YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Comparing Protagonists in Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour and Guy de Maupassants The Necklace

Essays 211 - 240

Master of the Rohan Hours

("Master"). It is also believed by scholars that the extensive biblical cycle contained in the Rohan Hours is based on the Bible m...

Reading Romantic Fantasy and Living Reality in Don Quixote and Madame Bovary

lifetime - to become the knight-errant hero like those of the Round Table he always fantasized being. The life of a 50-year-old w...

Comparative Analysis of Richard Connell's 'The Most Dangerous Game' and Thomas Wolfe's 'Child By Tiger'

an accident with a drunk man. It is the drunks fault that the cars collided but the drunk man is belligerent and begins to hit Dic...

Judaism in the Works of Franz Kafka

In five pages the ways in which Judaism ins represented in Franz Kafka's works are examined with an emphasis upon his story 'Metam...

Comparing 2 Short Stories by Franz Kafka

In nine pages Kafka's 1913 short story 'The Judgment' is compared with his classic 1915 work 'The Metamorphosis.'...

'Aeneid' and 'The Odyssey' Number Three

In four pages this paper examines evaluates the acceptability of the protagonists' actions in these classic literary works by Virg...

James Baldwin's 'Sonny's Blues,' Joyce Carol Oates' 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?' and Maturity

In three pages this paper contrasts and compares how the maturity theme is featured in each of these stories....

Death as a Representation of Failing Marriages

This 9 page paper gives an explanation of how the timeless ideal of marriage is not real and how The Dead and The Story of an Hour...

Late Nineteenth Century New Orleans' Women in The Awakening by Kate Chopin

In six pages this paper discusses the theme of women's subjugation and how it impacts upon the relationships portrayed in The Awak...

Edna Pontellier's Importance to The Awakening by Kate Chopin

In five pages the significance of Edna to the novella by Kate Chopin and how she symbolically represents Victorian women's desire ...

Edna Characterization in The Awakening by Kate Chopin III

In two pages this paper discusses the character's true self understanding and how it evolves throughout the course of the novella ...

An Examination of Business Ethics

In six pages this research ethics discusses 'good guys' Weyerhauser, Southwest Airlines, and Mary Kay Cosmetics and 'scoundrels' C...

Freedom and Escapism in The Awakening by Kate Chopin

In four pages The Awakening by Kate Chopin is analyzed in terms of the roles of freedom and escapism. Four sources are cited in t...

Women's Self Determination in The Awakening by Kate Chopin

but he cant precisely put his finger on the problem either. She is lovely and gracious; she certainly doesnt abuse the children or...

Comparison of Original and Subsequent Interpretations of Frederic Chopin's Prelude Op. 28 No. 4

find more than two clients that year. As a result, he sought to hold concerts as a means of support and he held three concerts i...

Women's Roles in The Awakening by Kate Chopin

contention that it was in the 1890s when social change would be rampant and that this change would be reflected time and time agai...

Independence in 3 Works of Literature

his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of property which has suffered some damage" (Chopin 2). Women - wives, rather -...

The Awakening and Gender Criticism

page of fax.) Likewise, Teresa de Laurentis argues that Edna, in rejecting the "biological" definition of the feminine gender, al...

Race According to Kate Chopin and Mark Twain

for the homeless boy. This novel has garnered severe criticism in recent decades because Twain makes use of nineteenth century la...

Exile in Works of American Literature

In five pages this paper applies Nietzsche's Existentialism to an analysis of exile in The Awakening by Kate Chopin and A Streetca...

Literature and Freedom Themes

freedom is conveyed in The Awakening. Edna yearned to be free but she lived in a society where she felt a prisoner. She could not ...

Failed Marriages in The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James and The Awakening by Kate Chopin

to pass her by that the thought nearly paralyzes her emotions. She learns from years of fighting those bottled up emotions that s...

Hypothetical Letter to a Mental Patient

the first place: it was your brothers wicked fiance Isabella who had dreamt up such nonsense in the first place, and convinced you...

Themes of The Awakening by Kate Chopin

In five pages this paper discusses what is meant by flight symbolism in this thematic analysis of The Awakening by Kate Chopin. T...

At Fault by Kate Chopin

fiction demonstrates that she was an accomplished practitioner of humor, which she sometimes employed to avoid the sentimentality ...

Women and Gender Roles in Literature

This paper examines gender roles in literature in this overview of five pages that discusses how they are represented in The Awake...

Literary Realism and Social Problems

a very unexpected place: her fears. She is so terrified that life is simply going to pass her by that the thought nearly paralyze...

Summary and Analysis of The Awakening by Kate Chopin

or that this story is only a thinly veiled platform for womens suffrage. This story is not just about a womens coming of age or co...

The Life and Works of Kate Chopin

This 6 page paper discusses the literary works and reputation of Kate Chopin, with emphasis on “The Awakening.” Bibliography lists...

Views of Women, Chopin, Morrison, Tremblay

Awakening: Marriage and Independence In Kate Chopins controversial novel The Awakening, which was first published in 1899, the n...