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Essays 1 - 30

Defining Physiological Psychology

Banduras (1986) theory also addresses gender issues and how they span a significant range of behavioral concerns based upon perfor...

Careers Of Industrial-Organization Psychology And Physiological Psychology

a broader community. The efforts made bring to light just how much of a contributing factor the mentally ill can become when give...

Practice of Psychology

behind human behavior and learned a great deal within the setting of the laboratory. Psychoanalysis began with Freud and gained de...

Industrial Organizational Psychology

1921, James Cattell founded the Psychological Corporation for the purpose of advancing psychology and promoting its value in indus...

Cross-Cultural Psychology

There is a direct relationship between cultural and cross-cultural psychology. It is cultural psychology that provides the basis f...


heightened emotions, he also looked at the idea that humidity inside the head could be a contributory factor in mood disorders. ...

American Psychology - Considering Three Streams

also divides Humanistic Psychology into three divisions: transpersonal psychology, somatic and experiential therapies and radical ...

Lance Armstrong and the notion 'Its Not About the Bike'

on Armstrongs body but the real heroics are attributable to the man and to the body itself! Armstrong was diagnosed with te...

Relationship Between Cardiovascular Disease Stress and Cardiovascular Reactivity

rest and sleep to the heightened conditions experienced during maximal exercise (Turner, 1994). In other words:...

The Contributions of Abraham Maslow

danger, job security, stability in life and even a degree of structure that one can depend on (Boeree, 2007). The next level inclu...

Positive Psychology Burnout

This essay discusses different issues in psychology. It explains what positive psychology is and its strategies; it explains what ...

Issues in Psychology

This essay offers five questions with answers. Topics include using behavior modification to change one's own behavior, developmen...

Selection and Training in Organizational Psychology

fit with the organization in question. In the context of training, employees are better able to learn and master new skills when t...

Branches of Psychology

psychology is social psychology, which also includes sub-disciplines such as environmental psychology which have become quite prom...

Psychology's Sub-Disciplines and Their Practical Import in Brief

In a paper of four pages, the writer looks at psychology as a whole and its many different sub-disciplines. The paper examines beh...

Comparative Analysis of 3 Psychological Theories

someone ... we are not saying that he or she is in a particular internal state or condition. Instead, we are characterizing the pe...

Psychology and the Community

What is community psychology? This research report focuses on that very subject. Ecological psychology is referenced. This special...

A History Of Psychology

This paper examines the history of psychology from ancient times to the present. The author focuses on psychology's evolution fro...

Behavior Therapy Article Reviews

In sixteen pages psychology articles related to the issue of behavior therapy are reviewed....

George A. Reker's Counseling Families

parents hold down full-time jobs are the rule rather than the exception, and as Rekers has observed, this creates problems among b...

Human Psychology in William Faulkner's Sanctuary and Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

In three pages this paper examines the primary characters in these two stories in terms of society's treatment of them and human p...

Clinical Psychology Paragraphs and Ph.D. Entrance Essays

considering the field of clinical psychology and psychotherapy as possible career choices, and I entered Adelphi Universitys termi...

Communication and Psychology

world around them which in turn will impact on the way communication takes place (Coupland et al, 1991). The use of this then ext...

Jean Piagot’s Contribution to Adolescent Psychology

The time of Piaget was a time when new awareness was also coming to the specific condition of children, as they were seen as separ...

Overview of a Doctoral Program Statement of Intent

to make an impact on society as a whole. My first goal is academic. My pursuit of an education extends from my belief that the ...

Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Entrance Essays and Paragraphs

a diverse, interesting and developmentally appropriate body of information from which children can understand the world around the...


infants learn the opposite lessons required for living within a civilized society, which ultimately causes him to display uncontro...

Jealousy As Defined By Evolutionary Psychology

home. A woman by herself may be better equipped to ferret out survival but if she also had children, such abandonment could well ...

Psychology Scientifically Defined

Psychology is scientifically defined in this paper consisting of six pages. Six sources are cited in the bibliography....

Being a Man in the 1999 Film Boys Don’t Cry

petty crime - such as writing bad checks - to pay for these procedures and as long as he perpetuates the illusion of being a male,...