YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Comparing Perspectives Presented in the Printed Media

Essays 241 - 270

Setting a Model Example with Bulimia

Two decades later Im here to tell you thats not the truth. If one steps back in time to envelop...

Media Policy and Corporate Image

This paper discusses how companies can utilize a media policy to influence the way their business is represented in the media. Th...

Sexuality and Gender Dichotomy Deconstruction

the homosexual and heterosexual dichotomy gained acceptance as both sexuality and personal identity became central to our culture"...

Media and Chicago's Highway Construction During the 1950s

This paper examines the media's portrayal of Chigago's highway construction and other industrial projects during the 1950s. This ...

Neil Postman's Amusing Ourselves To Death

In 5 pages this paper provides a review of the text and its depiction of the media's mind numbing aspects and what has caused this...

Media Promoting Serial Murder Through Its Serial Murder Portrayal

Did the media portrayal of the first events cause the latter ones? Is it possible for the media to have that much influence? Doe...

US Society's Polarization Regarding the Vietnam War

In five pages this paper discusses how US culture was polarized as a result of the Vietnam War and considers the media's role. Fo...

January of 1979 Media Uses and Public Perceptions

In five pages this paper examines media uses and public perceptions of the media during this time period. Six sources are cited i...

Vietnam War and the Role of the Media in Shaping Public Opinion

In eleven pages this paper examines the conflict in Vietnam and how the public opinion was shaped by the media's depiction of eve...

Traditional Media and the Effects of New Media

"The long-term prospects for the cannibalization of magazines (especially special-interest titles) by the Internet may be slightly...

Comparing Educational Perspectives of Chaudhuri and Whitehead

In eight pages this paper discusses The Evolution of Integral Consciousness by Haridas Chaudhuri and Albert North Whitehead's The ...

AIDS, HIV, the Media and Global Social Problems

In eight pages this paper examines the media's role in reporting the global social problems of AIDS and HIV that have devastated A...

Mass Media and Its Influence

explore the immense power that the mass media holds over the publics opinions and views and examine its ability to shape and influ...

Homelessness and the Media's Negative Portrayal

In seven pages this paper discusses the shift between the 1980s to the 1990s regarding the media's portrayal of homelessness from ...

Nonwestern Media, Justice, and Crime

In ten pages the media representation of crime is examined within a Saudi Arabia context with a consideration of controls exercise...

Stereotypes and the Media

The social ramifications of this process can be devastating. In an era when some long-term criminals are being found innocent of ...

Media and Religion

print to radio and television broadcast to influence the receptors impressions, attitudes, and opinions of religion and religious ...

Sports Coverage and the Media II

has even made college athletes suffer from the negative effects of bad or unfair press. Coaches are known to mildly bribe the pres...

News Media and Violence

In ten pages this paper examines the news media's reporting of violent acts and the motivation behind such reports. Five sources ...

Arguing Against Tabloid Press and Media Compromise

In sixteen pages this research paper charges the media with compromising its position with manipulating the public trust by reinfo...

The Clinton and Lewinsky Liaison as Portrayed by the Media

The role of media politics in its depiction of this affair are examined as are the roles of propaganda and other items in this sto...

The Mass Media and Black Americans

6 pages and 7 sources. This paper relates the fact that the mass media has promoted a variety of ways of viewing African American...

Ad Banning and Broadcast Media Advertising

In a paper consisting of twelve pages the decision to ban advertising from the broadcast media is examined with the position suppo...

Mental Health Changes on TV

For decades, the media has portrayed people with mental illnesses or disorder in such a way that others did not want to be around ...

The Family and Television

This paper concludes that, to an extent, media creates images of family life that viewers use to form attitudes about family, but ...

Crisis Communication and Social Media

In a paper of six pages, the writer looks at social media in crisis communications. Using BP as an historical example, the paper r...

Questions on Media, Power and Culture

This research paper covers a variety of topics that pertain to media in contemporary culture. Topics include social media, the Hol...

Martin P. Wattenberg's Decline of American Political Parties

In two pages this 1996 text is reviewed regarding its treatment of the media's role and the management of political parties. Ther...

Medieval Perspectives on Religion by Keith Thomas and Eamon Duffy Compared

the other hand, is quite different. Duffy sees the magical element as part of an overall religious system that was flexible, vibra...

Islam Perceptions

In three pages this paper discusses the media's role in shaping perceptions and misperceptions of outsiders regarding Islam in a c...