YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :College Educations Socioeconomic Importance

Essays 1 - 30

College Education's Socioeconomic Importance

a broader strategy - namely, the antidemocratic upward redistribution of material, cultural, and symbolic wealth" (Saltman, 2000, ...

A Personal Perspective of Why a College Education is So Important

In this three page essay the author presents their own perspective of why a college education is critical. Written with some refe...

Lone Star College System

Lone Star College, founded in 1973, is the largest higher education institution in the Houston, Texas area. It is also one of the ...

Opportunity Costs of College

those pursuing college degrees. Indirect costs include tradeoffs between less leisure time and greater education and knowle...

Physical Education and the Inclusion of Disabled Students

This paper considers the importance of including students who are handicapped in physical education in six pages....

The Importance of an Education

dropping out of high school and many may well find, years down the line, that they now want a high school education. One author no...

Two-Year Higher Education

Two-year colleges known as junior colleges or community colleges serve a very diverse population. They offer degrees and certifica...

Comparing Two-Year Colleges

Two-year public colleges are more often referred to as community colleges. In recent years, their funding has been cut just as it ...

Police Officer's Changing Role and Education

ordinary after-the-fact investigation of serious crimes (1992). At this time, police officers still had the respect of society. Pe...

US and Community College Programs in Vocational Education

vocational educational program this may seem to be the case, but in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, many o...

Educational Futures in Australia

the other nations of the world. Of all the scenarios discussed, that of continued globalization is the one of greatest impo...

Lone Star College System, Financial Aid Policy

This research paper describes the Lone Star College System and its policy in terms of compliance with current trends in community ...

Beer and Circus by Murray Sperber

nations universities, in order to stay viable financially, have placed undue emphasis on their sports programs, utilizing a perspe...

The Under Representation Ethnic Minority Students in College Attendance Figures

a lower proportional number of collage degrees than countries where there is an average or lower than average ethnic population. ...

Succeeding Without a College Education

the retail management ladder. Most people in the retail industry start out when they are looking for a secondary job, filling in ...

College Education Financing

offered similar courses of study. Though the financial aid packages offered by these schools were less in overall funding, the en...

Nursing Hybrid Program

to gain experience as a member of the health care team. At the end of the two years, some students will have earned 14 college cr...

The Truly Disadvantaged by William Wilson

William Wilson's socioeconomic policies featured in The Truly Disadvantaged are examined in 6 pages....

Tobias Wolff's 'The Rich Brother' and Family

we have no sense of frustration or unrequited longing in terms of his aspirations....

Healthcare's Changing Trends

and less centralized. The traditional executive-level professional who makes all the decisions will become less common. More decis...

End of European Colonialism

In two pages this essay considers post 1945 socioeconomic and political factors that resulted in the end of European colonialism....

Environment and For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway

In six pages this paper examines the socioeconomic and physical environments depicted in For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingw...

American Experience of the Orthodox Jews and the Amish

is similar in many ways to the Amish. This is particularly true in regard to the role their women have played in their culture. ...

Annotated Bibliography on Teen Pregnancies

America (1986) CWLA Standards of Excellence for Services for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, Pregnant Adolescents, and Young Pare...

Lone Star College System Analyasis

The crisis of a nursing shortage will continue for at least another three years. Some colleges have added additional programs in a...

An Identity for Universities

In 2997, Robbins wrote an article about the need for colleges and universities to have a theory and clear identification. She offe...

Speaker Notes/AACN Essentials, FNP

This paper presents the speaker notes that go with a power point presentation, khaacn.ppt, which includes fifteen side and pertain...

Job Based Versus Formal Education

This paper addresses the issue of what type of education would provide more of a benefit for students, job based learning, or a fo...

The Seven Sisters/Women's Education

The cultural bias against education for women was so severe in the eighteenth century that Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), note...

Virtual Higher Education

known as correspondence courses in the United States, were first introduced in Britain in the 1860s. They gained a strong foothol...