysis of Charlotte Bronte's Protagonist Jane Eyre

instance, is that she will feel safe if she is hidden, and may feel prone to attack if she is seen. It would seem to balance the ...

Charlotte Bronte's Protagonist Jane Eyre

In five pages a character analysis of Jane Eyre and how her development progresses in 5 different environmental settings are prese...

Paternal Figure Edward Rochester in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

In seven pages this paper discusses Jane Eyre's psychological longing for a father figure and how Rochester satisfied this criteri...

Comparison of Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys and Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

the womens circumstances and the move to change those circumstances. Rochesters dismissal of Antoinette, her family and her commun...

Comparative Analysis of Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea and George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion

In five pages this paper compares the similarities of the turning points in each of these stories. Four sources are cited in the ...

Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys

In eight pages this paper examines the characterization of Edward Rochester in a comparison between him and the conquistadors of S...

Racial Identity Conflicts of Antoinette in Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys

is clear that Rhyss intention in Wide Sargasso Sea is to demonstrate that if black women are not placed into otherwise constrictin...

Images in Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea

to be a heroic character. From the many examples in Wide Sargasso Sea, one can argue that Antoinette is in fact the hero of the s...

Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys and a Literary Criticism of a Particular Passage

to Rochester to collude in the concealing their past" and overall many of the episodes from the past are forgotten by "the willed ...

Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and the Characters of Jane and Edward Rochester

combined with his perception of Jane, makes him think a bit more deeply about his character when he tells her to go to the library...

Jane Eyre as a Child

"sympathize" with her, as she was the opposite of them in "temperament, in capacity,...a useless thing, incapable of serving their...

Possibilities of Love and Change in "Wide Sargasso Sea"

aspects of life. The opening pages of the novel take us to Jamaica, and they are very evocative. They tell us of the beautiful, l...

Post Rochester Identity of Jane Eyre

In five pages this paper discusses the novel by Charlotte Bronte with a focus upon the different identity Jane forges after learni...

Jane Eyre's Character in Charlotte Bronte's Novel

to use looks as an anchor. The other thing that Jane is not is greedy. When Edward offers her all kinds of clothes and jewels, she...

Love Theme Compared as Reflected in Literature of Emily and Charlotte Bronte

specifically, it was an obsession as opposed to true love. What distinguishes these from each other is the element of personal sa...

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Religion

it will, it is indebted to him" (xi-xii). Charlotte Bronte believed that religious attitudes fell into two distinct categories -...