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Essays 1 - 30

Declaration of Independence's Concepts

the peoples rights, so to speak, but rather the people were controlled and ruled by the government. In this particular line of ...

Comparative Analysis of the Vietnamese and U.S. Declarations of Independence

In one page these 2 countries respective independence declarations are contrasted and compared....

Declaration of Independence's Unfulfilled Promises

Thurgood Marshall, for example, minced no words about his feelings about the Declaration and the Constitution in his 1987 work, "A...

Declaration of Independence Quote Examination

other than those who made the decisions, and those that made the decisions were the white men, and predominantly the white men who...

The Historical Roots of the Impetus for the Declaration of Independence

This six page paper traces the impetus for the U.S. Declaration of Independence to the Magna Carta and to the Bible itself. The ...

John Locke's Theories and the Declaration of Independence

Reasonableness of Christianity, An Essay Concerning Toleration, and the Consequences of Lowering of Interest and Raising the Value...

Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson, 'Story of an Hour' by Kate Chopin, and Freedoms

and as such women did not have these freedoms at the time the Declaration of Independence was written. Interestingly enough, tod...

Declaration of Independence Authors and Slaveholding

the text of the U.S. Constitution (DSouza, 1995). Perhaps the founding fathers did not regard African Americans as men or slaves....

Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson and Created Equal by the Friedmans

likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." While a well known mandate, this paragraph provides a sense that indeed, man does ha...

Underlying Premises of the Declaration of Independence

Independences blatant account of the injustices that were perceived and its writers presumptuous statement of intent to seek indep...

Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson

In three pages this paper examines how Jefferson borrowed from Enlightenment theories and John Locke's political philosophy in wri...

Declaration of Independences and Birth Rights According to Alfred Young and Thomas Paine

In 5 pages this paper examines birth rights in accordance to the articles penned by Alfred Young and Thomas Paine and expressed in...

Declaration of Independence and Abraham Lincoln

In five pages this paper argues that Abraham Lincoln cannot be regarded as a great U.S. President if internal truths are represent...

The Declaration of Independence by Zinn

The themes Howard Zinn presents in his text The Declaration of Independence are analyzed in seven pages. There are no other sourc...

Two Hundred and Twenty Five Years After the Declaration of Independence

In five pages this document is examined from the perspective of 225 years after its issuance in terms of its concepts and compromi...

Declaration of Independences and Its Implications

In five pages the U.S. and global implications of the Declaration of Independence are assessed. Four sources are cited in the bib...

Comparison of the Declaration of Independence and Emancipation Proclamation

In five pages these two historical documents are compared. Five sources are cited in the bibliography....

Overview of the Declaration of Independence

are quite the same as anybody elses; but all are entitled to an equal voice in deciding how they should be governed" (The Economis...

Comparison Between the Declaration of Independence and Second Treatise of Government by John Locke

Choosing life, protecting life and so forth is a part of the culture. There are end of life issues that beg for resolution but by ...

Principles and Purpose of the Declaration of Independence

to give their reasons for breaking with the British Crown. So the declaration not only establishes the United States as an indepe...

The Federalist Papers and Declaration of Independence Annotated Bibliography

This is an annotated bibliography presentation in four pages of five books that consider the Federalist Papers and the Declaration...

How Natural Law is a part of the Declaration of Independence

It is a concept that suggests freedom but is not equated entirely with it. Finally, the pursuit of happiness is a broad suggestion...

Declaration of Independence/Constitution & Law

are ruled directly the people. In a republic, the government is run by the peoples elected representatives. Samuel Adams, a signer...

The Declaration of Independence and Being a Colonist

had been gradually doing so for many years. The British government, however, cared nothing for the new nation until it did become ...

Injuries in the Declaration of Independence

to demonstrate the objections, s this allowed the government to place troops in civilian households in order to use them as lodgin...

Five American Thinkers and How They Employed the Declaration of Independence into Their Writings

thinkers in American history, including Andrew Jackson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, and Martin Luth...

Pursuing Democratic Principles from Declaration of Independence to the US Constitution

ONLY is a little over 9 pgs!!! 11 14 3037 (5-10-10) 3150 12 15 3375 13 16 3600 14 18 15 19 16 20 4500 neede...

The Declaration of Independence and the Second Treatise of Government

to the Declaration of Independence. That Locke influenced the ideas of the men who created the declaration is obvious. Lockes (16...

The US Declaration of Independence and the Importance of the Industrial Revolution

This paper analyzes the relationship that exists between these two key developments in world history. There are five sources in t...

American History

Britain and Britain had no right to anything that was produced or created in the new nation. The student could also look at Thomas...