YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Continuation of Economic Aid to Israel

Essays 1 - 30

Continuation of Economic Aid to Israel?

In five pages this paper discusses the United States' human rights concerns, global and fiscal policies in a consideration of whet...

Palestinian Freedom Violations by Israel

Arabs excluding the nomadic Arabs of the Negrev, and the Arab state would consist of 725,000 Arabs and 10,000 Jews. Two decades l...

Changing Role of American Foreign Aid

In nineteen pages this paper discusses how US foreign aid's role is ever changing. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's 'Hard Line' Stance Regarding Arabs

In five pages this paper discusses the Prime Minister's controversial position regarding allowing growing numbers of Jews to settl...

Book Review of A Place Among Nations by Benjamin Netanyahu

In five pages Netanyahu's 1993 text in which he provides powerful and insightful considerations of Israel and the world is discuss...

Defining Aid from Various Perspectives

This paper discusses the concept of aid from economic and global political perspectives in three pages and considers whether or no...

Administration of HOPWA Programs in Washington, D.C.

in the Washington, D.C. area may be broader than in other areas of the country. The HIV/AIDS Administration of the Washington, D....

Japan's Bank Industry Crisis

The continuation of Japan's economic woes are considered in ten pages with its implications especially as it relates to the bankin...

G-77, a Novel Aid Group Within Singapore, Algeria and Costa Rica

with members in developing areas such as Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean all included (G-77, 2002). The aim of the ...

Why the 2009 Stimulus Package Failed

buy inputs from suppliers, increasing the demand for their goods and stimulating the jobs in the upstream supply chain. The suppli...

The Relationship Between Israelis and Arabs

not everything is black and white. Landau (1993) suggests that there are a variety of viewpoints within Israel and amongst the Je...

Forced Movement of Israeli Settlers

the result of a multi-dimensional situation, in that it has existed in one context as a state-to-state issue involving Israel and ...

God's Relationship With Israel

(Dearman, 1998) and we often hear that phrase being used to describe the relationship between Israel and God. He was the living Go...

Newsweek 'Letter to the Editor' Sample

had to say about violence in the Middle East? In relatively recent short piece on Middle East violence, the news magazine reported...

Relationship Between Israel and Pakistan

In ten pages this paper examines Israel's relationship with Pakistan from a historical perspective. Six sources are cited in the ...

Children of Israel

In five pages this paper discusses how Israel's culture views its nation's children and the violence they are nevertheless frequen...

History of Israel and Abraham's Role

In eight pages this paper discusses Israel's history and the role the prophet Abraham played. Nine sources are cited in the bibli...

Israel's Military and Political History

In four pages this paper examines Israel's political and military history in a chronological listing of events until the 70 AD raz...

1010 to 70 AD History of the Israelites

People. It was marked at home by considerable progress of Israel in the areas of diplomacy, and internationalism (cf. Ill Kings, ...

The Imprint of Religions on Nations

and their ministers are Rabbis. China, on the other hand, is primarily Buddhist. Is any one religion better than...

Roots of Zionism and its Legacy

In seven pages this research paper is discussing the Zionist movement during the middle nineteenth century including utopianism, s...

Internet Telephony Industry IDT, VocalTec and the Internet Telephony Industry

In five pages Israel's VocalTec and the American IDT companies are contrasted and compared in an assessment of the Internet teleph...

Role of Israel's Mossad Missions

It is a clandestine organization that is legendary. There are many heroic stories to tell, and while recently, the Mossad has had ...

Shintoism and the Lost Tribes of Israel

and their Roman conquers. This, again, led to another great scattering of the Jewish people (Jones, 1996). Although there has been...

Israel and Organized Crime

In five pages this paper examines such topics as money laundering in a consideration of the Russian mafia and Israel's organized c...

Faith, Good Sportsmanship, and Goodwill Promoted by Jewish Athletes

a high school player, Mother would go over to the box... and drop some coins in the box... I asked what she was doing and she said...

Israel Lobby, Article Summation

as well as many politicians, who regard the creation of the Israeli state as the "fulfillment of biblical prophecy" (Mearsheimer a...

Ancient Jewish Leaders

The major challenge in constructing histories of Israel and Judah is the fact that they were individuals but they also had cities ...

Research Proposal Presentation Concerning Aid in Afghanistan

Afghanistan has received a large amount of international aid, but the use of aid has been ineffective. This three page paper is a ...

The Importance of AIDS Research

a mystery. The fact that one knows where they acquire the disease is comforting as it is reasoned that if one is monogamous or cel...