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Essays 1 - 30

“Chimpanzee Politics”

the quest for power. For chimps that quest is most often loud and apparent. For humans it is often more subtle and calculated....

“Chimpanzee Politics” and Human Behavior

because the Founders understood that "oppression ... occurs when those in power control the law for their own purposes" (Wolff). T...

Human Behavior and “Chimpanzee Politics”

because the Founders understood that "oppression ... occurs when those in power control the law for their own purposes" (Wolff). T...

Politics in Organizations

it can be used as a source of power. If a manager calls someone and does not leave a message on the other persons voice mail syste...

World Politics

"new public management" as a way of better administering policy. Beate Kohler-Koch has seen the transformation of governance as af...

Chris Matthews/Hardball

with the name of Chris Matthews because this is the name of the MSNBC television show on which Matthews appears as the host. Howev...

Global Politics Featured in Short Essays

In eight pages short essays, answers, and reactions to global politics' issues including the significance of Latin American econom...

The Politics and Metaphysics of Thomas Hobbes

same time that other men pursue the same desires (Hobbes 185). The development of enemies comes from this course of natural compe...

'Politics of Fantasy' in Kiss of the Spider Woman by Manuel Puig

In five pages this tutorial analyzes Kiss of the Spider Woman in a consideration of how it represents 'politics of fantasy.'...

British Political System and Cabinet Status

In seven pages this paper examines the British system of politics in this consideration of the cabinet status and how decisions ar...

Iris M. Young's Justice and the Politics of Difference and Susan M. Okin's Justice, Gender and the Family

home. Labor divisions are held in check by the marriage contract and the historic or traditional nature of the family. 2.In Chapt...

Domestic and International Marketing

"two nationalist and one globalist approach" (Ravenhill, 2001). The first approach was for the government to bail out the compani...

Relationship between Politics and Economics

says that in the 1992 election (the slogan was "Its the economy, stupid!"), Clinton "enthusiastically encouraged voters beliefs th...

Politics Lost by Joe Klein

ops and idiotic advertising that passes for public discourse these days" (Klein, 2006). Throughout the work the author ill...

Was Washoe Cognitive and What is Hard Science?

the requirement of awareness. When deaf children learn signing from a young age it may be argued that at first the process is beha...

History and Ecology of the Chimpanzee

hominids" (Anonymous, 2002). Chimpanzee hunting ecology is intermingled with their history as a species, in that their inherent a...

Nonhuman Primates, Violent and Nonviolent Cultural Evidence

so what are they and what purpose do they serve in the survival of the species? What conclusions may be reached. All of these fact...

Gombe National Park Chimps and How They Socialize According to Jane Goodall

In seven pages this paper examines Jane Goodall's research on the socialization of chimpanzees and how they resemble human social ...

Memory Parallels Between Animals and Humans or 'Monkey See, Monkey Do'

Comparison For centuries man has probed the questions and mysteries surrounding the working processes of the human brain and the ...

Gorillas, Chimpanzees, and Self Recognition

In ten pages this paper discusses the research by Patterson, Povinelli, and Gallup regarding differences between gorilla and chimp...

Susan Strange's "The Limits Of Politics"

of politics to such a degree that there is virtually no limit to who and what is influenced (Botjer, 2006). The key point Strange...

Beatrice C. Mosionier/In Search of April Raintree

It has never been out of print since its publication and has been translated into "French, German and Dutch" (Taillon 16). Written...

Texas Politics: The 1930s to the Present

seems that he believed originally that the tax revenue was enough, but in the end it turned out that a raise in taxes was in order...

Comparison in Politics

other on the real issues. Both promoted remaining in Iraq for the duration; both maintained that "something" has to be done about...

Piven, Goldfield, and Greenstone on Politics and the Role of Labor

In ten pages this report discusses the analysis offered by these theorists regarding American politics and the influence of organi...

Education, Politics And The Student: How Traditional Cultural Expectations Challenge And Shape Twentieth Century Educational Systems

and speak the truth; without the ability to stand against wrongdoing, people remain pawns of a contemptible political system run b...

An Article on the Politics of Canadian Settlers Analyzed

(Stasiulis and Jhappan, 1995, p. 1). The referendum was narrowly defeated, which is a fact in and of itself that supports the auth...

Politics of Development in 3 Cities

pivoting around issues concerning one Petersons key areas, that is, the politics of development. A principal point of DeLeons anal...

French Politics in 1848

working class. Citing Theodore Zeldin, Sewell states that 1848 is important in French history because it was at this time that t...

Enlightenment Modernity and Black Politics

efficacy of that groups interactions in the political framework then served as an additional aspect of efficacy for the individual...