YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Computer Based Training and Airline Pilots

Essays 151 - 180

Southwest Airlines HR Case Study

relations school of management, where motivation is directly related to the quality of the employment relationship. Furthermore, t...

Internal Assessment of Southwest Airlines

move forward it is necessary to look at the company and its position. A useful approach is the resource based view (RBV). With...

New HRM Strategy for CCDC

the use of HRM strategies in a manner that would add value to the operations. There is a very clear human relations approach where...

Computer-Based Instruction/Effect on Reading Achievement

p. 7 Chapter 2--Review of Related Literature... p. 7 Articles summarizing research ............ p. 8 Studies Students w/langua...

Business Plan for the Speak Up! Program

costs. Introduction A seasoned middle school teacher commented that she had come to see the middle school years as "the fro...

Analysis of JetBlue Air Carrier

the shade, so to speak. Like other airlines, JetBlue is facing escalating fuel costs and huge consumer demand for lower fares. The...

Continuing Education and Online Learning Effectiveness

result; the achievement of something planned or attempted. We could conclude that effectiveness and success in education is define...

Rewards, Training, Appraisal, and Incentive Rewards in Personnel

"The measures for the balanced scorecard are driven by an organizations mission and strategy -- they are not merely a makeshift co...

Police Department and Diversity

For the chief of police, this diversity can be an advantage if examined closely. Many when they think diversity, think of the term...

4 Questions on Marketing Services

and KLM have eliminated the business classes they offered in the past. It appears that the world economy is improving, however, a...

Computer Based Visual Instruction Materials Designing

more than three small images (2000). In computer presentations, it is important to be consistent in regards to such features as ...

Handheld Notebooks and Palm Computers and Pen Based Input Technology

In six pages this paper discusses the technological implementation of pen based inputing and its market capabilities. Seven sourc...

Training Systems and Workplace Resource Constraints

In ten pages this research paper discusses how training system implementation in the workplace is affected by resource constraints...

Compensation and Hiring Practices

who are uncomfortable in this kind of environment tend not to succeed - no matter how technically capable they are (Carbonara 1996...

Marketing EZ Clean

In a paper consisting of five pages marketing a paint roller cleaner that is easy to use is examined through a one week product de...

Computer Based Instruction and Educational Technology

In eleven pages educational technology is examined in terms of models of computer based instruction, discussing their various role...

Job Performance and the Impact of Training

performance because of the recognition he or she may receive" (Earley, 1994; p. 89). The self-concepts of these workers are regul...

Computers and HR Training

In about twelve pages this concept paper discusses manufacturing and the effectiveness of interactive training with the use of CDs...

Manufacturing and Adopting Pull Based Principles

In five pages this paper examines an established computer manufacturer's adoption of pull based techniques in an assessment of the...

4 Methodologies for Information Systems Development

In nine pages information systems development is examined in a consideration of four methodologies including Information Systems w...

Apple Computer - Case Study

The writer gives a short history of Apple Computer, a statement of the problem and a possible recommended course of action. The wr...

Chinese Language Learning and Building Language Ability and Intelligence

this process on language acquisition and thinking ability over time. For elementary school children, the use of this kind of com...

Is New Software Negatively Impacting Students' Effectiveness as Readers and Writers?

Indeed, the world suffers from a monumental overpopulation problem that is at the root of many of todays educational problems. Th...

Adult Education, College Instruction, and Electronic Learning

back before the first microcomputer was released during the late 1970s. It, in fact, goes all the way back to 1957, when Sputnick,...

Case Study on New Technology Systems Introduction

these stages involves sending the report between individuals, taking up time, often this will also be between offices with a two d...

General Insurance Company Case Study

This 11 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student, describing the current manual information systems that are in pl...

Article Analysis/Evidence-Based Practice

study also examined the availability of information resources available to the RN respondents (both at work and at home). Their fi...

Espoused Values vs. Actual Behavior

This essay discusses what happens when there is a discrepancy between espoused organizational values and what is actually practice...

3 Education Research Proposals

policies, implementation and use may occur, impacting different stakeholders. 2. Methodology To assess the way popular media a...

St Vincent Case Study

managed healthcare companies. The hospitals have to provide the healthcare in a manner that meets their core values and standards ...