YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Constitutional Change and the Influence of Abraham Lincoln

Essays 1 - 30

Constitutional Change and the Influence of Abraham Lincoln

critics considered Lincoln far too moderate, Lincoln clearly addressed the major issues of the day, working towards a free America...

Slavery in the First and Seventh Lincoln-Douglas Debates

This paper examines the debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in terms of how the first and seventh debates dealt wi...

The Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln

Civil War. It was originally planned that Lincoln would be kidnapped and used for ransom to set Confederate soldiers free so that ...

Lincoln and/or Johnson

swearing-in as Vice President" ( In truth, this does not appear to be the actions or thoughts of a man wh...

Abraham Lincoln's Anti Slavery Acts

section of our country believes slavery is right and ought to be extended, while the other believes it is wrong and ought not to b...

How Abraham Lincoln Overcame Social and Political Obstacles in the Elimination of Slavery and Preservation of the Union

great impact on the national notions and approach to freedom and civil equality. From as early as his Inaugural Address, Pr...

President Abraham Lincoln's Role in the US Period of Reconstruction

Eric Froner Consider Reconstruction a Failure? The reasons for the failure of reconstruction are itemized in the article....

U.S. Civil War and Abraham Lincoln

Each side was consistently successful in resolving its problems in politics, civil morale, and economics when its military was vic...

A Hypothetical Abraham Lincoln Letter

to speak about the Republican Party and how the Republican Presidents of late have conducted business similarly, or differently, t...

US Civil War's Purpose

In six pages this paper assesses the Civil War's purpose within the context of Abraham Lincoln's observation 'I claim not to have ...

Southern Loyalty of General Robert E. Lee

years old. Light Horse Harry died in the Caribbean without ever seeing his family again. Roberts fortunes likely would have been ...

Kenneth M. Stampp's And the War Came

only truths that earlier history books illustrated, and in Stampps book we get an even clear picture of the actual circumstances a...

Civil War and Vietnam War 'Necessities'

In five pages this essay explores the meaning behind Abraham Lincoln's observations on 'necessities of war' by examining the Civil...

John Wilkes Booth Did Not Act Alone in the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln

In eight pages this research paper argues in favor of a murder conspiracy in President Abraham Lincoln's assassination and contend...

'When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd' by Walt Whitman

President Abraham Lincoln's assassination is examined within the context of this poem by Walt Whitman in five pages with imagery a...

Clairvoyance, Insanity, and the Life of Mary Todd Lincoln

This paper examines the life of Mary T. Lincoln, wife of US president Abraham Lincoln. The author discusses elements of her insan...

Lincoln on Government

Presidency of the United States of America on March 4, 1861, seven southern slave states had already succeeded from the Union form...

The Reconstruction Period of American History from 1865 until 1877

the emancipation of slaves (Burkart, n.d.). * Radical Republicans had another idea, those 11 states should be reverted to territor...

Civil War Era and Black Emancipation

repugnant. In exploring the time period before the Civil War, Equaino (1998) takes one on a journey through the 1700s slave trad...

Death of Abraham Lincoln and the Grief of Poet Walt Whitman

12, Whitman was indoctrinated in the printers trade (AAP). It was at this time that he fell in love with words, and began to read ...

Inaugural Addresses of Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln

judge not, that we be not judged" (Abraham Lincoln: Second Inaugural Address (1865)). In this we sense a sort of equality and a ba...

Conspiracy and Abraham Lincoln's Assassination

distinctive patterns, which include "a penchant for the obscure and improbable... accepting arguments pointing toward a conspiracy...

Overcoming Slavery in the 1870s

This paper reviews key historical writings like Alexis de Tocqueville, Abraham Lincoln's campaign speeches and the 1848 Declaratio...

Frontier Influence on Presidents George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln

cry may have gone out -the army is coming! And in 1794, Washington order 13000 men to march into the frontier to "deal" with The ...

The Characteristics of a Great Leader

This paper discusses the important qualities that define great leaders. The persuasive ability of Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Ro...

Analyzing Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union and Gettysburg Addresses

Henry Ward Beecher was an abolitionist(Jones, 2005). The church was located in Brooklyn. The New York Republicans wanted to have...

Abraham Lincoln's Assassination

the plans of Booth and his co-conspirators (Norton An Overview... 1998). One month later "General Robert E. Lee surrendered to ...

Abraham Lincoln's Presidential Election News Coverage

In five pages this research paper discusses the differences between the North and South in terms of how it would have covered the ...

Retrospective of President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

In five pages this paper examines Garry Wills' consideration of the Gettysburg Address and discusses how it successfully invigorat...

Black Southerner's and Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation

hated -- this did not automatically spell freedom for the black race. It certainly did not improve their way of life in any apprec...