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Community Nursing: Positive Impacts on Nutrition and Lifestyle

Social Services they have complained that that funding is insufficient to provide for even their most basic dietary needs. Part o...

Nursing Development and Clinical Supervision's Role

theoretical framework for promoting professional development through the use of quality circles. This management theory involves a...

Wellness & Nutrition for Healthy Aging

p. 364). Due to the fact that eating behaviors tend to be established by early experience, it is important for healthy eating habi...

Community Health & Teen Pregnancy

situation. As a provider of care, it is the role of the community health nurse to address the needs of Centerville adolescents i...

Topics in Community Health Nursing

definitions of community have emerged, with the consequence that, concurrently, definitions of health promotions have also evolved...

The Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action

only persons of all racial backgrounds but also genders, disabilities, sexual orientations, political orientations, and nationalit...

The European Invasion of the Americas and its Long Term Consequences

The discovery of the Americas opened a chapter of world history that ultimately reflected phenomenal consequences. Numerous...

Sports and Economics

In five pages this paper discusses contemporary sports in a consideration of economic conditions such as community impact and athl...

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension a.k.a. DASH

documented that "total cholesterol levels were reduced in patients following the DASH diet by an average of 7.3 percent and LDL-C ...

Community Nursing Questions

self-knowledge (Simpson, 2004). While anecdotal evidence is not regarded as conclusive, the experience of individual nurses in reg...

Affordable Healthcare in Australia

can only be expected to escalate in the near future. Therefore, issues of affordability, in relation to equitable healthcare servi...

Artificial Nutrition/hydration & Terminal Pediatric Patient

the insertion of a central line, threaded through a vein, and it was once believed that it would aid cancer patients, restoring ap...

Nursing Community Services, Asthma & Diabetes

do not have their inhaler with them or it is "forgotten, lost or empty when needed" (Bryne, Schreibr and Nguyen 335). Without this...

Pregnancy, Drug Use, and Nursing

In six pages this research paper discusses substance addicted pregnant mothers and the positive impacts of nursing practice and nu...

Aquatic Athletic Performance and Seasonal Nutrition

In twenty pages this research paper discusses aquatic athletic performance and seasonal nutrition's impact on it. Fifteen sources...

Nutrition Issues of Mexican Americans

In five pages this paper examines the problems Mexicans experience in American life adaptivity with a consideration of lifestyles,...

Social Classes in Pakistan

In seven pages this paper examines Pakistan's social class structure in an examination of people's lifestyles and how they vary so...

Nutrition and Health Problems in the Elderly

self-reported diabetes ranged from 1.6% among persons aged 18-34 years to 12.5% among persons aged 65-74 years" (Current Trends Re...

Older Women and Fertility

much wider range of lifestyle choices, and were no longer automatically expected to marry young and embark on a primarily domestic...

Youth Fitness

This problem is one that does not look like it will go away in the near future. It is also an emotionally sensitive...

Adolescent Obesity in Canada

This research paper focuses on the problem of overweight/obesity and its prevalence among Canadian youth. The writer also discusse...

Nutrition and Cancer, A Capstone Project

This paper describes a capstone project that focuses on the connections between nutrition and cancer. The project will also explor...

Assisted Suicide and the Nursing Profession

Physicians occupy center stage in this modern-day morality play and remain the central focus of most analytical investigations. P...

Community Nursing Advantages and Disadvantages

individual, regardless of that individuals station in or stage of life. Todays nurse has many duties and answers to people and ad...

Reflection on Community/Public Health Nursing

the provision of nursing services for early diagnosis and preventive services, the progress made over the course of the last centu...

Nursing Roles in Diabetes Management

In a paper of four pages, the writer assesses a research article on the use of lifestyle counseling by nurses. The research artic...

Community Nursing/Jackson Heights, NY

(CNY, 2007). Talk to an informant; problems and strengths : Naturally this writer/tutor was not in a position to find an inform...

Wellness & Nutrition for Healthy Aging

nurses facilitate the "recognition and communication" of these concepts, permitting "thoughts to be shared through language" (Davi...

Children and The World Wide Web

childs use of the Web. In many ways the Internet might be considered a sociological experiment. While most adults are...