YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Comparing Protagonists in Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour and Guy de Maupassants The Necklace
Essays 121 - 150
This paper compares and contrasts two short stories by Kate Chopin and Virginia Woolf, written around the turn of the Twentieth Ce...
In seven pages this paper examines the naturalist context of de Maupassant's text and whether or not Duroy had freedom of choice o...
feature the vivid natural imagery that characterizes her sensuous and deeply passionate works of Romantic fiction. These storie...
comes to bail him out is tied to a tree in the jails courtyard and tortured; finally the ordeal ends when Mr. Chiu signs a false c...
after the stories are done. In the beginning of both of the novels the women seem to be relatively happy, and perhaps ignorant, ...
It is also interesting to note that when they grow, and separate, they take on the roles of their mothers: "Nel struggles to a con...
one of the oldest and proudest in Louisiana" (Chopin 148). Chopin also establishes that he was born in France and that his mother ...
This essay describes how Kate Chopin, a nineteenth century female author ahead of her time, utilized imagery in writing the "Desir...
his poor little puppet-like body" to be rather pathetic and ridiculous. Nevertheless, he is intrigued and he becomes "wildly anxio...
This 3 page paper gives a example for verbal, situational, and character types of irony. This paper includes three instances in th...
This paper addresses Kate Chopin's Nineteenth-Century novel, The Awakening. The author contends that the literary techniques util...
In five pages this paper discusses how in this short story Kate Chopin depicts sexuality as a force of nature rather than as a pas...
until it breaks. This inner storm mirrors the outer storm which brings Calixta and Alcee together. "When he touched her breasts t...
of "Desirees Baby," Teresa Gibert observed, "The number and the intensity of the surprises that provoke astonishment in the highly...
viewpoint. His point appears to be that life is, in general, a painful, isolated experience, as the connections that people feel...
population of the resort is almost entirely Creole, so Edna is immersed in a culture in which she feels like a stranger, one that ...
for fleeting moments of pleasure with Robert Lebrun, Ednas longing for love remained unfulfilled. One defining even occurred when...
In eight pages this paper considers how Kate Chopin portrayed the evolving role of women in her protagonist Edna Pontellier in The...
feel "normal" she simply goes about her day. There is an air of loneliness, despair and isolation, which would make any individual...
In five pages the ways in which Melville's short story protagonist can only conform to social demands through nonconformity and no...
In six pages the deceptiveness of appearances is examined in a consideration of the journeys each of these short story protagonist...
concerned that he cant get up and go to work to support his family. Even from the start, he does not want to be a burden on his fa...
sense of awe and wonder at the complex beauty of the music. The classical music of Beethoven blends the varied textures of the o...
down, there was no living thing in sight" indicates a sort of foreboding as well, an indication that life ended here, in the water...
one could present. In Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper her story, which is fictional, is actually based largely on her own experienc...
utterly free. When Emily discovers that her boyfriend is gay, her instant fear of what the community would think of her leads he...
lose itself in mazes of inward contemplation...The touch of the sea is sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace" (C...
and pure joy was leaping in her being and she was perhaps experiencing a very subtle and simple joy at life itself, something that...
believed that "Authority, coercion are what is needed" as the "only way to manage a wife," and seemed unaware that the may have "c...
one dies alone is something that is realized here. In the end, Edna commits the ultimate act. No one can die with another human be...