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Essays 1 - 30

Data Collection Tools/Patient Safety

This research paper addresses selection of data collection and other relevant tools for use in a quality improvement project that...

Pneumonia and Tool for Data Collection

"yes" response to a question requiring clarification takes the user directly to the point where that clarification can be entered....

Qualitative Data Collection Tools and Probability Distribution Subjectivity

be used to collect the same type of data but the interview requires the presence and interaction of the researcher. Once again, s...

Collecting and Using Marketing Data; The Case of Tesco

years is so valuable that Tesco has bought out the IT compnay that used electronic data transfer to collect and analysis the data....

IT Professionals and Data Collection

may be asked. A tool that has become increasingly popular is that of the pop up survey. The pop up survey will...

Data Presentation and Methods of Statistical Evaluation

changes resulting from the training program (Kirkpatrick, 1998). Measuring results, which helps researchers actually deter...

Safety and Health

also places emphasis on the role of ongoing training and self improvement. Even if we look at commercial models for the way an org...

Patient Teaching Plan on Diabetes and the Internet

In five pages this paper examines how the Internet can be used as a tool to teach patients how to manage the disease diabetes....

Nursing Shortage & Patient Safety

established that nurses are often involved in the "timely identification of complications," which, if acted upon swiftly, prevent ...

Quality Improvement Tools Healthcare

or the frequency level of falls in terms of overall patient numbers. For quality improvement to take place it is necessary not onl...

Passenger and Cargo Flights; Which are the Safest?

up. In 2005 the aviation industry passenger and cargo was worth US $98.1 billion, of this 83.9% was the passenger industry and th...

Health in Richmond County NY

This essay offers an overview of health and safety in Richmond County, NY (Staten Island). Demographic data and health data are in...

Review of Nurses Experiences Care for Patients with Prehypertension

The writer reviews a research article provided by the student, which uses a narrative methodology in order to examine the experien...

Avian Flu 2

include HPAI in a local bird population and contact with another patient with an unexplained repository disease and a positive res...

Alleviating the Credit Crunch

been seen in many countries, including the UK and the US. The question is, is this approach that is viable and can work. Despite a...

Workplace Safety and OSHA

are several factors to consider when presenting a safety meeting in order to make sure that it is truly helpful and meaningful dur...

Issues with RHIOs

A RHIO is a type of health information exchange organization where certain professionals upload health/medical data and other prof...

Case Study of Patient Evaluation

The following are the five DSM-IV-TR Diagnoses based on the DSM Five-Axis determinations: Axis I: Alcohol dependence...

Type and Incidence of Falls in Patients of a Home Care Nursing Agency

only injuries in 53% of the falls recorded. It should be noted that for other types of injury there were some cross overs, for exa...

Aviation Safety

so seldom, they are measured in terms of rate per million departures and the data is worldwide. Between 1950 and 2009, there were ...

MIS In Schools

make this change will have to consider and plan for. The installation and technical operation as well as the human aspects need to...

Primary Crime Data Sources: Compare/Contrast

rural, urban, gender, culture and age (Bureau of Justice, 2001). NCVS modified its methodology in the late 1980s to improve upon ...

Approach Methodology Designed for Research to Assess Client Satisfaction Levels

Eriksson and Wiedersheim-Paul (1997), state that the purpose of the research is to tell the readers of the paper the intentions of...

Assessing a Family through Social Work and Data Collection

This outline of five pages emphasize the significance of a social worker's collection of data by describing the interventions used...

Statistics and Research Methods

In thirty two pages and 8 sections various types of research topics, methods, and hypotheses are discussed with questionnaires, da...

The Commonalities and Differences in Research using Focus Groups and Group Interviews

The writer looks at two methods of gathering data for qualitative research; group interviews and the use of focus groups. Each met...

Nutritional Content of Food

3 oz (85 g) 0 21 13 116 205 Pork, cured, ham, patties, grilled 1 pattie (60g) 1 8 19 167 205 Beef, ground, 75% lean meat / 25% fat...

Clinical Trials and Patient Safety

In fifty five pages this paper examines clinical trials and patient safety in a discussion of major issues, audit findings, strate...

Hospital Patient Safety

for patient safety identified these specific goals. For obvious reasons, these are copied directly from the Commissions Web page. ...


also useful for the health care plans that are bidding on the business - it lets them know who the competition is, and where they ...