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Essays 121 - 150

Religion and Romance in John Donne's Poetry

In six pages this report discusses how religion manifests itself in John Donne's love poetry with the soul's passions and spiritua...

Controversy and Kudos -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

One of England's foremost poet and philosopher-critic during the Romantic Movement, Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote some of the grea...

Analysis of 'Desert Places' by Robert Frost

contemporaries, Frost sees no meaning in nature. It is simply emptiness. There is no God there, no Creator, just emptiness. In the...

Irony in 'The Chimney Sweeper' by William Blake

Encyclopedia, 5th edition, and notes that irony is: ". . . figure of speech in which what is stated is not what is meant. The user...

Comparative Analysis of the Poetry of William Wordsworth and Walt Whitman

For example, in verse six, Whitman is ". . . Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms/strong and content I tra...

Gender and Death in 4 Poems by Anne Sexton

In other words, to be a woman outside the accepted societal role for women is not to be a woman. As this indicates, any woman wh...

Angelou: “Phenomenal Woman”

When she heard about the murder, she "fell silent and did not speak for five years" (Bloom). She began to speak once more when she...

Blake and Wordsworth

narrative voice relates how his mother died when he was quite young and his father sold him before he could cry "weep." In the Nor...

Romantic Poets

his life with his sister and his wife and their children, and wrote his poetry. There is, however, focus in much critical assessme...

Temporality and Lord Byron

and writers in his extensive travels (Lutz 23). Linking him to traditions that span back to Odysseus, Harold is essentially in sea...

Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Religious Literary Devices

in a manner that was often regarded as blasphemous by her Puritan and Calvinist neighbors. Emily Dickinsons approach to poetry wa...

Transitional Figure Petrarch

In nine pages this paper discusses how Petrarch provides the Medieval to Renaissance transition and examines the poet's letters an...

'Sonnet XIX' by John Milton

In six pages this paper discusses how Milton reveals his value to his Creator through verse in a consideration of such techniques ...

Shades of Anger, Rafeef Ziadah

This paper offers a summary, analysis and background information on Rafeef Ziadah's poem "Shades of Anger," which expresses the po...

Poems for Children by Shel Silverstein and Robert Louis Stevenson

wide" (line 6) is empowering, freeing, and infinitely entertaining. From the time that his first book of verse for children was ...

Informally Examining Romantic Poets and Poetry

unspoiled by either man or society? In "The Tiger," Blake appears to be pondering the marvels of the world while at the same time...

Influence of Death in the Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe

In six pages the ways in which Poe's poems 'Lenore,' 'The Raven,' 'Annabel Lee,' and 'To Helen' are influenced by the deaths of th...

'The Soul Selects Her Own Society' by Emily Dickinson

just a few words (McConnell). The first stanza shows the thesis. The soul or the individual person is sovereign in deciding who ...

Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath, and Crisis in Poetry

In six pages this paper examines how poetry can be used to express a poet's crisis in 'Lady Lazarus' by Sylvia Plath and 'My Life ...

Irony in Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington Robinson

In five pages Robinson's poem is analyzed in terms of the poet's use of irony as a way of revealing how a wealthy man's life can b...

Poetry of John Keats and Lawlessness

In eight pages this paper examines how lawlessness is thematically expressed by John Keats in his 'Robin Hood' poem and how this ...

Loss of Light and 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night' by Dylan Thomas

In four pages this paper argues that the poet's uses of 'light' involve loss of life in terms of the fighting for life and grief o...

Analysis of 'Under Milk Wood' by Dylan Thomas

In three pages this poem is analyzed in its depiction of loving women, the life cycle, death's inevitability, and the loss of inno...

Dylan Thomas's 'Fern Hill' and Revisiting Childhood

In five pages this poem is analyzed in terms of the poet's employment of imagery and the reasons for its complexity. Two sources ...

'To Lucasta' by Richard Lovelace

In two pages this essay analyzes this love poem in terms of the poet's descriptive language and its emotional attributes. There i...

Songs of Experience by William Blake

This paper considers how the poet's life was negatively impacted by religion and circumstances as revealed in his collection of po...

Art is Imitating Life in Thomas Hardy's Poetry

awhile as an architect before devoting himself to literature as a full-time vocation. He married in 1874, and within ten years, t...

Paul Laurence Dunbar and Phillis Wheatley comparing the Work of the Two Authors

Although Paul Laurence Dunbar was born nearly a century after Wheatley's death, the two authors share common traits other than the...

John Donne's Poetry and Themes of Love and Death

In ten pages John Donne's poetry including 'Valediction Forbidding Mourning,' 'The Sunne Rising,' and 'The Anniversary' are exami...

A Poetic Explication of 'The Paper' by Merwin

In one page the images and themes presented in this poem are discussed with the conclusion drawn that this excellent prose belies ...