YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Comparing Protagonists in Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour and Guy de Maupassants The Necklace

Essays 61 - 90

'Boule de Suif' by Guy de Maupassant

In 5 pages this famous short story by Guy de Maupassant is examined. There are 2 sources cited in the bibliography....

2 Short Stories on Clashing Religious and Social Values

In five pages this paper examines how social and religious values collide in a contrast and comparison of the short stories 'The S...

Women's Emotions in the Works of Kate Chopin

"dances" out to the fig trees each day to check on their ripeness (Ripe Figs). When she finds them to be "little hard, green marb...

Kate Chopin's Life and Writings

In five pages this paper examines the Victorian time period that shaped the life and writings of Kate Chopin and analyzes the femi...

Kate Chopin's Depiction of Marriage

In five pages this paper examines how Kate Chopin depicts marriage in the short stories 'The Storm,' 'Story of an Hour' and 'Ripe ...

Short Stories of Kate Chopin

the change from their boring and traditional lives as parents and spouses. They are independent creatures in a society that does n...

Analysis of Five American Short Stories

for an hour, thinking about her past, her relationship, and her future. As she ponders she begins to really experience a sense of ...

The Story of an Hour

outside of this reality. Prior to focusing on these elements within the story it is imperative that a person understand the Vict...

No Love Lost

at its best. This paper argues that the protagonist of the story, Louise Mallard, does not love her husband. Discussion The stor...

Women's Search for Independence in 3 Works: Finding Happiness

This essay discusses 3 works: which are a poem by Gwendolyn Brook, "The Beam Eaters"; a short story by Kate Chopin, "The Story of ...

Controversy and Kate Chopin

American women writers exposed in their fiction the link between institutional and sexual exploitation of women and female mutenes...

Three Short Stories and the Nature of Love

this relationship, which is entails infidelity and, therefore, mistrust and lies. Similarly, miscommunication and infidelity pla...

A Review of The Awakening

A 5 page essay exploring the book by Kate Chopin. 1 source....

Comparing Kate Chopin Tales 'The Story of an Hour' and 'Desiree's Baby'

felt a sense of liberation she had never known before. She could support herself and write about the subjects she felt passionate...

Social Patriarchy in William Faulkner's 'A Rose for Emily' and Kate Chopin's 'Story of an Hour'

says she is experiencing anything but sorrow and despair. During the times that this story takes place, a woman was not expected...

Flannery O'Connor's 'Revelation,' Kate Chopin's 'The Story of an Hour' and Symbols

(Chopin). This image clearly drives home the fact that the heart was a symbol, a symbol of her confinement and of her hope. The he...

Kate Chopin's 'The Story of an Hour'

were twittering in the eaves"(Chopin). The other indication that she will be experiencing an ambivalence toward his death is...

James Joyce's 'Eveline' and Kate Chopin's 'Story of an Hour'

A slightly different perspective on family life is offered in Joyces Eveline. Here, the protagonist is not only...

Imagery Comparison in Alice Walker's 'The Flowers' and Kate Chopin's 'The Story of an Hour'

Myop finds herself in a "gloomy" little cove. This striking change in imagery foreshadows Myops discovery of a decomposing body. ...

Insanity in Comparative Literature

freedom as expressed in The Awakening is a freedom from rules, expectations and people. Yet, other types of freedom had also been ...

Weakness: “The Story of an Hour”

In many ways, as the story progresses, the reader essentially forgets her heart condition. But, if one keeps this in mind one can ...

Women of the Nineteenth Century in Stories by Kate Chopin and Charlotte Perkins Gilman

the house that they are staying in, her husband corrects her, saying that what she felt was a draught and he shut the window (Gilm...

Six Short Stories, Summary and Analyses

This paper presents discussion of "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker, "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan, "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner, ...

Kate Chopin and Marriage Aspects

In ten pages Chopin's stories 'Desiree's Baby,' 'The Story of an Hour,' and 'A Respectable Woman' are examined in terms of their t...

Comparative Analysis of Kate Chopin's 'The Storm and 'Story of An Hour' with Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House

her husbands life seems threatened Nora does the right thing by forging her fathers name and getting money to assist her husband. ...

Kate Chopin: “The Storm” and “Desiree’s Baby”

but will not be arriving soon. The wife, existing in a space with her children, is happy for this news for she and her children ar...

Pierre et Jean by Guy de Maupassant

Jean, which is evident from the picture of the family friend that his mother keeps on the mantelpiece. Unaware of the torturous th...

"Desiree's Baby" by Kate Chopin

This essay is on Kate Chopin's short story "Desiree's Baby." The writer discusses the plot charter, metaphor and symbolism used by...

4 Brief Literature Essays

Pontellier, though she had married a Creole, was not thoroughly at home in the society of Creoles...There were only Creoles that s...

'The Story of an Hour' by Kate Chopin

In six pages this paper compares this short story's major themes with the life of Kate Chopin. Nine sources are cited in the bibl...