Essays 1 - 30


Presents arguments against the death penalty in the United States. There are 10 sources listed in the bibliography of this 7-page ...

Death Penalty Arguments Both For and Against

on executions so that the society can take time to figure out why the system is broken (2002). Then, possibly, it is alluded that ...

Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment

several Christian societies which still use the Bible as a basis for their arguments for the death penalty. Largely, however even ...

Arguing Against Capital Punishment

the loss of a life, even if that life is at the hands of the justice system. Introduction: Consider this: As long as the death...

Arguing Against Capital Punishment

also recognized that the "overburdened public defense attorneys" who often represent the poor may be a part of the problem that ha...

Arguing Against the Death Penalty

An outline and proposal of one page is included in this opposition to the death penalty consisting of twelve pages total. Twelve ...

Stating a Case Against the Death Penalty

actions if they involve pedophilia, rape or murder. The families of murder victims often wait for a verdict of death and believe t...

Against the Death Penalty

a moral or an ethic is right for it is a very personal reality. As such one can only persuade another to their side with the under...

Basic Argument Opposing Capital Punishment

be the case. This is because they want justice for their loved one. They do not want to see a murderer enjoy even another hour of ...

Death Penalty for Juveniles

has been, and is, a great deal of talk and controversy about the death penalty in the United States. There are many people who fee...

Refuting the Death Penalty

of the most common reasons given to support capital punishment is the notion that executing a criminal is somehow a necessary act ...

Opposing the California Death Penalty

In five pages this essay refutes each of the arguments posed by proponents of California's death penalty. There are four bibliogr...

Arguing Against Capital Punishment

In six pages this paper argues that the high probability of error is sufficient to abolish capital punishment in the United States...

In Favor of Capital Punishment

In six pages this paper assesses the debate from both sides before arguing in favor of the morality and effectiveness of capital p...

Arguing for Quick Executions of Convicted Death Penalty Inmates

as their cases are rehashed over and over again is not only expensive but allows these criminals a chance to profit from their cri...

An Effective Closing Argument in a Death Penalty Case

one chosen for consumption. Bill was only 14 years old. Mike dies after rescue and Mark seems to have had a psychotic break. Mark ...

Death Penalty Argument

that the death penalty is not a deterrent against crimes when the death penalty is in place. One author, in fact, states that hom...

Analysis of an Article by New York Governor George Pataki on Capital Punishment

my predecessors had ignored the urgent calls for justice from our citizens-their repeated and pressing demands for the death penal...

US Society and the Death Penalty Argument

Penalty, 2002). Society has changed considerably since the 14th century BCE, and it is evident that the way in which our so...

Arguments on the Death Penalty

In five pages the different positions one can take regarding the issue of capital punishment are presented both pro and con. Six ...

An Argument for the Death Penalty

that the Constitution contains a "right to die" (Callahan 10). But apparently, those liberals who have made such a mess of the la...

Death Penalty Support and Argument Rebuttal

At the risk of repeating a clich?, there is no vale in killing somebody to illustrate it is wrong to kill somebody. Bringing the ...

Arguing in Favor of Capital Punishment

This paper consists of five pages and discusses how the death penalty can serve as a crime deterrent as illustrated by large city ...

Canada Capital Punishment Argument

In a paper consisting of ten pages the argument that supports the death penalty in Canada is presented. Eight sources are cited i...

Death Penalty Supporting Argument

In seven pages an argument that supports the death penalty as justified punishment in terms of retribution, deterrence, and infall...

An Argument for Outlawing the Death Penalty in New Jersey

This six page paper presents numerous reasons why the death penalty sould be outlawed in New Jersey. Twelve sources are listed....

Abolish Capital Punishment

row inmates, it performs its most solemn duty. However, if the state makes a mistake, there is no possible way it can rectify its ...

In Support of Capital Punishment

The death penalty, as controversial as it may be, should be valid option in todays criminal justice system. Unless such a radical...

Argument: The Status Quo Favoring the Death Penalty is Unjust

all those "red blooded Americans" who have the "love it or leave it" mindset, it might be useful to point out that this list conta...

An Argument for the Death Penalty

another. That, however, is precisely the point that a strict adherence to the death penalty would bring home to potential crimina...