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Children's Dental Health and Public Health Policy

not view dentistry as very important. Some citizens see it as optional, but oral health is anything but. Apparently, citizens need...

Health Policy and the Role of Public Health Nurses

These authors conducted a large study of 3,830 individuals consisting of 17.8 percent nurses, 21.8 percent physicians, 29.6 percen...

Health Education Professional Organizations and their Websites

This research paper offers an overview of the websites for the following health education professional organizations: the Society ...

Public Health Organizations

Both Winslow and Acheson make the link between society and health, and the role of social actions; a concept that was seen in many...

Epidemiology and Climate Change

It should be clear that the health of the planet has a direct impact on the health of humans. In fact, each has an effect on the o...

Public Health in Haiti; A Research Proposal

To consider public health issues we heed to start by looking at models of health. Health is seen and defined as the way the physic...

Politics and Health

If public health and health care could be integrated, it would result in numerous benefits, however, there are barriers and challe...

Ineffective Communication

Effective public health agencies are essential for the health of the general public. They have many diverse responsibilities, one ...

Children's Health and the Impact of Physical Education

In fourteen pages this research paper discusses the impact of physical education on children's health and fitness....

Health Care Policymaking

the 1990s, there was a focus keeping kids health (Mechanic et al, 2005). To accomplish this, local health care institutions initia...

STDs Increasing

The introduction reports data about the incidence of Chlamydia and uses that as a catalyst to discuss health programs in schools; ...

The Health Care System in the United States and Access by Black Americans

have deleterious effects on the health outcomes of the residents in these areas. Many researchers have arrived at the same conclus...

Health Outcomes and SES

This research paper describes research findings that indicate the relationship between health outcomes and low socioeconomic statu...

An Overview of the Health Care System in the United States

The estimated increase for 1999 is between 7 and 10 percent.4 Of the expenditures in 1997, 33 percent went towards hospital costs,...

American Public Policies

The rate with which healthcare technology has evolved has coupled with demographic changes to result in an extremely taxed system....

Family Health Nursing

the "niche were multiple members encounter and respond to disease and illness across the life course" (Denham, 2003, p. 143). Nurs...

What Influences Policy-Making

the family when there is an advance directive (Santo, 2010). It is the issue of ending ones life that causes great conflict. The g...

Medication and Cultures

This research paper describes how health beliefs and cultural views of medication influence health behaviors. Three pages in lengt...

Families Should Decide Own Health Goals

to individuals connected by a blood tie. However, to be a "family," members must "live in close contact, care for one another, an...

Community Health and Public Health Issues

of society, ignored. They are often referred to as the underserved population. According to Gallup polls it seems that out...

Public Health Care v. Home Health Care

of Healthcare Organizations is one organization which has had a definitive impact on the quality of care being provided across the...

COBRA and What It Means to the Economy

The role of public and private entities in health care is not a new debate. This paper details the Consolidated Omnibus Resolution...

Public Health Issues

It is clear to most people that the amount of money the federal government spends on health care must be reduced. At the current r...

Homeless & Mental Illness/A Vulnerable Population

necessary health-related behaviors" required for meeting "ones therapeutic self-care demand (needs)" (Hurst, et al 2005, p. 11). U...

George W. Bush's Economic Policies

This research paper offers an overview of the George W. Bush administration's economic policies. The writer addresses issues assoc...

Controlled Study of Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disease in Children and Oral Health

is clear that the issue, as Linnet et al state, merits further investigation. Lazarchik and Filler (1997) point out that dental er...

Entertainment Public Health Education

This research paper pertains to entertainment education in public health education campaigns. This terms refer to public health me...

Safety and Health

also places emphasis on the role of ongoing training and self improvement. Even if we look at commercial models for the way an org...

Establish Ethical Culture in Public Health

2007). It is much better and will have more impact if this training and communication happens in a face-to-face situation and not...

Macroeconomic Effects of the "Public Option"

goal of totally reforming all of US healthcare has been shelved, with the focus now being exclusively on health insurance. The na...