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Essays 1 - 30

Cultural Differences Between How Japanese and Americans Communicate

in which: "most of the meaning is either implied by the physical setting or presumed...

Family Differences and Cultural Values

Such a person would not have felt any need to leave his beloved homeland, and his sons desire to do so would have been traumatic f...

Japanese and American Comic Books

Another difference between the two is the character development found in the Japanese comics (2001). The worlds that are created f...

Comparative Analysis of Japanese and American Cultures

report similar sentiment from adults, particularly those who play golf and were gratified to play for far less than the $200 custo...

Chicago Pizza in the Czech Republic

for there to be many cultural differences. Being fluent in the language may serve to create understanding, but alone it will not ...

Communicating Facial Expressions and Cultural Differences

In nine pages eye contact and smiling are among the facial forms of communication that are discussed in a consideration of cultura...


Some years later, Hofstede added a fifth dimension, that of Long-Term Orientation. LTO determines the degree to which a society em...

Cultural Anthropology Study of Japanese Americans and Their American History Influence

In nine pages cultural anthropology is applied to the culture of the Japanese Americans in hopes of understanding their U.S. histo...

Meso American Civilizations of the Aztec, Maya, and Inca

In six pages this essay contrasts and compares these early Meso American civilizations in terms of organizational, agricultural, r...

Cultural Differences and Business Communications

They may all rely on email, fax transmission, and other forms of immediate and electronic communication but they are still steeped...

Investigation of Cultural Differences I

American value. Neither do we want anyone else dictating what constitutes security for any one individual; how we will sell...

Business Mediation and American Culture

or weak uncertainty avoidance and 4. masculinity versus femininity (Wentworth and Chell, 1997 p. 285). While Hofstedes work ultima...

Gaman/A Japanese Cultural Concept

allow the young Emperor, age 8, to fall into the hands of Genji warriors, a "Nun of the Second Rank," instructs the boy to make h...

Cultural Differences Between the Japanese and Europeans Journal Article Reviewed

In four pages a journal article regarding Eastern and Western cultural distinctions is reviewed. There is not available a complet...

Continuity in the Culture of African Americans

5 pages and 5 sources. This paper relates the concept of cultural continuity as it can be applied to a view of the African Americ...

How Japanese Americans Experienced a Cultural Loss During World War II

The true story of 'Nisei Daughter' by Monica Stone is utilized in this paper consisting of six pages as the social and cultural pr...

Artistic Expressiveness

ability to move on, or to move forward. I am suggesting that his preoccupation with death and decay, clouded or immobilized his ...

Workforce and Effective Communications

communication means more errors can occur, meaning projects need to be started over. Ineffective communications means low morale a...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...


for employees means more days off for those same employees. As such, the communication could read as follows: "As you know,...

Problems at Koito

the management of is a subjective judgment as it represents a clash of cultures, for Japanese investors there is a culture where t...

Nature of Victory in Russo-Japanese War

February 8, 1904 and September 5, 1905, was decisively won by the Japanese. There has been some debate as to whether or not the Ja...

The Body in Contemporary Japanese Art

approach of these animators, led by Kanada, was "extremely Japanese," as drawing a "single-perspective painting" never crossed the...

Comparison of Films Robert Altman's Nashville and Robert Drew's Primary

Dean Story, was far more interested in film as an expansive theatrical art, represented by the Hollywood blockbuster features (ONe...

Comparative Analysis of Japanese and British Parliaments

In a paper of forty pages these two systems are compared and contrasted in terms of similarities and differences and discusses the...


First the American version, which was written to the companys president, Mr. John Johnson. Dear Mr. Johnson, Im...

Nursing Questions

provide effective communication, the Band Aid song "Do They Know Its Christmas" a song which led to Live Aid was effective; this w...

Japanese Culture in the Seventeenth Century

In nine pages the Japanese cultural period known as Genroku is examined in terms of the cultural contributions of dramatist Chikam...

Capitalism Fuels Colonial Expansion

the scene may seem sublime, it can be interpreted as a depiction of contrast between cultures. In the foreground stands the Europ...

Counseling Ethnic Minorities

at once the most primitive and most efficient means of communication throughout time: the art of narration, or storytelling. Huma...