YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Controversy over the Use of Placebos

Essays 91 - 120

Nursing/Entry into Practice

inpatient facility (Entry-Level). There are advantages and disadvantages to having three entry levels into nursing. An advantage...

The Bible And The Koran - Christianity And Islam

on which a religion is based. It is one of the forms of communication in the religion along with ritual activities, architecture a...

PBS/Corp. Partnerships & Strategic Alliances

this trend, Austin points out that the "era of ever-bigger national government is coming to an end" (Austin, 2000, p. 7). In previ...

A Local Smoking Ban: Controversy Verses Reason

to do so. Those of us that do not smoke resent the fact that everywhere we go we are confronted with second hand smoke. When you...

Opposition to Abortion

A 3 page paper which argues about the controversy concerning opposition to abortion. Bibliography lists 3 sources....

Hypostatic Union : Jesus As God And Man

a core belief of Christianity that one can find on any Christian Church Web site, regardless of whether that organization is a mai...

Genetically Modified Food

from individual cells and all of the offspring are genetically identical. Bioengineering is not a new technology. In was...

Acts 15: The Biblical Circumcision Decision

(Acts of the Apostles, Ch 15) is a decisive moment for the young Church as she breaks from Judaism to embrace Gentile culture" (53...

Using Technology In The Elementary School

scores on the states Comprehensive Assessment Report were strongly related to increases in technological use (Page, 2002, p. 389)....

Christology of Matthew Fox

and orientation. Fox argues that there is a "creation-centered spirituality" within the framework of Christian tradition that shou...

The Reformation And Eucharistic Theology

this Sacrament is central to the Christian faith, it was an issue that had to be decided. The ruling philosophy at that time was ...

Hormone Replacement Therapy/Postmenopausal Women

HRT, estrogens, with or without progestins, should be prescribed for the lowest dosage available that is deemed to be effective an...

The Welfare States in the UK

crime rates were rising and inflation was rife (Slack, 1990). The main aims were to reduce the extreme levels of poverty, but many...

Exploitation of Children in the Art World: Is it Art or Pornography?

nude children as art continued to be deemed socially inappropriate, which is why several photographers of note were the subjects o...

Ecotourism and Archaeotourism: Controversy vs Objectivity

the recognition that some areas of the world are in dire need of protection but have few resources to expend towards that protecti...

The Embedded Anthropologist Controversy: Why it is Ethical to Send Anthropologists to the War Zones

The other ethical dilemma goes to danger. These scientists are asked to put their lives in danger by working in these areas. This ...

Video Games and Social Responsibility

games are encouraging violent aggression in young people. Should video game designers act in a manner that is socially responsibl...

William Jennings Bryan/Reformer

and borrower (Edwards "The Currency"). During this era, huge deposits of silver were discovered in Nevada, which greatly increas...

The Politics and Economics of Stem Cell Utilization

fetal stem cells raises the ethical problems surrounding abortion. This presented a scenario where politicians found themselves p...

Why the Federalist Papers Need to be Re-examined as the Twenty-First Century Begins

organized crime that exists today with gang recruitment of children as young as eight or ten. This is just one example as to why t...

China’s Involvement with Tibet

hierarchies strengthened (Tibet - Its Ownership and Human Rights Situation, 2003). But it became clear that China was the predomi...

Significant Policies of Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama and Their Controversies

Hillary Clinton has lobbied tirelessly to provide all Americans with decent and affordable health insurance and was the chief arch...

The Right to Privacy: A Constitutional Provision?

presented above. Obviously, the most important source that must be used in discussing our so-called Constitutional Rights is the ...

Prostate Cancer/PSA screening

an increase in the early detection of cancer, as well as detection of a "migration to lower-stage and -volume tumors," it remains ...

Discovering the Ancient World

be a study of the process of recording history, may be as important as history itself (Crawford, 1983). In other words, we might w...

Stem Cell Controversy: Chapter Analysis

the greater good of humanity. Peters (2002) effectively illustrates how the extent to which stem cell research has ignited a veri...

Issues Leading Up to the Compromise of 1850 and Political Leadership During the Civil War (Abraham Lincoln, and Jefferson Davis)

by the slave states because they had the potential of tipping the scales in one direction or another in regard to free verses slav...

The Debate over Bilingualism

third report was a meta-analysis of the subject matter; done by a non-education professional it is assumed to be relatively free f...

Why Affirmative Action Should Not Be Supported

did not go by the name Affirmative Action. Still, the concept did exist. In fact, it is known to have evolved since slave days (Ru...

The Social Effects of Bionics

("bionics," 1996). The pacemaker is something that many are used to hearing about. However, there are many other examples such as ...