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Essays 1 - 30

China's Favored Nation Economic Status by the United States

In eight pages this paper argues in favor of China retaining its most favored nation economic trading status by the United States....

China Trade Status as Most Favored Nation

they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...

US and Giving Vietnam the Economic Status of Most Favored Nation

This paper consists of eight pages and argues in favor of the US bestowing most favored nation economic status to Vietnam. Six so...

League of Nations, the United Nations, and the United States

In five pages this paper discusses whether or not the US presence in the United Nations has hampered its diplomatic mission in the...

Superpower Status of China

the low-end retailers like Wal-Mart are able to supply inexpensive goods, low income Americans will remain satisfied and uncritica...

American Foreign Policy with China

improve conditions relative to human rights and to divert attention away from nuclear proliferation to other, more constructive pu...

Wallerstein's Theory of World Systems

most developed are powerful and this allows them to determine the type of governance that fosters their continued power (Martin, 2...

Influences on International Relations between the European Union and China

internally reduce in terms of the distance this places an increased emphasis on the proximity of external actors. Increased common...

World's Top 5 Economics, Development, and Public Governance

The post-9/11 recession in the US was one that had been long overdue, according to the laws of the business cycle. This is the bo...

China and United States Trade Relationship

In eight pages this paper considers the latter 20th century trade relationship that developed between China and the United States ...

Taiwan Independence, China, and the Involvement of the United States

In ten pages this paper discusses the United States' continued involvement in the conflict between China and Taiwan regarding Taiw...

Economic Superpower Status and China

In ten pages this paper discusses China's economic progression since 1987 in an assessment of whether or not it is moving toward g...

Should the U.S. Sell Jets to China

Peoples Liberation Army is looking at the aircraft with both awe and disdain. The jet he describes is Chinese owned and registered...

Christianity Today

Christianity is and always has been the dominant religious preference in the United States. It was founded on the philosophy of r...

Nongovernmental Organizations and Their Influence

and the World Wildlife Fund. As well as influencing states and bring change or helping people the NGOs also may seek to influence ...

Questions on Macroeconomics

currency, and in line with supply and demand equations, will help to reduce the price; where the supply for any commodity increase...

Country Comparison

This research paper presents a political and economic comparison of Japan, United Kingdom, United States and China. The final sect...

Structural Evolution

and electrical to the high tech industries of the 1990s, the industry was changing and as one form of job was lost other took ove...

The Neo-Liberal State, Developing Nations and Globalization

favor private ownership of private property rights, the rule of law and free trade policies (Harvey, 2005). These policies should ...

State Responsibility and International Law

In six pages this paper uses student submitted case information in an examination of aliens and state responsibility in an intern...

The Proliferation Of Nuclear Weapons In Developing Countries Is A Reality

same time officials felt compelled to somewhat shield the public from its alarming aspects in order to maintain civic composure. ...

International Relations and Sovereignty

In seven pages this essay examines global level sovereignty with the emphasis upon the United Nations' relationship with the Mid...

UN Speech of Mikhail Gorbachev

In five pages Soviet President Gorbachev's 1988 speech delivered to the United Nations is analyzed....

The United Nations: Overview

easing poverty and supporting economic development; agricultural development and fisheries; education; family planning; emergency ...

The United Nations: History.

the purpose of establishing ways to settle crises peacefully, prevent wars and codify "rules of warfare" ("History of the United N...

Legal Refugee Status

people who were refugees and/or who were seeking asylum to leave an environment of persecution. On the other hand, refugees are ma...

China and the United States' Trade Relationship

In five pages this paper examines free trade in an overview of various issues including China's agriculture and the trade relation...

United Nations' International Court of Justice

In twelve pages this paper explores the history of the United Nations' International Court of Justice and also considers its prese...

Legal Issues in Commercial Use of Outer Space

The industry is not limited only to the owners of satellite hardware. There are four sectors of the industry that generally are r...

Imports from Mexico and China and Their Impact Uponn U.S. Manufacturing

the U.S.? A huge trade deficit -- and loss of millions of manufacturing jobs (Anonymous, 2004). In terms of the trade deficit, acc...