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Essays 1 - 30

Could the Leaders of Boko Haram be Charged with Crimes Agsinst Humanity?

Boko Haram are an Islamic jihadist organization based in Nigeria who became known for the kidnapping of more than 200 Christian s...

The ICC Charges Against Gaddafi

Reactions of the Libyan forces to the protests have included the indiscriminate aerial bombing of civilians by military aircraft. ...

The Practice of Trying Juveniles As Adults

by the managers and administrators when a juvenile is reminded to an adult facility. Conclusion: Provides a summary of the points...

Bennis and Nanus and Kouzes and Posner

Most academics promote the premise that one is born with leadership ability or not but management can be taught. When he discusse...

Reading: The Rule of Law and Military Tribunals

the most immoral atrocities ever committed, but it was not enough for the Allies to condemn them morally: "... this was to be a le...

NATO Just War Against Serbs

There are several issues discussed in this essay. Examples are given of cruel treatment of prisoners of war, how the Bush Doctrine...

The Physical Realm According to Rene Descartes

examine carefully Descartes famous "cogito ergo sum" statement, which was the original Latin for "I think, therefore I exist" - or...

Crime and Hate

the curtailment of hate speech would be beneficial to such a goal. And indeed, such a solution sounds simple enough : Point an ac...

Classroom Behaviorism Charges' Rebuttal

In ten pages this paper represents a rebuttal to the charges against classroom uses of behavior change tools and behaviorism. Ele...

2 Meanings of Humanities

In three pages this essay considers the general and liberal arts meanings of the humanities concept....

The Lawyer from Springfield

progress. He tells the councilmen that they are making a decision which seems small in itself, but which, "taken altogether [wit...

Groups Need Direction

A leader will emerge in every group. Groups and teams need direction if they are to achieve their goals. If a formal/official lead...

Detailed Examination of Serial Killing

This paper consists of fifteen pages and consider 5 criteria including public crime perspective, crime data, crime as treated acad...

Leaders Born or Made?

have been projected at retiring over the next five years (Byham, 1999). There are many examples of charismatic leaders it ...

Judaism and Human Rights Advocate Abraham Joshua Heschel

the value of religious discourse allowed an "intelligent passion" (Novak, 1998, pp. 63-67) where fear and trepidation once lurked....

Defining Crimes Against Humanity

This paper is an investigation of how the term crimes against humanity has been defined and the extreme variability in that defini...

Humanity's Future, Science Fiction Visions

This essay pertains to the novel "Dawn" by Octavia Butler and the films "District 9" and "The Omega Man," and argues that each of ...

Mafia Godfather John Gotti

In five pages this paper presents a biographical profile of this infamous mobster which also includes his organized crime career t...

Humanity's Fall in Paradise Lost by John Milton

In five pages this paper evaluates whether or not there was a Fall in the biblical interpretation presented by John Milton in his ...

Humanity's Virtue in The Puppet Masters by Robert Heinlein

In five pages this paper examines this novel within the context of humanity's virtue as it emerges from conflicts of freedom v. co...

Aristotle's Legal Defense of a Guilty Man

and then define the perfect solution to problems that might arise. Aristotle claimed that: "I have gained this from philosophy: I ...

Obstruction of Justice and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

In seven pages this paper examines crime in Canada and charges that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is responsible for...

A Case Study of the Application of California Penal Code

placed wooden horses and other toys around the still to disguise it. These elements contributed to the criminal act, but they als...

4 Questions on Criminal Justice

II. HOW EFFECTIVE IS PUNISHMENT IN CONTROLLING CRIME? WHY? Warehousing of prisoners is perhaps the most prevalent of all ap...

The Lack of Rights of Children due to Globalization

to be sold for the greatest amount of profit in the "First" world. According to Clifford (1994), in Pakistan, girls as young as t...

Essays on Ethnic Issues

In five pages the essays 'For the Indians No thanksgiving' by Michael Dorris and Ward Charchill's 'Crimes Against Humanity' are co...

U.S. Crime

publication from the University of Maryland, the authors note that one of the reasons for discrepancies in crime statistics is tha...


The writer discusses the crime of neonaticide (killing of infants) with specific reference to the case of Amy Grossberg and Brian ...

The Westies/Organized Crime Theory

where Irish American presence was predominant well into the 1980s. The organized crime studies that discuss connections between n...

Natural and Legal Crime

that "natural crime" is a crime against the laws that were given to all men by God, whereas "legal crime" is "an act that violates...