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Essays 1 - 30

Counseling Adolescents/Confidentiality Issues

In general, if a parent asks for information concerning a counseling session, the counselor is required to provide a response. How...

Counseling and Ethical Issues of Confidentiality

of influence upon their patients, as it is their expertise and guidance for which people seek them out. Without question, counsel...

Issues of Confidentiality in the Counseling Environment

(Cottone, 2005). This particular charge is one of the more difficult in the counseling profession (Cottone, 2005). There a...

Ethical Issue Of Confidentiality In School Counseling

there are those that are relevant to childrens protection as well, such as confidentiality. For example, during a recent visit tw...

Confidentiality Issues When Counseling Minors

laws governing confidentiality in psychological practice vary from state to state (Richmond, 2003). Generally speaking, psychol...

Confidentiality Issues

to protect and maintain the familys right to confidentiality. There were instances where the workers gathered merely to vent, or ...

Nursing Ethics/Case Scenario Response

the conflict between ethical principles that the case scenario entails. The steps that the nurse and Dr. F. may have followed in d...

Adolescent Homosexuality and Counseling Perspectives

is long overdue" (Fontaine, 1996; McKee., 1994). The important issues for psychologists are not only the onset of homosexua...

Confidentiality/ANA Ethics & New York State Law

This ANA Code also specifically includes the possibility that "inappropriate disclosure" can occur by using "identifiable patient ...

Homeless Shelters and Enhancement of Counseling Skills

approaches through appropriate counseling skills. Homelessness is not merely a representation of societys mentally unstable...

Multicultural Issues in Group Counseling

from scripture and refers to an ancient Jewish ritual in which a goat was sacrificed in order to atone for the sins of the people ...

Multicultural Issues in Group Counseling

A 3 page research paper that discusses multicultural issues in group counseling. Bibliography lists 2 sources....

School Counseling

with "relatively well-adjusted" individuals (Hood and Johnson 213). It measures "everyday characteristics," such as "soci-ability,...

Counseling Issues

In five pages issues such as privacy, referral, confidentiality, help skills, theories, and definitions as the pertain to counseli...

Teen Addiction and Counseling

In eight pages adolescents addicted to alcohol and drugs are examined from a counseling perspective in which addiction is defined ...

Grief Counseling in High Schools

influenced by a variety of factors, such as family and cultural background, life experiences and environmental influences. Noppe a...

Minor Client Confidentiality - The Ethical Dimensions

circle of students who are widely known at the school to engage in drug use and other delinquent activities. During counseling s...

Confidentiality and the Family Therapist

standpoint of employers, it is important to note that circumstances may well be changing, at least in some professional environmen...

Confidentiality, Disclosure, and Professional Behavior

In five pages this paper examines confidentiality and disclosure within the context of Rules 1.6, 3.3 (a) and 4.1 of professional ...

Ethical Decision-Making: Confidentiality

This research paper/essay pertain to ethical decision-making and confidentiality issues. Drawing on an episode of ER broadcast in ...

Ethics and Choice of Therapy

Masson and Harvill, 2009) While group therapy encompasses some tremendous advantages, it is also important to acknowledge that t...

Personal Counseling Reflections

counselor. Counselors not only have their own set of personal values, they hold a set of professional values. Confidentiality is o...

Counseling Adolescents and Adults Similarities

In five pages this research paper discusses the counseling similarities between adolescent and adult clients regarding the issue o...

Adolescent Behavior and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

in the life of dealing with an adolescent who has ADHD, and for the adolescent to be able to deal with the disorder. Volumes of r...

Androgynous Female Adolescents and Self-Image

This paper addresses the issue of self-image among androgynous, female adolescents. The author contends that androgynous female a...

Professional Counseling and the Value of Morals

last thing they want to think about is whether or not their therapist is going to take advantage of the situation. However, as wi...

Ethics of School Counseling/Advocacy and Confidentiality

This research paper presents an extensive discussion of advocacy and confidentiality in the field of school counseling. Fourteen p...

4 Approaches to Counseling

In eight pages the pastoral counseling of Charles Gerkin, the cognitive counseling of Frances Egan, the affective counseling of Ca...

Ethical Issues in Mental Health Care Practice

This research team selected homeless adolescents as the focus for their study. While, in general, the concept that informed parent...

Issues in Healthcare

This research paper pertains to three topics that have to do with health care issues. These issues are: patient confidentiality an...