YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Civilization Through the Eyes of Freud and Conrad

Essays 211 - 240

Sigmund Freud's 'The Uncanny' and Fiction's Messages

In eight pages this paper examines the messages that exist within horror or ghost stories. Eleven sources are cited in the biblio...

Sigmund Freud, Imogene King, and Nursing

2001). Growth and development is a component in Kings Goal Attainment Theory. Where the patient is in terms of growth and develo...

Freudian Theories

This research paper discusses various theories of Freud, such as the nature of the unconscious and its role in repression; the thr...

The Development of Play Therapy

In this five page research report the author provides a brief overview of the development of play therapy between the nineteenth c...

Repetition and Sigmund Freud's Case Study of 'Wolf Man'

theories are still believed by many psychologists, in part because there has not been a different theory which can rival Freuds co...

Neurosis and Psychoanalysis

In five pages this paper discusses how neurotic behavior is explained by Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalysis. Six sources ar...

Marxism and Sigmund Freud's Human Psyche Model

In five pages Freudian psychology is discussed in a comparative examination of the psychoanalyst's human psyche model and Karl Mar...

Mary Shelley's Victor Frankenstein as an Extension of His Own Creation

The protagonist of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is the subject of this character analysis that includes Sigmund Freud's doubling p...

Literary Reality and Fiction

In five pages this paper discusses the representation of reality and fiction in literature in an examination of Chekhov's The Thre...

Society and Humor

Twains Letters From the Earth or John Irvings The World According to Garp. While authors have used humor to convey various points,...

Emotional Aspects of Child Abuse

In five pages Sigmund Freud's and Erik Erikson's theories are examined within the context of child abuse and its emotional repercu...

Abnormality and Views of Watson's Behaviorist and Freud's Psychoanalysis Theories

In five pages the elements of each theory is described as they relate to abnormality inderstanding with the conclusion reached tha...

Relationship Between the Unconscious Mind of Sigmund Freud and the Surrealism of Salvador Dali

In six pages this paper explores the connection between Freud's 'unconscious mind' theories and Dali's surrealistic painting style...

Sigmund Freud's Theory of Seduction and the Dora Case

In six pages this paper examines the famous Dora case as it relates to Sigmund Freud's theory of seduction. Six sources are cited...

Concepts of Self According to Mead and Freud

William James and George Herbert Mead made a distinction between object self and subject self or a difference between I, Me and Se...

Dora's Case and Sigmund Freud

In five pages Sigmund Freud's famous 'Dora' case is examined in terms of the woman's background and the hysteria diagnosis. Four ...

Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own and To The Lighthouse and Their Freudian Implications

In fifteen pages this paper examines how the worth of Sigmund Freud's theories can be measured in these works by Virginia Woolf. ...

Mentally Retarded Child and Development of Ego

In eleven pages the development of the ego of a mentally retarded child is considered in a fictitious scenario involving a young g...

Overview of Sigmund Freud's Life and Works

In five pages this paper examines Freud's life, his work, and his psychoanalytical theories. Four sources are cited in the bibl...

Narrative Evolution

In seven pages the evolution of narrative are examined in a consideration of Scarlet and Black, Tristram Shandy, Madame Bovary, He...

Dream Theories of Sigmund Freud

In about seven pages this paper discusses and analyzes among other topics Freud's psychodyamic therapy and dream theories. Seven ...

Adler, Erikson, Freud, and Birth Order

In an essay consisting of five pages Adler's birth order concepts are compared with Freud's and Erikson's developmental theories w...

Answers to Model Essays on Effective Parenting

In four pages case studies are featured in these free response essays that discuss various parenting approaches including Freud's ...

Annotated Bibliography of the Works of Sigmund and Anna Freud

included in this work that is quite important to the study of psychoanalysis and the study of works by this important theorist. F...

Freudian Analysis of a Psychiatric Case Study

mind is comprised of Id, Ego and Superego. He is perhaps best known for his claims that psychoanalysis is the key to understandin...

Bassiano in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice' from a Freudian Perspective

Id is associated with the immediate gratification of the unconscious. In other words this level is the most primal and does not co...

Freudian Theory and The Scold's Bridle by Minette Walters

along with presenting a murder mystery, the author is showing the mysteries of the human mind and the ways that hatred, love, and ...

Psychoanalysis Spoofed by Jay Haley

to be an essential element in the overall aspect of human life. Without its influential element, myriad individuals would not be ...

Sigmund Freud on Neurosis

from disagreeable representations from the sexual sphere" (Sigmund Freud, n.d.). In terms of how psychosis differs from ...

Psychoanalytic View of Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 Film Psycho

film manipulates the audience at every turn, so that the audience is compelled to examine their own sympathies and perspective. ...